COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES- Special Meeting June 20 2023
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Annexing Property on Kinsmen Rd
June 20th , 2023
Mayor Albert Gallant called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Albert Gallant – Mayor
Allan Parks – Deputy Mayor
Ivan Blanchard- Councillor
Jacqueline Lecky- Councillor
Charles MacAusland- Councillor (Absent)
David Hughes- Councillor
Corey Gillis Councillor
Michelle Perry- CAO
3 members of the public
Mayor Gallant opened the meeting at 7:00pm and handed the meeting over to Councilor Lecky
Councillor Lecky answered the questions that the public had from the previous meeting.
The public’s questions from the last meeting.
Q: Will they have to connect to the sewer.
A: They do not have too, but they will be charged the annual sewer rate from the community as the lines goes directly in front of their properties.
Q: If they have to hook up shouldn’t the community pay for the cost of this.
A: The community will only cover the cost from running the sewer line from the end of the residence property line to the main line. The residents will be responsible from their property line to the dwelling.
Q: Is there a grant to hook up the sewer line.
A: No unfortunately there is no grant as this is privately owned land.
Q: Can the community provide an estimate as to what it would cost per ft to get hooked up.
A: We can provide you with names of contractors that do that kind of work, that the resident can contact to get an estimate.
Councillor Lecky also informed the residents that council had made a decision to apply to IRAC to annex the property and bring them into the community. She asked if there were any additional questions. The residence’s wanted to know how long the process will take. CAO Perry informed them that it can take anywhere from 6-12 months to have approval. And IRAC will have a public meeting that will be in the paper as to when it will be in case they wanted to go to that one as well.
Mayor Gallant thanked everyone for coming to the meeting