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Monthly Council Meeting
October 10th, 2023
Mayor Albert Gallant called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Albert Gallant – Mayor
Allan Parks – Deputy Mayor
Ivan Blanchard- Councillor
Charles MacAusland Councillor
Corey Gillis Councillor
David Hughes- Councillor (Absent)
Michelle Perry- CAO
2. Peter Mellish from the ATV federation did a brief presentation on share the road- pilot project. Basically the ATV club is looking for support from the community by having them write a support letter to the Minister of Transportation, to change the provincial act to allow ATV to share designated roads. Peter will send some of the letters he received from other communities to review by council. Mayor Gallant thanked Peter for the presentation.
3. Declaration of Conflict of Interest: No One declared a Conflict of Interest.
4. MAINTENANCE REPORT: Monty MacAusland gave the following report: The community received their salt for the upcoming season, and he was wondering if it would be not more beneficial for the community to have a metal container. This way they can get bulk salt and sand and mix it for the season and it would be a lot cheaper than buying the bags. Council asked if he would get a couple of quotes for next meeting.
5. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Meeting minutes Monthly Meeting September 12th, and Special Meeting September 20th, 2023.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard seconded by Charles MacAusland and carried.
THAT the minutes for the Monthly Meeting September 12th, and Special meeting September 20th, 2023, be approved as presented.
a) West Lagoon Upgrades: The clay liner is almost completed, and the contractor will be working on Saturdays to get the project done.
b) Wilfred St: The projected started and they are about half way down the street putting in the drainage.
c) Restructuring the community: No news on this from IRAC..
d) Wheelchair Accessible Bathroom: The project is about half completed and another week it should be done.
e) Repairs to the sidewalk Main Dr E: The project is set to start in the next couple of weeks.
f) Hydrant: The driveway will be completed soon and WSP is still sourcing the pump, and they provided a sketch as to how the driveway and turning area will look. This is subject to change once the driveway goes in.
g) Quotes for the New Generator for the Rec Center: The community is still waiting for 2 more quotes for generators to see what the pricing is.
h) Building on the Easement in Iris Court: CAO Perry did not get a chance to check with legal about this, and she will for the next meeting.
a) Fire Dept: Councilor MacAusland was not at the last meeting, and there is no one from the department to give a report. Chief Woodbury did reach out to CAO Perry to as if council will still donate money towards Halloween night for pizza.
MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Charles MacAusland and carried
That the community donate $200.00 towards Pizza for Halloween Night.
b) Recreation, Park, Playgrounds and Green Spaces: Councilor MacAusland gave the following report: Bingo are going well. He also wanted to know about purchasing new equipment for the Kelly Dr Park and swings for the Steeple view park. Council suggested that he get some pricing and maybe they can look at it during budget time for the new fiscal year.
c) Water & Sewer: Councilor Gillis gave the following report: The manhole covers that were needing repair from 2019 have been completed. He also suggested again that the community flush some of the main lines before winter, since the annual flushing was not done this year. Council agreed to have this done before winter.
d) Repairs, Maintenance and Village Properties: Councilor Blanchard gave the following report: The new heat pump at the rec center was not working and a part was ordered under warranty to fix it. It was also mentioned about the painting at the rec center that is chipping off and needs to be touched up as it has not been 6 months yet since it was painted.
e) PEI Federation of Municipalities: Councilor Hughes was absent so no report was given.
f) Finances, Budgets, Pay Committee, Bylaws and Planning: Councillor Parks gave the following report. The finances are good, the pay committee will meet in the new year. The bylaws will be reviewed in the new year, and there were 2 building permits issued this month 21 Augustine st and 5 McMillan Dr, both were for storage sheds.
MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Corey Gillis and carried.
THAT the payment of the bills totaling $ 713,055.93 be approved.
a) Purchase Land for a Subdivision: It was discussed that the community should start looking into the future for development in their community. Council discussed that they are opened to development, but that the community is not in a financial position to be a developer at the moment. But that they will certainly be open to any developer developing in the community. But they also have to be mindful on the lagoon’s capacity so that they are not over extending themselves.
b) Extension on the Garage: Council was made aware by maintenance that the garage is so full with equipment and supplies that there is nowhere to move in there. And that it would be great if a piece could be added on so that if you need to work on equipment you have room to do so. Rather than having to work in the parking lot. Council agreed to look into this to see where the boundaries are and how much room they would have to build if this is the way they decide to go.
c) At this time council asked that the meeting be closed to discuss a personal issue. Public left the meeting. After 10 minutes council opened the meeting back up to the public. For unforeseen circumstances the By Election for December 11, 2023, will be postponed for 1 week till December 18, 2023.
9. NEXT MEETING: Monthly Meeting November 14th, 2023
MOTION moved by Charles MacAusland THAT the meeting of October 10th, 2023 be adjourned.
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