COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES- Special Meeting February 16 2022
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Special Meeting 2022/2023 Budget Proposal and 1st Reading of General Borrowing Bylaw
February 16th, 2022
Mayor Albert Gallant called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.
Albert Gallant – Mayor
Allan Parks – Deputy Mayor
Jacqueline Lecky- Councillor
Pat MacLellan – Councillor
John Searle- Councillor (Absent)
Ivan Blanchard- Councillor
Joan Arsenault – Councillor
Michelle Perry- CAO
No public Showed
Albert opened the meeting and gave the floor to Finance Chair Allan Parks. Allan presented the Budget for the new fiscal year ending March 31, 2023. He went over in detail the increases and decrease of the budget. He also presented council with the capital expenditures over the next couple of years.
Councillor Jacqueline Lecky read the 1st reading of the General Borrowing Bylaw 2022-01.
MOTION moved by Jacqueline Lecky seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried
THAT the 1st reading of the General Borrowing Bylaw 2022-01 be approved as read.
Albert thanked everyone for coming
Meeting adjourned.