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Monthly Council Meeting
April 13th, 2021
Mayor Albert Gallant called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Albert Gallant – Mayor
Allan Parks – Deputy Mayor
Jacqueline Lecky- Councillor
Pat MacLellan – Councillor
John Searle- Councillor
Ivan Blanchard- Councillor
Joan Arsenault – Councillor
Michelle Perry- CAO
2. Nick and Mike from the forestry came and gave council a small presentation on how community’s can get involved in Fire Smart and how the council can get the community involved in making the residents aware on what they can do in the community to prevent fires. They are looking for a champion community to be the first one on the island for fire prevention. They gave council the website to look for funding and ways to get the community involved.
Albert thanked them for the presentation and council will look at the website to see what they can do.
3. Declaration of Conflict of Interest: No one declared a conflict of interest.
4. FIRE DEPARTMENT: Chief Jason Woodbury gave the following report. The department as started to do there meeting through Zoom ½ in the hall and the other half on zoom and the turn out was good. They are doing their training in 2 groups. They are hoping to have the unveiling of the monument in the fall of 2021. 3 members completed the Level 2 classroom and now will be doing the hands on training. One of the members in the past has detailed the trucks at $200.00 a truck and wanted to know if council would like this done again this year. Policy and procedures have been updated. The department started Chase the Ace again, and Jason has a meeting with the President and Division Rep of the PEI Firefighters Association to see about getting back in the association with out having to past last years dues as they had formally declined membership last year. Jason spoke with the sales rep on the new fire truck to see what the pricing had changed since last year. And he quoted him $425,000.00-$450,000.00 because of the exchange rate and the material cost. Up from $388,000.00 and the truck can take 12-14 months to be delivered. The decontamination kit has arrived and been installed, and when the bunker gear was professionally cleaned it was determined that 4 sets of bunker gear would need to be replace this year as they were expired. Also after reviewing the Fire Service Bylaw there are a few amendments that need to be made. Jason went over the changes with council and Michelle will print council off a copy and send it to council to review.
5. MAINTENANCE REPORT: The submersible pumps were order and Gas Tax was applied to be used for them. Also council wanted more information about the diesel tank. Monty advised that to have a tank on the property would not help him as he would have to haul tanks to the generators. Also to have a slip tank on the truck we would have to worry about liability and put money into getting the truck upgraded to be able to haul it. So this would not be feasible at this time. Also Michelle ordered 4 pallets of salt for the next season as the price was going up
$1.00 a bag and we saved $1.60 a bag by buying 4 pallets.
6. REC CENTER REPORT: Councillor Jacqueline Lecky gave the following report: Bingo are doing good we are averaging 95-100 people a week. However there are some concerns about the lighting they are saying that it is to dim. Michelle had checked into it and we can get 50% with a grant and they apply for the PEI Efficiency for the rebate on the lights.
MOTION moved by John Searle seconded by Jacqueline Lecky and carried
THAT the Community replace the 12 light fixtures in the main hall at the Rec Center with LED Lights and apply for the Grant to cover 50% of the cost.
7. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Meeting minutes for March 9th, and Special Meeting March 22nd and March 23rd, 2021
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard seconded by Jacqueline Lecky and carried
THAT the minutes for March 9th, and Special Meeting March 22nd and March 23rd, 2021 be approved as presented.
a) West Lagoon ICIP Funding: The funding has been applied for and the community will not find out till May if they have been approved for the project. The community cost will be $850,000.00
b) Disable Washroom at the Fire Hall: Michelle is still waiting for a contractor to come and look to see if there is enough room to put one in.
c) IRAC Rate Analysis: Michelle got the rate analysis for 3 years and 5 years at $40.00 a year. At the end of the 5 years the community will have a surplus of $50,000.00
MOTION moved by Jacqueline Lecky seconded by Allan Parks and carried
THAT the Community go with the increase of $40.00 for the next 5 years and have a public meeting in the fall to advise the residents.
Ivan Blanchard voted No. Motion carried.
d) Corcoran’s Farms: Michelle gave a copy of the unsightly property bylaw to each council member and they have reviewed it and they have decided that this property as it is a business does not fall under this bylaw.
e) Heritage Subdivision signs for right away: Council discussed putting the signs back but since the last signs were not up for 2 weeks and were stolen they have decided not to put any up again.
a) Fire Dept: Already discussed.
b) Planning Board- Development Permits- Permit was issued to 30 Laughlin St and 89 Kelly Dr
for Single Family Dwelling.
c) Sewer: There were 2 issues with the sewer at 22 Lady Slipper Dr S and 56 Lady Slipper Dr N.
22 was a root ball that needed to be cut and 56 was a block in the line. Council wanted Michelle to make sure that the resident of 22 Lady Slipper knew that they will continue to have issue with the line as long as the tree was still on the property as the tree was creating a root ball in the line.
d) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights: Line was video in the fire hall and it is a bit collapsed but does not need to be replaced at this time. The grates will be cleaned out once a month. Also the down spout at the back of the fire hall will need to be fixed. Monty and Jason will do it on the next nice day on a Monday when Jason is in the office.
e) Community Improvements: Some of the youth in the community are looking to see if the community will purchase another piece of equipment for the skate park. Jacqueline will get some ideas on what they are looking for so we can get pricing to see if funding is available.
f) Finances:
MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Jacqueline Lecky and carried
THAT the payment of the bills totaling $ 29,234.91 is approved.
a) FPEIM Annual Meeting: The meeting will be April 26th, 2021 via Zoom registration has to be before April 23.
b) PID 863290: Ivan Blanchard presented the property to council to see if maybe the owner should be contacted to see about selling the land so the community can finish the subdivision. There is approximately 24.24 acres although some of it can not be used due to the distance of the Lagoon. Also it would have to be looked into to see how much of the land can be used and what it would cost to have the road put in. Council suggested to send a request to the owner to see if they are interested in selling before anything else is done.
c) Unsightly Property Lady Slipper Dr S: Michelle received a complaint from a resident about 2 properties on Lady Slipper Dr S that are next to their property and they have some concerns about a rat problem. They wanted to make council aware so that something can be done before this becomes a bigger issue. Council reviewed the Unsightly Bylaw again and advised Michelle to send letters to the residents to clean up their properties.
d) Graffiti at the Skate Park: There has been some graffiti at the skate park on the equipment which Monty taped off and spray painted over it.12. NEXT MEETING: May 11th, 2021
MOTION moved by John Searle THAT the meeting of April 13th, 2021 be adjourned.