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Monthly Council Meeting
April 11th , 2023
Mayor Albert Gallant called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Albert Gallant – Mayor
Allan Parks – Deputy Mayor
Jacqueline Lecky- Councillor
Ivan Blanchard- Councillor
Charles MacAusland Councillor
Corey Gillis Councillor
David Hughes- Councillor
Michelle Perry- CAO
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest: No one declared a conflict of interest.
3. MAINTENANCE REPORT: Monty MacAusland gave the following report:. Spring clean up will be started as soon as the ground is dry enough.
4. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Meeting minutes for March 14th, and Special Meeting March 28th,2023.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard seconded by Charles MacAusland and carried
THAT the minutes for March 14th, and Special Meeting on March 28th, 2023 be approved as presented.
a) West Lagoon Upgrades: Council discussed the options for the West Lagoon upgrades
MOTION moved by Jacqueline Lecky seconded by Corey Gillis and carried
THAT the Community defer the Sludge removal. Rock Lining and Lay Down area for the Sludge bags from the project, until they can apply for funding to complete this part of the project. Also making sure that they will be in compliance on the New Upgrades.
b) New Development PID 843086. The development permits have been issued for 6-4 unit apartments. The road going in to the property off of Kelly will be a private road and the street has been named Dawsyn Ct
c) Wilfred St: No news yet
d) Annex Property off of Kinsmen Rd: There was a question brought up as to who would be responsible for getting the sewer hooked up to the Main. Council is thinking about starting the process for annex the property but wants to find a bit of information first before the process.
e) Grant for Project:
MOTION moved by Jacqueline Lecky seconded by Corey Gillis and carried
THAT the Community apply for funding to cover the equipment for the fire department, new flooring for the seniors room, cameras and paint the downstairs at the Rec Center and new Welcome signs for the community.
f) Office Space for the Municipalities: Councillor Gillis brought up some concerns that since St Nicholas is only paying $25.00 a week for the space that the community should be fair and charge Linkletter the same amount. This will be tabled for the next meeting to be brought up for discussion.
a) Fire Dept: Councillor Lecky gave the following report: 1 motor vehicle accident in the last month. They have a new radio and will be doing some training on it. The members will be fitted for bunker gear. Leblanc was here for the annual inspection, The juniors are still selling tickets if anyone would like to buy any. The department received a grant for Fire Smart for $500.00 and they were the only department on the island that applied for it. They would like to see if Council could contribute $200.00 towards the BBQ that they will be having on May 6 for the Fire District. They have been doing sessions educating the public on how they can protect their property. The department will be going back to Level 2 response. And there was some talk on the Medal and changing it from a 30 year medal to 5-10 increments. This was tabled till the proposal comes through on what it will cost and look like. Also the department would like to know if council will be giving them any money back on the uniforms that were purchased by the members. This was also tabled till next meeting till we can take a closer look at the finances since the year end will be closed soon. Log books are in place and there is still some members that are not filling them out every time.
MOTION moved by Jacqueline Lecky seconded by David Hughes and carried
THAT the Community donate $200.00 towards the Fire Smart resident day on May 6 2023.
b) Recreation, Park, Playgrounds and Green Spaces: Councilor MacAusland gave the following report: Bingo are going good the big jackpot went out 2 weeks ago and there was no bingo Easter Sunday. April 16 they will be switching back to summer hours so bingo will start at 7 pm. The electrician they gave a quote of $1000.00 for the wiring for the cameras which will be put in for the funding. Trees are still not taking down in the green-space off of Heritage.
c) Water & Sewer: Councilor Gillis gave the following report: Monty was in touch with JC Drilling and they will be completing half of the manhole repairs this summer. Monty will go through the list and see which ones need to be done right away.
d) Repairs, Maintenance and Village Properties: Councilor Blanchard gave the following report: The roof at the Fire hall he is still working on getting a contractor to come and have a look at the roof. Heat pumps were installed at the rec center and he suggested not to keep to much oil in the tank. He received 2 quotes for the welcome signs
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard seconded by Charles MacAusland and carried
THAT the Community go with the lowest tender only if the installation is included. The signs will not be ordered till we can confirm that we have funding.
e) PEI Federation of Municipalities: Councilor Hughes gave the following report: There is a meeting this Thursday in Charlottetown for the Federation, and the Annual meeting in Souris is on April 24th, 2023.
f) Finances, Budgets, Pay Committee, Bylaws and Planning: Councillor Parks gave the following report. Finances are all good and the year end will be closed and sent to the accountant shortly. As far as the Bylaws they will need to be reviewed and see what needs to be changed, and he will set up a committee for this once he is feeling better and able to do this.
MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Jacqueline Lecky and carried
THAT the payment of the bills totaling $ 77,671.82 be approved.
a) Insurance Increase: The municipal coverage for insurance has increased again to 13.2%. CAO Perry had some questions for the broker about the increase and is awaiting information on this.
9. NEXT MEETING: Monthly Meeting May 9th, 2023
MOTION moved by Charles MacAusland THAT the meeting of April 11th, 2023 be adjourned.