COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES- Special Meeting – January 30th, 2017
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Special Council Meeting
January 30th , 2017
Chairperson Peter Mallett called the meeting to order at 4:00 P.M.
Peter Mallett – Chairperson Ivan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson
John Gillis – Councillor
Pat MacLellan – Councillor
Michelle Perry- Administrator
Rob LeBlanc: Representing Slemon Park
Joan Arsenault – Councillor (Absent)
2. Rob Leblanc wanted to meet with Council to go over the Master Plan of Land Use for Slemon Park and he wanted to know what planning Miscouche had in the near future.
Slemon Park plans to Expand on the Business, New Housing and New Training facilities. They also plan to resurface the runway to get it up to standard. They discussed what Miscouche had and what if there was anything that Slemon Park could do for Miscouche. Peter advised him that Their success was our success and that Miscouche is right where they wanted to be at this time. And that if Slemon Park gets new business then that will increase our population here as we are so close to them.
3. Rob asked about the Sewer System and if Slemon Park increases their growth is there any way that they can join on the sewer and water. Peter advised that we do not have water and the sewer system that we have will only be enough for Miscouche as they have a few more developments that will get done within the next 5 -10 years, and the Sewer is only big enough for them.
Ivan asked is there anyway since both systems run into the same creek is it possible that in case of an emergency they can be piggybacked off of one another. Rob said that would be something he would have to look into.
Council thank him for his time