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Regular Monthly Meeting
September 8, 2015

Chairperson, Peter Mallett, called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

Peter Mallett – Chairperson
Ivan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson
Joan Arsenault – Councilor
John Gillis – Councilor
Pat MacLellan – Councilor
Judy Gallant – Administrator
Michelle Perry – Administrative Assistant
And: Jason Woodbury – Fire Chief
Absent: Ricky Myers – Councilor

(At this time Jason Woodbury, Fire Chief, came into the meeting)
Jason gave the following reports.

a) Firemen’s Xmas Party – The Firemen’s annual Xmas party will be held
at the Miscouche Legion on Saturday November 28th.

b) Open House – The fire department will holding an “Open House” on Sunday, October 4th.
There will also be a special mass held on that day for the firefighters.

c) Storm Duty – Because of the severe weather conditions last year the firemen are looking at
setting up a roster for storm duty this winter. The only cost would be for food for the firemen who would be on duty that weekend. The “storm duty” would only be called if they are predicting “large” amounts of snow.

d) Equipment Purchase Limit – Jason reported that he is aware that he went over the $1,500.00
limit that was agreed upon when he recently purchased the smoke fan at a cost of $4,900.00 however he felt that the purchase price was well below the normal cost and our current fan will soon need to be replaced because of its age. The original price for this type of fan is approximately $8,000.00. Jason also advised Council that in the future he will obtain Council’s approval before making any purchase over the $1,500.00 limit.

e) Memorial for Late Firemen Mike Gallant – There will be a memorial held for firemen Mike
Gallant included in the ceremonies to be held in Ottawa, Ontario on September 11, 2016 and some members of the Fire Dept should go to the ceremonies. The firemen feel that there should be 3 members attending, one firefighters cost for attending would be covered by the Memorial Committee.

f) Fire Dept Full Uniform – Some firefighters should have the full dress uniform, including
the jacket, pants, hat, etc. The cost would be approximately $900.00 per firemen. The dress uniforms would only be fore the senior officers would normally be the ones attending special events on behalf of the Fire Dept. The firemen also feel that these officers should have the full uniform when attending the Memorial Service in Ottawa on September 11, 2016 in memory of Mike Gallant.

g) Rec Centre Bingo – Jason agreed to check with his firemen to see if they would be
interested in sharing the running of the bingos at the Rec Centre. The firemen will be holding their monthly meeting next week, September 14th, and he will be able to provide Council with the firemen’s response after that meeting.
Council thanked Jason for his reports and Jason then left the meeting.

– Firemen’s Full Dress Uniform – Some Council members feel that 4 or 5 of the senior firemen should have the full dress uniforms they can wear while representing the Fire Dept at official functions.

– Letter re Purchases over $1,500.00 – Council feel that a letter should be given to the fire chief again to remind him that in the future any purchase, (other than for emergency repairs), exceeding $1,500.00 that has not obtained Council’s prior approval will be the sole responsibility of the Fire Dept and will not be funded by the Community.


a) Sewer Main Flushing – The annual sewer main flushing will begin on October 14th and will
be done by KM Cleaners. We have also made arrangements with Kensington Septic to come and flush out some of the lateral ‘clean outs’.

b) Lift Station – Control Panel “Box” Replacement – The electric panel control “box” has now
been replaced by Waite’s Electric with a stainless steel one.

c) Lift Station – Annual Maintenance Agreement – Judy advised Council that we have received
a faxed copy of the Maintenance Agreement from Xylem (ITT) for the lift stations. Council advised that they have agreed not to hire them this year. Judy will contact Xylem to advise that Council will not be using their services this year.


a) Air Rifle/Pistol Shooting Club (Paralympic Sharp Shooting) – Peter advised Council that he
has spoken with Daniel Savoie of the Air Rifle/Pistol Shooting Club and Daniel advised that they will begin using the Rec Centre on September 14th and the for the first few months rent will be by donations.

b) Archery Club – Peter advised that Bruce Crabb will be operating the Archery Club again
this year. There will be a donation given to the Rec Centre for the rental of the space. Bruce would like to have the local newspaper here to do an interview and take pictures of him accepting the annual “Ed Laughlin” service person of the year award.

c) Insurance Claim – Peter reported that he has spoken with Gerald Adams of GIA Limited,
the contractors who did the work on the Rec Centre, about the problem. Peter is still waiting for a further response from Gerald Adams. Peter will try contacting Gerald again.
Paul Davis Group are repairing the damaged gyrock and have reported that they have found mold behind the stage walls as well. They hope to the be finishing up this week.

d) Gutters – We have received one quote from Gutter Master in the amount of $2,875.00 plus
HST to remove old gutters and supply and install new gutters and downspouts. Council members feel that we should wait until the siding is fixed first before we look at replacing or fixing the gutters. We should also have at least one other quote.


MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried,
THAT the minutes of the July 14, 2015 regular monthly meeting be approved
as presented.


a) Kelly Drive – Sidewalk and Ditch Infilling – Council was advised that a meeting has been
set up for Thursday morning at 9:30 A.M. with DOT to review the plans for the sidewalk installation and ditch infilling. Any Council members available on that day could attend the meeting.

b) Gas Tax – Future Capital Expenditures – Separate Account (Savings Account) has been set
up for the unused portion of the gas tax funds received to date, namely $138,769.00 as required under the gas tax agreement.

c) “Ed Laughlin” Memorial Service Person of the Year Award – Was presented this year to
Bruce Crabb who was nominated by Estelle DesRoches.

d) Tree Planting Grant – Peter is still waiting to hear back from Mary Myers as to when we
will be receiving this year’s trees.


a) Fire Dept – Already discussed.

b) Recreation – Nothing new to report.

c) Planning Board
– Building Permits issued was to
attached two story garage and convert current attached garage into family room at 43 Main Drive East.
– Est of Donald Gillis – Final Approval of Subdivision of part of PID #559336 and #686428
This is to confirm that the final approval of subdivision of part of property of the Estate of Donald Gillis located on Main Drive West and bearing PID#559336 and # 686428, to be sold to MCM Holdings Ltd. And become part of MCM Holdings Ltd. property # 63255 was

Moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by John Gillis and approved by Councilors, Ricky Myers, Pat MacLellan and Peter Mallett on August 13, 2015.

d) Sewer
– Federal “Wastewater Reporting” – Council was advised that after several attempts to access Environment Canada’s web site for the Federal Wastewater System Effluent Regulations reporting site and conversations with and assistance from their technical and policy officer, Andres De Vlechauwer, Michelle Perry has finally been able to file the Federal ID reports on our two lagoons.

– Irac -Sewer Rates – Council was advised that Heather Walker, Regulatory Analyst with Irac has recommended that we increase our Sewer Rates to avoid running into a deficit position in the future. A copy of her email was sent to our Accountant, David MacFadyen for his input on this issue and we are still awaiting his response on the matter.

e) Acadian Purchase Trust – Nothing new to report

f) Firehall Maintenance & St. Lights
– Silver Maple Seniors Club – Grant Application – Council was advised that the Silver Maple Seniors Club has applied for another grant through the New Horizons Grant program to upgrade their club area. This would include new flooring and extra chairs etc.
– 4 – September 8, 2015

– Firehall – Fire Dept Compressor and Exhaust Hood – Blaine Gallant (BG Construction) will be looking at repairing the hood and moving the compressor.

g) Community Improvements –  – Re: School Road Crossing Safety – Council
was advised that we have received a copy of an email that was sent to MLA, Sonny Gallant, by resident concerning the safety of the students crossing Main Drive East at the School Road intersection. Peter will speak with Sonny Gallant to see what the Province is doing about the issue.

h) Finance – Already discussed.


MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried,
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $194,871.81 is approved.



a) – School Property Adjacent to BMX Park – Council was advised that the School Board
thought that we had already owned the property located just west of the fence around the ball diamond and adjacent to the Community’s BMX Park and that is why they did not cut the grass this year. Apparently the Community has, unknowingly, been cutting the grass on this section of land for a number of years and John suggested to Council that we send a letter to the school board asking if they would consider “giving” the land adjacent to the BMX Park to the Community free of charge. If they are not willing to give the property to the Community then they will have to look after cutting the grass on that section of their property next week. Council members agreed to a letter being sent off to the school board

b) – Annual Community Bursary – Council was advised that we received a “Thank You” card
from this years winner, Melissa MacKay. Councillor Joan Arsenault was in attendance at the Three Oaks graduation and presented the cheque to Melissa MacKay.

c) – 2015/2016 Season Snow Removal – Council agreed to have a notice put in the Journal
Pioneer asking for tenders for this season’s snow removal.

d) – Special Meetings – Council members are advised that a special meeting has been set up
for Wednesday, September 9th at 2:00 p.m. with the Minister of Municipal Affairs and local MLA Sonny Gallant to discuss Community concerns about recent issues concerning amalgamation of Bedeque and surrounding areas.
There will also be special meetings held on Thursday, September 10th beginning at 9:30 a.m. with members of DOT to discuss the proposed sidewalk installation along Kelly Drive.

Will be held on Tuesday, October 13, 2015 at 7:00 P.M.

11. Adjournment