COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES – September 6th, 2016
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Regular Monthly Meeting
September 6th , 2016
Meeting of August 9th, 2016 was cancelled
Chairperson, Peter Mallett called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Peter Mallett – Chairperson
Ivan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson
John Gillis – Councillor
Ricky Myers – Councillor
Pat MacLellan – Councillor
Joan Arsenault- Councillor
Michelle Perry- Administrator
2. FIRE DEPARTMENT: Jason or Paul were not available to give their report.
a) Bob Cat tractor was not getting its RPM’s and so was taking to Corcoran’s the cost of the new board was $700.00, and Justin was checking to see if it was still under warranty as Ivan said when it was purchased he thought they paid the 5 year warranty on it.
b) There are a couple of kids hanging around the kids park on Kelly Dr and have been throwing stones at Ricky’s house and the signs that were replaced in the park. Monty and bobby have concreted the stones in the culvert to try and stop the situation. Council and the neighbors know who the kids are, so Peter is going to get a hold of the Staff Sergeant at the RCMP and see if they can come and talk to the kids and their parents. And also about the speeders on Kelly Dr.
a) Fitzgerald & Snow have completed the work at the Rec Center. They removed the short bolts with longer ones and screwed them down. They did the caulking and put some flashing on the roof where the down spouts were fixed. No bill yet.
b) Sherbrooke Mechanical were in to fix the vents in the boiler room and kitchen so the place should be good and tight for the winter.
c) Summer work program has been completed with a good turn out of kids this year.
d) Inventory: Peter will find out when the next occasions is at the Rec Center and then meet with Robert about the inventory at the bar before and after the event.
e) Some suggestions were brought up from the bingo volunteers, So Peter thought it would be a good idea to have a volunteer appreciation night in October or November and maybe have a meeting with the volunteers before the meal and go over some of the options. Joan will check with the seniors club to see if they have anything open in October or November and if they were interested in doing the meal.
September 6th , 2016
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by Ricky Myers and carried,
THAT the minutes of the July 12th 2016 meeting be approved as presented.
a) Meal Cap for Ottawa: Fire department paid out 4 meal allowance for the 4 firefighters going and would like to be reimbursed for this. Each member was paid 225.00 $75.00 per day for 3 days. Ricky was paid by the Community as he was attending on behalf of the Community. Paul Perry will be taking his camera to have pictures taken for the Community.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan, seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried,
THAT the Fire Department be refunded for the meal allowance of $225.00 per person total of $900.00 for the trip to Ottawa.
b) Side Walks Kelly Dr: There was a few concerns about the sidewalks and Matthew Fortier was contacted to have a look at them. From the old sidewalks to the new ones put in some places are higher at the driveways from one side to the other.
c) Web Site: So there is 2 options for the web site the 1st option they will create the whole site which will include the back-end control to go in and edit delete initial cost $500-1000 hosting is 10 per month and includes basic training. Option 2 they set up the structure and the back-end and let you build from that stage initial cost $200 hosting is 10 per month and you pay for the support and training per hour. Which can run into a lot of cost if your not very computer smart.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried,
THAT the Community go with option 1 for the Web Site.
a) Fire Department: They had 6 calls last month Medical, Brush Fire and 2 Mutual Aid They are still planning on having there summer party and they will submit there bills after they have it. Fire department was also approached by the Legion to go half on the next Chase the Ace. So when this one goes and I think there’s only 9 cards left. The fire Department will give 2500. And the Legion will give 2500 and the pot will start at 5000.00 and they will help out with the ticket sales and help work at the events as well.
b) Planning Board- Building Permits: 2 building Permits this month
At this time John Gillis came in as he was late for the first part of the meeting 7:20 and Kendall Wright came in to sit in on the meeting.
c) Sewer: Past due accounts there are 22 past due accounts of more than a year, they have been given a invoice on August 1st 2016 we have received 2 accounts that have paid. Suggestion was to send the cut off notice for the bill going out October 1st with a 30 days notice to pay or be disconnected.
MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Ricky Myers and carried,
THAT the past due Sewer bills over $200.00 be delivered by JC Security for Outstanding Sewer Charges.
d) John and Ricky will sit down with Bobby to discuss what clean outs should be done this fall by Kensington Septic.
e) IRAC called and they are saying that it is critical that the sewer rates be increased by 60 a unit. They were hoping that this would be done for the October billing but they said in the event that council would like to wait till 2017 that they suggest that it would be $65.00 over the next 2 years, and that Miscouche is one of the lowest for the sewer rates.
MOTION moved by, John Gillis and seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried,
THAT the Council go ahead with the application for the Sewer increase of $65.00 over the next 2 years.
f) Fire Hall Maintenance and Improvements: Ivan went around the village especially Main Dr to see where the poor lighting is and to take the pole # to see about adding additional streetlights in the dim areas. He thinks about 8 more new lights and have some of the existing lights changed to LED’s he has relayed the information back to maritime Electric and they will send a surveyor up to have a look.
g) Community Improvements: Ivan received a quote from Timbertec on some skateboard ramps 3 sections of ramp with pipe and safety rails would be 8190 plus HST and Freight and for the hipped fun box with stairs and grinders would be 20500 plus HST and freight. He was also in Digby NS this past weekend and he saw a concrete form like they have in Summerside so he was going to get in touch with someone over there to see what the prices are and the designs for that.
Also Giselle Bernard and Shelley Clark from ACOA were up the other week to discuss possible funding for the renovations for upstairs at the Fire hall and possibility the skate park as well. They have provided us with the information for the funding which would be 50% and the Community would pay 50%. We have some of the quotes for the project painting, showers, drywall and flooring as well as the quote for the skate park to resurface. And the fire Department was asked to do a support letter and the legion will be contacted as well.
MOTION moved by, John Gillis and seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried,
THAT the Council go ahead with the application for the Innovative Community Funding Grant. And any other application going forward to help with the renovations upstairs or the Kids Bike Park.
h) Finance: Nothing to report.
At this time Kendall made a presentation as to what he would like to do with his property. He was looking to build a 3 car garage, or haul a storage container to his property and clad it the same as the house. He was informed that if he hauled a storage container he would have to have a building permit and the square footage of what ever he puts on the land could not be bigger than the house. He then informed council that on 22 Main Dr West there are several storage container that were hauled there and the total square footage is over what the house is. Peter advised that this will be looked into.
Kendall also stated that if the community was looking into hiring a By Law enforcement that he would be interested in that. Peter advised that he would need to have a course on that. He also proposed that the community put up a wall at the rink so that it can be used as ball hockey in the summertime and skating in the winter. He was informed that this was done in the past and was torn down as there was noone to look after it. Kendall stated that he would look after it. Peter advised him to make a proposal as to what he would like to see done and the cost of it and present it back to council.
At this time Kendall left the meeting.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard 2nd by Ricky Myers and carried
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $51,020.33 is approved.
a) Judy Retirement: Peter will talk with Judy to see if she is going to retire or come back to work. She has received good news from her scans.
b) By Law Enforcement Officer: Donna Johnston for PEI By Law Enforcement she runs her own business and does a few communities. She sent us some information as to what she will do she charges 29 an hour and she is at the full disposal of the Community. She has a marked car and she is in uniform so what ever the Community wants to hire her for 1 day a week or 1 day a month she patrols the community and engages in conversation with the residents so they know who she is and what she can do for them as some residents wont bring the complaint to the office. Peter was speaking with JC Security and they were having a meeting today with the Department of Justice to see what kind of a course they needed to be BY Law Enforcement. Council discussed this and for what they have around the community at this time did not feel that they need a By law Enforcement Officer at this time so they have table the discussion for a later date.
c) Group Picture. Noella Arsenault said that she will do a group picture for 40.00 and Council; just has to pick a date. October 18th at 7.00 Noella will be contacted to see if that date is good for her. Dress code will be discussed nest meeting.
d) Estelle DesRoches is writing a book on the history of Miscouche and has requested in writing to attend the next meeting to make a presentation on the book she will be invited next meeting at 7:00 October 11th,
e) Council received an email from the Veterans Voices of Canada they are having a celebration in Charlottetown on October 1st and they are looking for a 200.00 for a flag purchase and the funds are going towards the Lest We forget Committee of Summerside to use the funds towards a tribute statue commemorating our Veterans.
MOTION moved by John Gillis seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried
THAT the donation of $200.00 be given to the Veterans Voices of Canada.
f) Amalgamation: David Linkletter of Linkletter approached Ivan about coming discussing at a meeting the option of amalgamating with Miscouche. After discussing this Council suggested that if he is serious about this then David should propose this in writing and council will sit down and talk about it with him. Pat thought that there was something in the new Municipality Act that says something about the population of a municipality he will keep his eyes and ears open on this one. Peter also asked him to get in touch with John Dewey and find out whet the rules are for the public coming in to the monthly meeting, are they just allowed to listen and not engage in any conversation. Pat will find this out.
g) WSP Luc Van Hull was talking to Peter about the West Lagoon being turned off and have everything switched over to the East Lagoon, the West lagoon is not at that stage yet and John will talk to Preston about the maintenance on the West Lagoon to keep it running as long as they can cause when the switch happens they will have to air rate the East lagoon and that is a lot of money.
h) Jerome is looking into getting a quote for the 24 hr duty life insurance verses the on duty life insurance that the community currently has..
Will be held on Tuesday, October 11th 7:00 P M