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Monthly Council Meeting
May 8th, 2018.
Chairperson Ivan Blanchard called the meeting to order at 7;00 P.M.
Ivan Blanchard – Chairperson
John Gillis – Councillor
Robin Gillis- Councillor
Pat MacLellan – Councillor
Ricky Myers- Councillor (Absent)
Joan Arsenault – Councillor
Michelle Perry- Administrator
Chief Jason Woodbury
Ivan asked for a moment of silence for the Humboldt deadly Bus Crash.
2. FIRE DEPT REPORT: Jason gave the following report: There were 10 emergency calls 9 were medical and 1 was grass fire. It was put on Facebook that there is to be no burning due to the fire index being to high. The By-Law states that there is to be no open flames in the community. Door at the Fire hall that was replaced by Wellington construction was leaking. Michelle said that Wellington Construction was out this week and they had resealed the door and to keep and eye on it to see if it still leaks.
Floor Grates in the Fire hall will need to be replaced, Jason said that 2 out of 4 will need to be done right away cause they are in bad shape and they could puncture a tire. John suggested to get ahold of Iron Eagle to have a look at them and get a price. The annual hose testing was done and 4 lengths of 50 and 9 lengths of 100 needed to be replaced as they had pin holes in them they have been ordered. Jason had informed Ivan and showed him them before they were replaced. Jason said that they go with the rubber hoses cause they are lower maintenance however they do not last as long, it was suggested to have them tested before budget so this could be included in the budget, Jason stated that it is hard to do it that was cause they have to wait for the warmer weather so they can lay the lengths of hoses outside so they can test them. The Emergency Plan is almost ready to be sent, just need Council to look over to see if there are any changes to be made. On May 14th the flags will be flown at half mast for the Late Mike Gallant and the 3 wreaths will be laid out as well.
Council thanked Jason for the report.
3. MAINTENANCE REPORT: Michelle gave the following report for Monty: The Rec center property if council wants them to seed the property and cut it. It was suggested to have the maintenance men ask permission from the homeowner to seed it and if the home owner wants them to cut it. The ditching that was done on the highway at the corner of MacMillan and Main is staring to fall in. Michelle will contact Highways to have them take a look at it.
4. REC CENTER REPORT: Robert was unable to attend but he did pass along that the bingo’s are still doing good.
5. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: April 10th, and Special Meeting April 17th, 2018th, 2018
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried
THAT the minutes for April 10th, and Special By Law Meeting April 17th, 2018 be approved as presented.
a) Floor upstairs at Rec Center: Robert had started to tear the floor up and it is all glued down, to much work to do in the time that he has. The to tenders that were received were discussed.
MOTION moved by Robin Gillis seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried
THAT Town & Country receive the bid to replace the floor only if it includes the tearing up of the floor and new sub-floor underneath.
b) By-Laws: Michelle printed off the numerous By-Laws from other communities that council was looking for and she sent an e-mail to Municipal Affairs to see what By-Laws were already created for the Community, so she was waiting to here back on that, so this will put to the next meeting.
c) Corcoran Farms: Ivan was in to see them and they started cleaning up stuff around the front of the road. Ivan said that he will keep an eye on this and see if they have a law that states they need to put up a fence if it’s a scrap yard.
a) Fire Dept: Already Discussed
b) Planning Board- Building Permits- 1 permit a demolition and a rebuild at 137 Lady Slipper Dr N
c) Sewer: Bills: There are 22 accounts that are behind on the sewer bills some more than 2 years.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by Robin Gillis and carried
THAT any account over $200.00 past due will receive a hand delivered letter stating to make payment in full in 30 days or the service will be turned off.
d) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights: nothing to report.
e) Community Improvements: Property at the Corner: looks like they are putting a new parking lot in. However not sure who owns the property. Michelle will ask around to see what the plan is and who owns the property.
f) Finance:
MOTION moved by John Gillis seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $39,760.23 is approved.
a) Fall at the Rec Center:. There is not enough for a Quorum, so this will be put off till next meeting.
b) Grants: It was brought to council attention that there is a grant that can be applied for to pay for bunker gear for the Fire Department up to $25,000.00. And it is 50/50. Ivan stated that he was going to try to put the hoses and the AED machine in and he was waiting for confirmation that he can.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by Robin Gillis and carried
THAT the Community apply for the grant for up to $25000.00 for equipment for the Fire Department.
c) MEO for Elections:
MOTION moved by John Gillis seconded by Robin Gillis and carried
THAT Michelle Perry be appointed as the MEO for elections 2018.
d) Replacement pay for Administrator: Last month Michelle had training and Myrna Gallant filled in for her.
MOTION moved by John Gillis seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried
THAT the pay for the replacement administrator be set at $25.00 per hour, if the replacement is qualified Administrator.
e) Contract with Elections PEI for the Voters List: Elections PEI is offering the list of voters to the municipalities for $100.00 and that will include what is need to run the elections in November 2018.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by John Gillis and carried
THAT the Community get in contract with Elections PEI for $100.00 to obtain the voters list and the material to run the elections for November 2018.
f) PCH Donation: PCH Hospital are looking for a donation for the Digital Radiography machine. And also the awards is going to be on May 16th at 6:00pm. Joan sated that she will attend again this year.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by Robin Gillis and carried
THAT the donation of $1000.00 be given to the PCH Hospital again this year.
g) AIM Management Networks: There is a day course on may 25th, 2018 at Linkletter Community Hall on Asset Management. Robin will let me now if she can attend.
h) Cleaning: Terry Maids were in to clean all the floors at the fire hall
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by John Gillis and carried
THAT the Bi-weekly cleaning for the fire hall be tendered out, but each area will need to have separate quotes.
i) Summer Student: We have been approved for 1 student from Federal and we are still waiting for the Provincial one to be approved.
j) Bursary: 2 ads were put in the paper and the information was sent to Three Oaks and the deadline is May 17th, 2018
k) Fire Dues: We have received post dated checks from Miscouche Fire District and nothing from St Nicholas, so Michelle will send a letter to them.
l) Acadian Congress: Ivan was at a meeting today in Moncton and they are scheduling a day and half to Miscouche for activities and they are looking to put signs up this year to promote the 2019 event, they are also looking for pictures of the Community. There is also a grant available 50/50 but Giselle Bernard was checking to see if half of it could be done through Skills PEI.
m) Kids Park: There is a piece of the elliptical Machine the foot peddle that is missing. Michelle will get the Maintenance to have a look at it.
n) Steeple View Heights: The plaque at Steeple View that was to be in Memory of Donnie Gillis, it was discussed in the fall last year but to late in the season to do anything. It was discussed on the material that will be used either plastic or stone not sure if Peters Monuments still does it. It will need to be looked in to see who can do it on stone.
11. NEXT MEETING: June 12th, 2018