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Regular Monthly Meeting
June 10, 2014
Chairperson, Peter Mallett, called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Peter Mallett – Chairperson
Ivan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson
Joan Arsenault – Councilor
John Gillis – Councilor
Ben Murphy – Councilor
Judy Gallant – Administrator
Absent: Mike MacKinnon – Councilor
Council was advised that complaints have been received from residents about this year’s grass cutting. They feel that because the grass is now growing quite fast it is taking too long between cuts which is leaving large clumps of grass cuttings on the various Community owned properties around the Community especially when the grass is being cut on wet days. Peter advised that he will look into the matter and speak to the contractor hired to do work.
– Vehicle Replacement Committee
Council was advised that Fire Chief Jason Woodbury has advised that he and Deputy
Fire Chief Paul Perry will represent the Fire Dept on the vehicle replacement committee.
– Quick Response Vehicle and Tanker Replacement
Council members discussed which vehicle should take priority. A replacement tanker or the quick response vehicle the fire department is suggesting. Some Council members feel that the tanker replacement should take priority over the quick response vehicle because the fire department already has the emergency rescue van. Ivan reported that he has spoken with an individual who has a milk truck that could be converted to a water tanker. That individual is looking at getting a new milk truck and he is considering selling his current one at a price of approximately $25,000.00.
– Maintenance Truck
Council also discussed the possibility of replacing our current maintenance vehicle with a newer one.
– Orange Safety Vests for Firemen
Council also discussed the possibility of purchasing additional safety vests that the firemen could keep in their own vehicles so that they would be readily available to them when respond to an emergency call in their own vehicles.
– Grant Application
Peter advised that he had spoken with Giselle Bernard who had advised him that we should have our Energy Audit report before we file our application for the grant under the Island Community Fund. We are still waiting the final energy audit report. Peter also reported that he has spoken with Darlene Rhodenizer of the PEI Canada Infrastructure program and she had advised him that we can use part of our Gas Tax funds in combination with the Island Community Fund grant. We will need to call additional bid tenders for the proposed work at the Rec Centre.
– Small Halls – Peter advised that we have received a notice from the Small Halls organization advising that there will be approximately 14 workers and cast members who will need to be provided with snacks and meals on Friday, June 20th. Joan advised that she will speak with our Rec Centre Manager, Robert Gallant about the meals and snacks.
MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Ben Murphy and carried,
THAT the minutes of the May 14, 2014 regular monthly meeting be
approved as presented.
a) “Unsightly Property Bylaw)
48 Lady Slipper Drive North: Council was advised that we had sent a letter to the Estate , asking what the family intended to do with her late father’s old vacant dwelling which is beginning to deteriorate they had responded that the dwelling was going to be demolished and has in fact been torn down today and the property is being cleaned up. A thank you letter will be sent to the family’s cooperation in this matter.
– 8 Main Drive West: Council was advised that we have not received any response from the Estate since the “Clean Up Order” was served. We are now past the May 30, 2014 deadline stated on the Clean Up Order and the Notice can now be placed on the property advising that the structures will be torn down due to failure to comply with our “Clean Up Order.
b) Rec Centre Activities
– Annual Return for “Non Profit” status on Rec Centre:
c) Summer Students – Federal and Provincial
Peter advised that he has received 3 names of potential students. They have to be registered with the Summer Student Program in order to qualify.
– Youth Programs – Peter advised that Allison Griffin of the Go-PEI program has advised that they she will be holding their programs at the School this year instead of the Rec Centre because the school gym does not have any tables and chairs that need to be moved when they want to use it.
Allison also advised that she is willing to work with any Summer Students we may have to set up youth programs at the Rec Centre.
d) Highway Issues – Council was advised that we have received another email from a resident who wanted to thank Council for having some of his recent concerned highway safety issues addressed.
Peter reported that he recently met with Stephen Yeo, Hon. Robert Vessey and Sonny Gallant concerning highway safety issues, including the following:
– Crossing sign at School Road – Peter was advised that the sign is the same as several others located at other places, like the trail crossings etc but they will not put any markers on the roadway itself.
– Entrance to Black Pond Used by Fire Dept – Roadway entrance has already been fixed.
– Kelly Drive Sidewalks – Peter was advised that the Dept of Transportation is willing to speak to the Community Council about filling in the ditches so that sidewalks could be installed.
Council members would like to see if Dept of Transportation would agree to speed bumps being placed along Kelly Drive to slow down the traffic.
e) Lot 35 Steeple View Heights Subdivision – Council was advised that the original
potential purchaser has not given us any further response on whether or not he wanted to purchase this lot, however another individual has also expressed interest in purchasing the lot for the same price, namely $25,000.00 plus HST. Council agreed to accept an offer of $25,000.00 plus HST for the sale of Lot 35.
a) Fire Department – Already discussed.
b) Recreation – Bike/Skate Park – Ivan reported that he is looking at getting prices for
additional ramps/jumps for the park.
c) Planning Board – No new permits issued.
d) Sewer – Nothing new to report.
e) Firehall Maintenance & St. Lights
Council members asked if the new flag pole could be equipped with a ring and rope that would allow just the flag to be lowered to ‘half mast’ without having to lower the pole itself. Ivan agreed to looking after this.
f) Community Improvements/Issues
– Trailside Acres Greenspace – Peter advised that he has asked local resident, if he would be willing to go into the greenspace area to see if he could clean up some of the brush etc. resident advised Peter he would be willing to take a look at it to see what he could do to clean up the greenspace.
– RCMP – Council discussed making a donation to the families of the three RCMP officers
who were recently killed in Moncton.
MOTION moved by Ben Murphy, seconded by John Gillis and carried,
THAT a donation of $500.00 be made to the Family Fund for the three
RCMP officers recently killed in Moncton, N.B.
g) Finance – Council members feel that we should consider putting out a tender for
Accounting services before the end of our current fiscal year.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by Ben Murphy and carried,
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $29,253.73 is approved.
a) Canada Post – Council was advised that we have received a letter from Canada Post
advising that they are considering altering the operating hours at our local post office. Part of the changes would see potential closure on Saturdays and realignment of hours during the week. Council agreed that a letter should be sent to Canada Post asking them to reconsider making any
additional changes to our postal service, especially to the operating hours, that could result in a negative impact on our Community, its residents and business owners in our area.
b) Miscouche Consolidated School – Invitation to closing scheduled for June 25th. Joan
advised that she would try to attend on behalf of Council.
c) Annual “Ed Laughlin Memorial Service Person of the Year Award” – Council members
feel that we should begin posting notices calling for nominations to be forwarded to Council. All
nominations should be submitted no later than July 31st.
d) Sidewalks – Complaint- Some Council members advised that they have received
complaints from residents about vehicles being parked on the sidewalk at 75 Lady Slipper Drive North which is causing the pedestrians to walk out onto the highway in order to go around the vehicle. Council asked that a letter be sent to the homeowners asking them to try and refrain from leaving their vehicles on the sidewalk so that the pedestrians do not have to step out onto the highway when passing in front of their home.
10. NEXT MEETING will be held on Wednesday, July 9, 2014 at 7:00 P.M.