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Regular Monthly Meeting
April 14, 2015
Chairpreson Peter Mallett called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Peter Mallett – Chairperson
Ivan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson
Joan Arsenault – Councilor
John Gillis – Councilor
Pat MacLellan – Councilor
Ricky Myers – Councilor
Judy Gallant – Administrator
And: Jason Woodbury – Fire Chief
– Lift Station – Council was advised that our maintenance worker Bobby DesRoches has reported that one of the counters on the Kinsmen Road lift station is still not working properly.
– Rec Centre – Ground water – Due to the melting snow and rain, ground water is pooling around the exterior of the Rec Centre and Bobby DesRoches has been working to try and keep the water from going into the Centre.
(At this time Jason Woodbury – Fire Chief came into the meeting)
– Tanker Replacement – Jason reported that the new tanker is now in service however there is still work to be done on the turbo problem. The Company we purchased the truck from agreed to cover the cost to have the turbo fixed so there was $1,000.00 taken off the bill we received from Dunk River Industries, who did the retrofit work.
– Quick Response Veh – Installation of radios, light etc. – The work was done by Spencer MacDonald and the cost is $2,650.00. Following discussion Jason was advised to obtain a proper breakdown for the work done by Spencer MacDonald, such as labour material etc. before we pay his bill.
– Limit Cap on Fire Dept Expenditures Requiring Council Approval – Council members raised concerns about major purchases and expenditures being incurred by the Fire Dept with Council prior knowledge or approval. Following discussion Council members felt that other that for major truck breakdown or broken equipment that requires immediate repairs, the Fire Dept should obtain Council’s prior approval before any major purchases over $1,500.00 is made by the Fire Dept. This is an increase from the previous limit of $500.00.
– Fast (Quick) Response Vehicle – Jason provided Council members with a list of policies he had prepared for the use of the Fast Response Vehicle. Other uses listed by him would be for Fire Dept activities that are approved by the Chief. Jason advised that he felt that this should include allowing firemen to use the vehicle to attend fire school or smoke house training. etc. Council members advised that they will need time to review the list provided by Jason.
– Fire Dept Office and Lounge Move to Upstairs Portion of Firehall – There is no internet service upstairs so we will need to have this taken care of. The phone lines have already been installed upstairs for the Fire Dept and some of the lights will need to be replaced. The former Fire Chief’s office will now be taken over as part of the Community offices. The firemen’s former lounge/meeting room area will now become part of the Seniors Club Room space. Jason would like to have some sort of door installed at the top of the stairs in the main entrance to keep kids etc from going up into the fire department space. If a door is installed it should have some sort of ‘hit”quick release level installed on it as well as a quick release level on the exterior main entrance door so the firemen can exit quickly if needed.
– Firemen’s Summer Party – Jason advised that the Firemen’s Summer Party will be held on May 23rd in the upstairs portion of the firehall and asked if Council would still be prepared to cover up to $600.00 for the cost of food only for the firemen’s summer part.
– Jr. Fire Brigade – Jason provided Councilor with a “Draft” copy of the Policy Guidelines for setting up a Jr. Fire Brigade. This is based on what other fire department policy’s contain. Parental waivers will also be required for all youth members.
Council thanked Jason and Jason then left the meeting.
– Water/Snow Damage – Insurance Claim – Peter advised that the Insurance Co hired a structural engineer to find out why the snow came in and caused the damage to the interior of the Rec Centre and will be providing a report on their findings. Our insurance adjuster is currently out of Province but will be back on April 22nd and will working on our claim again. Peter also advised that he has spoken with Charles Adams of GIA Limited who did the original work on the Rec Centre.
– Paralympic Shooting Club – Peter advised that he has received another response from Daniel Savoie of the Paralympic Shooting Club who advised that their group are interested in using our Rec Centre for their air rifle/pistol shooting club training centre and they have applied for a grant to help cover their costs and are currently waiting a response on their application. They will get back in touch with us as soon as they receive word.
– May Blood Donor Clinic – Council was advised that due to the Provincial Election being held on Monday, May 4th and the Rec Centre having been listed as a Poling Station for the Election, the Blood Clinic will only be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 5th and 6th.
– MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by John Gillis and carried,
THAT the minutes of the March 10, 2015 Regular meeting be approved as presented.
a) Community Bursary – Ivan asked what whether or not we were able to get any further
information on our Community bursary and if all community grads are eligible regardless of what high school they attend. Peter advised that he has been in contact with some individuals about setting up an independent selection committee. However he as also advised that the usual deadlines for making applications for bursary is usually March and April and since Three Oaks does not taking applications from any other schools it may be took late to change it for this year. Peter did recommend that some individuals have stated that they might be interested in being on a selection committee that if Council want to change how the bursary is to be done then the work should begin as soon as possible to ensure that it is set up in lots of time for next year.
b) Summer Student – Peter advised that he has made applications for grants for summer
students however we will not have any response until mid April or later.
a) Fire Dept – Already discussed.
b) Recreation – Nothing new to report
c) Planning Board – No permits this period
d) Sewer – Outstanding Sewer Charges –
Following discussion – Council members agreed that if any of the accounts have still not been paid May first then additional letters will be sent to them, delivered by JC Security is need be, advising that disconnection of their line will be carried out on May 13th.
e) Acadian Purchase Trust – Email will be sent out to Miscouche Peat reminding them of the
semi annual installment of royalties and annual land rental.
f) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights
– Heat Pumps – Now that the firemen’s lounge/meeting room space will now be taken over and become part of the Seniors Club room space and the Firemen have taken over the upstairs portion of the firehall, John has recommended that only one heat pump be installed in the seniors space and one be installed upstairs in the firemen’s space. John recommended that the units each be 24,000 BTU. Council members agreed.
– Fire Dept and Community Office – Change of Space – Peter will make arrangements to set up his office in the fire chief’s old office and have the basic cable installed in the firemen’s upstairs space. For security and safety reasons Ricky will look after having a door installed at the top of the main side entrance stair well to prevent any unauthorized entrance into the Firemen’s upstairs portion from the main side entrance and Ivan will look after having the exterior main side entrance door equipped with a quick release lever.
– Snow Blower – John advised that the larger replacement sidewalk snow blower is a 2000 Cummins engine 15000 and includes all attachments. The snowblower need to be looked over and Ricky and Monty will look at what improvements are repairs might be needed and if they feel that it looks okay then we purchase it from Corcoran Farms. Following discussion
MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried,
THAT if the 2000 Cummins Engine Sidewalk Snow blower is in good working
condition then we purchase it from Corcoran Farm Supply.
– Old snow blower/tractor – Council members agreed that we should keep the maintenance tractor and try and use it to cut our own grass since we already have an attachable grass cutter. John advised that Monty MacAusland, who has been operating the sidewalk snow blower for us is willing to cut our grass using our maintenance tractor with attachable grass cutter. We may still need to purchase a whipper snipper and possibly a push mower as well. Our maintenance worker Bobby DesRoches could possibly assist Monty with some of the trim work. Following discussion,
MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Ricky Myers and carried,
THAT we hire Monty MacAusland to cut our grass this year, using our maintenance tractor with attachable grass cutter.
MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried,
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $88,750.58 be approved.
9. New business – Peter advised council that Myrna Gallant, a former Administrator, had agreed to come in to help at the office when Judy was out of the office for a couple of days. Following discussion Council agreed that Myrna Gallant should be compensated
MOTION moved by Joan Arsenault, seconded by Ricky Myers and carried,
THAT Myrna Gallant be compensated $20.00/hr for helping out at the office.
10. NEXT MEETING will be May 12, 2015 at 7:00 P.M.