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Monthly Council Meeting
January 14th, 2020
Mayor Albert Gallant called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Albert Gallant – Mayor
Allan Parks – Deputy Mayor
Jacqueline Lecky- Councillor
Pat MacLellan – Councillor
John Searle- Councillor
Ivan Blanchard- Councillor
Joan Arsenault – Councillor
Michelle Perry- Administrator
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest: Jacqueline Lecky declared a conflict of interest under New Business 10-a
3. FIRE DEPARTMENT: John Searle gave the following report: They were 7 calls last month 3 Medical 1 Mutual Aid 1 MVA and 1 Skidoo Fire. EMO will be doing a demo on the Jaws of Life. The department will be putting together a hockey team to play out of Crapaud. Elections will be next month for treasurer and etc. May 16 will be the celebrations an unveiling of the monument, which has been ordered even though the department was short 2000.00 which they are looking to borrow from council. Logan A is on a leave of absence for 2 years as he has gone to College. Th department has put together a new truck committee and are looking to have the truck by 2021, they are in the process of trying to get a quote. Question from council were asked that authorization was not given by council to have the truck ordered and they wanted to make sure that someone from council was on the truck committee which John advised that he was. Also it was mentioned that the roof is still leaking in the bay. Michelle had contacted Wellington Construction but no response this may have to wait till the spring to get someone on the roof to have a look at it.
4. MAINTENANCE REPORT: The thermostat covers were ordered and just came in today so they will be installed in the next day or two.
5. REC CENTER REPORT: Jacqueline gave the following report. Allan Michelle and I met with some of the bingo volunteers last night and went over some suggestions that they had to improve the bingo. The volunteers were told that council will be moving to 1 paid group to run the bingo week to week and there was a list put out to sign up. There were some concerns about it which were answered at the time and a few people signed up to be on the group. We are trying to have thisin place by February. There were about 20 volunteers that were not there that needed to be contacted to inform them as well, Robert advised that he will be contacting them.
6. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Meeting minutes for December 10th, December 13th, 2019 and January 13th, 2020
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard seconded by Jacqueline Lecky and carried
THAT the minutes for December 10th, December 13th, 2019 and January 13th, 2020 be approved as presented.
a) West lagoon Property Price: Albert received a call from Linkletter’s and they stated that they will donate the property to the community however the community will need to pay to have it surveyed. And any legal fees to have it changed over to the community. They also want to use the 3 phase wiring that will need to be put in they will have their own meter.
b) Wilfred St Radar Signs: This is on hold at the moment and Allan will try to set up a meeting with Highways to see what the community has to do to have the road changed to get speed bumps put in there for safety issues.
c) Fire Dues Contract: This has been drawn up and delivered to St Nicholas to have it accepted by there council for a 1 year contract at $14,015.00 to be reviewed annually. Once it has been accepted by St Nicholas council them it will be signed by the Mayor and CAO.
d) Laughlin St Project: There was a meeting on December 13th with WSP, Transportation with some discussion about the grade on Laughlin St that has to be up to Government standards. This issue will be worked out with the 2 parties, and WSP thought that they would have tenders out by February so that the project would start in the spring weather permitting.
Pat MacLellan joined the meeting at this time 7:25
e) Acadian Video: Ivan has been trying to get some answers on what the cost would be and if there is any funding available, due to the holidays he will not have an answer before next meeting.
f) By-Law 2nd Reading: Council has picked January 28 at 6:30 for the 2nd reading of the By-Laws.
a) Fire Dept: Council discussed the $2000.00 that the Fire Department needed to purchase the monument
MOTION moved by Jacqueline Lecky seconded by John Searle and carried
THAT the Community loan the Miscouche Fire Department $2000.00 to be paid back when the monument is installed.
b) Planning Board- Building Permits- 3 Antoinette Dr storage Shed, Eastlink for the Communications Tower, 32 Lady Slipper Dr S Subdivide the land between Lot 20-1 and the Estate of Donald Gillis.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried
THAT the approval be given to have Lot 20-1 subdivided from the Estate of Donald Gillis property.
c) Sewer: Bills: 60 Late bills will be going out with the January interest being charged.
d) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights: The light on Augustine street pole # 188838 is an old one and the light cover is hanging off council would like a new LED put in with a 10′ arm this should make it brighter on the street, also at the walking trail pole # 19782 needs to have a new LED put in facing the road as it is very dark there.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by Jacqueline Lecky and carried
THAT the Augustine St and the Walking Trail have new LED street lights put in.
e) Community Improvements: Roads that need to be repaired: Ivan spoke with the MLA and he wanted a list of roads that need to be repaired around the community. Gillis St is already on the list. Michelle will have Monty go around and check them out.
f) Finances: Michelle provided council with the breakdown of the bills for 2018/2019 for the Bobcat. It is being considered to get a Zero turn however there are some concerns like storage and it would need a trailer. Then the Service truck will be tied up while grass is being cut. Council decided that they will look at this agin if something major goes wrong with the Bobcat. It was purchased in 2011 with 2300 hours on it.
MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Jon Searle and carried
THAT the payment of the bills totaling $ 51,346.53 is approved.
a) Generation XX Donation. Jacqueline declared a conflict of interest and stepped out of the room. Council received a letter asking for a $100 donation to send the youth to the annual conference in Ontario.
MOTION moved by Joan Arsenault seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried
THAT the Community donate $100.00 to Generation XX for the Youth Conference.
Jacqueline came back into the room.
b) Meet you Neighbour: council decided to have this event again this year, however they are just going to do the Pancake Breakfast this year and the turnout for the kids and the dance where not a big turnout. The event will be February 15 with the Storm date of February 22 2020.
MOTION moved by Joan Arsenault seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried
THAT the Community apply for Rural Growth Initiative Inclusive Communities Program to help fund our Breakfast.
c) Safety at the Corner: Ivan wanted to know about putting some crosswalk walking flags at the lights at the corner on all 4 sides that people can take to cross the street. He will contact Highways to see if this is possible.
d) Budget Meeting: Michelle is proposing this year that Allan and herself put the budget together and then present it to council to be approved. Council agreed.
11. NEXT MEETING: February 11th, 2020
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan THAT the meeting of January 14th, 2020 be adjourned.