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Monthly Council Meeting
November 14th, 2017
Vice Chairperson Pat MacLellan called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
Ivan Blanchard – Chairperson
John Gillis – Councillor
Robin Gillis- Councillor
Pat MacLellan – Councillor
Ricky Myers- Councillor
Joan Arsenault – Councillor
Michelle Perry- Administrator
Staff Sergeant Derrick Hewitt for the RCMP was asked to come out to the meeting to discuss the following issues around the Community.
Speeding on Kelly Dr and Wilfred St: he suggested that the he would have more frequent patrols around the area, he also suggested that we can look into Speed Bumps as an option too. It was pointed out that because Highways owns the roads they did not want speed bumps because they are hard on the plows in the winter.
There was an 11 year old resident that dropped a petition off at the office with 18 signatures in regards to the speeding and she was requesting that the Children at Play sign goes back up or the speed limit be lowered.
6:50 pm Ivan Blanchard arrived to the Meeting.
Council asked about modified cars in the community and Staff Sergeant advised to report it and they will send someone out to look into it, and that the more information you can give the better it is to be investigated, same as the issue with the minors around the park doing damage, if the RCMP doesn’t know about it then there is nothing they can do. Council was pleased that there was going to be increased patrols in the area.
Council, also had some questions about drugs in the schools and if there was officers that make visits to the schools.
Council thanked Staff Sergeant Derrick Hewitt and he left the meeting.
Jacqueline and Wilson Lecky came into the meeting to give presentation on the Skate Park they are looking for more light at the skate park especially this time a year so that the kids can stay out longer instead of hibernating for the winter months. Ivan said that he will look in to see how many post are at the park to see about getting some more lights. Jacqueline also wanted to know that the equipment that was given from Vector if they can take it into Generation XX for the Winter months and then bring it back in the summer and also the 2 long rails can be stored if we have any where t store them for the winter.
Council thanked Jacqueline and Wilson and they left the meeting.
2. FIRE DEPT REPORT: There was no one from the Fire department to give the report.
3.REC CENTER REPORT: One of the council members received a complaint about the cleanliness upstairs when they were picking their child up from Religion classes. They stated that there was flies all over the windows and the stairs. It was suggested that there be a list of duties for the manager at the Rec Center, Ivan thought that there was a contract that Robert signed when he accepted his position. Michelle will look to see if she can find it.
4. MAINTENANCE REPORT: Nothing to report both Bobby and Monty have been laid off for 2 weeks
5. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: October 10th, and special meeting October 16th, & October 26th,
MOTION moved by Ricky Myers, seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried,
THAT the minutes of the October 10th and Special Meeting October 16th, and October 26th, 2017 be approved as presented.
a).Volunteer Christmas dinner for the Bingo will be December 8th at 6:00 pm
b) Sewer repairs, JC Drilling have completed the sewer repairs for the Fire Hall and Laughlin and Augustine St we have not received the billing for them. Also we have received the bill for KM Liquid waste and Michelle called to get clarification on the bill to make sure the Videoing was included as this was not stated in the bill. Waiting for a response and then the bill will be paid.
c) Cell Phone booster was installed and there was no complaints reception has been good in the building since it was installed.
d) Fire Dues: Michelle has requested a break down of each category from St Nicholas and Fire District Committee to see what each category is being charged for. So this will be tabled till next meeting.
e) Flags: The insert of the flags have been removed and they seem to be flying better so the rest of the flags have been taken in to have done.
f) Sidewalks Kelly Dr: The stones were replaced on Kelly Dr and the bill will be sent to the home owners for the repayment.
g) Rec Center Clean-Up: The clean up was done at the Rec Center between the Rec and Antoinette Dr, and one of the residents called and stated that we were on the property and took out 2 of the trees on the property. Monty and Bobby were down on the property and they have determined that we were on the homeowners property and took out the trees. The home owners is looking for 2 mature trees to be replaced or financial compensation for this. Council agreed to get a price for the trees to be replaced.
MOTION moved by Robin Gillis, seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried,
THAT 2 mature trees be priced in the Spring to be put back on the Home Owners property on Antoinette Dr.
At this time Ivan Blanchard has left the meeting.
a) Fire Dept: The Fast Rescue has gotten 4 new tires. They had Mutual Aid Training in Oleary the past weekend
b) Planning Board- Building Permits- No permit
c) Sewer: already discussed
d) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights: Millar Masonary has not gotten back on the Fire Hall outside wall, Ricky will contact Wellington construction to have them come out and look at it and get a quote on the repairs.
e) Community Improvements: Donnie Gillis Monument: The monument can be done in plastic which will withstand the elements better. This will done in the Spring and the family will be notified for the unveiling.
f) Finance:
MOTION moved by Robin Gillis seconded by John Gillis and carried,
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $79,355.92 is approved.
a) Critical Care Insurance: Received 2 quotes from 2 different Insurance companies for the Insurance one only covers up to 70 years and the other one covers up to 75 years gave the information to Council and they have table the discussion till next meeting to have some time to think it over. It was priced for the Fire Dept Council and Staff.
b) Rec Center Kitchen for the Breakfast Club. Received a request to use the Kitchen at the Rec Center to cook things for the Breakfast program at the School, as a lady was doing it in her home but the rules have changed and they have to cook in a license kitchen, They are looking to use it for 2-3 hours a week.
MOTION moved by Ricky Myers seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried,
THAT the Rec Center Kitchen can be used at no charge for 2-3 hrs. a week as long as the kitchen is kept clean and they do not sell the food to the children.
c) Trees at the back of the Fire Hall: There is 2 trees at the back of the Fire Hall not sure if the trees are on the cemetery property or the Fire hall however they are 2 large trees that their branches are hanging down. The Tree Branch Manager was in to have a look at it was determined that they are starting to rot in the middle, He is looking to cut back the heavy branches so that if there is a heavy ice storm the weight will not come crashing down and cause more damage to the shed and building. The cost will be $500.00 plus HST. It was suggested that since we did not know what land the trees were on that we contact the St John the Baptist Parish and advise that we will be trimming the trees back.
d) Amalgamation with St Nicholas: We have received a verbal request to amalgamate with St Nicholas Michelle was in contact with Federation to see what the process is and they informed her that Council from St Nicholas would have to have a meeting and have a resolution that they wanted to do this and Miscouche would have to do the same thing then St Nicholas would meet with council to see what there intentions would be if they joined together. Then they would have a public meeting to see what the residents had to say about this and if they decide to go ahead then St Nicholas would apply to the Province to Amalgamate. This was table till next meeting to let council think about this decision.
e) Congress Mondial 2019: Michelle was at a meeting for the congress on November 6th, and they are wanting a day or half a day of activities in Miscouche on August 14-15 2019. Michelle thought it would be a good idea to partner up with the Museum and let then take this project over. They will be made aware that we will support them but that the Community did not have any funds for them and that they will need to apply for a grant if they were looking for money to plan activities. We will set up a meeting for the New Year.
11. NEXT MEETING: December 12th, 2017