COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES – Special Meeting – September 24, 2014
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Special Council Meeting
September 24, 2014
Chairperson, Peter Mallett called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Peter Mallett – Chairperson
Ivan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson
Joan Arsenault – Councilor
John Gillis – Councilor
Ben Murphy – Councilor
Mike MacKinnon – Councilor
Judy Gallant – Administrator
And: Sonny Gallant – MLA
Discussions were held relating to various Community issues including the following:
Peter advised that Steven Yeo was unable to attend tonight’s meeting but Peter had met with Steven Yeo yesterday to discuss some of the issues relating to tonight’s meeting including:
– Portable Speed Bumps on Kelly Drive – Steven advised that although he thought they may help to slow down the speed he would first need to speak with others in the Dept of Transport to see if they would be permitted even if we purchase them.
– Pedestrian Crossing at School Street – There are signs posted but the Dept of Transport will not pay to have any other type of markings put in place. Peter had spoken with RCMP Staff Sgt. Ken Spencely and he had advised Peter that for safety reasons if the crosswalk is not painted across the roadway then the crosswalk signs should be taken down. Council asked Sonny to look into this. Council was advised that residents have expressed concerns for the safety of the children at this intersection due to the lack of proper markings, lights etc. Council suggested that the signs are being posted then DOT should look at providing crossing guards, proper overhead lights indicating the crosswalk in addition to painting the cross walk. Sonny advised that he did not feel that DOT would be prepared provide any crossing guards or overhead lights. Sonny also advised that the safety issue at this intersection is currently being looked at by Allan Aitken of the DOT who looks after highway safety issues.
– Kelly Drive – Lady Slipper Drive South – Ditch infilling – Peter advised that Steven Yeo advised that he will have one of their engineers come out and get us an estimate of what it would cost to do the ditch infilling. Steven had also advised that some other Communities are now using a portion of their Gas Tax funds to fill in the ditches. We could speak to DOT about cost sharing the work.
– Alternate Entrance Way to School – Council members agreed that we could send a letter off to the Min. Of Transportation to see if they would again, look at the possibility of creating another School entrance roadway off Lady Slipper Drive North to divert some of the school traffic from the main highway.
– School Complaint Issues – Sonny advised that the Dept of Education and the School Board are actively working on the complaint issues.
– Barrier Island at Store Intersection – Council advised Sonny that since the barrier island was removed from the entrance to the corner store they have been receiving complaints from some of the residents about cars cutting off traffic on Lady Slipper Drive North to get to the corner store.
3. Sale of Old 2000 Maintenance Truck – Repairs – Following discussion Council members
agreed that we will not put any additional funds into fixing up or repairing the old 2000 maintenance truck and the truck will be sold on an “AS IS” basis. Council members also suggested a sale price of $1,500.00 or best offer.