COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES- Special Meeting October 4 2024

Special Council Meeting
Waste Go- Biological Wastewater Treatment
October 4th , 2024

Mayor Albert Gallant  called the meeting to order at 10:30 am

Albert Gallant  – Mayor
Allan Parks – Deputy Mayor
Ivan Blanchard- Councillor (absent)
Charles MacAusland  Councillor
Corey Gillis  Councillor
Patrick MacLellan Councillor
Jonathan Gallant Councillor (Absent)
Michelle Perry- CAO
Operator: Preston Sililker
Maintenance: Monty MacAusland
Waste Go President: Colin Brushett

Mayor Gallant opened the meeting and turned the meeting over to Colin Brushett president of Waste Go.  Mr Brushett gave a presentation on how the product works and the benefit that the community would have by using the product on their lagoon.
– 100% environmentally friendly and digests only dead organic waste.
– not harmful to wildlife or operators.
– increases the life span of the lagoon system by 30+ years.
– NSF Certified
– get the best water test result
-increased lagoon capacity


Mayor Gallant thanked everyone for coming to the meeting
Meeting adjourned.