COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES- Special Meeting May 22 2024

Special Council Meeting
May 22nd , 2024

Mayor Albert Gallant called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.

Albert Gallant  – Mayor
Allan Parks – Deputy Mayor
Ivan Blanchard- Councillor
Charles MacAusland  Councillor
Corey Gillis  Councillor
Patrick MacLellan Councillor
Jonathan Gallant Councillor
Michelle Perry- CAO

This meeting was to make sure that all the council members are on the same page about the Kinsmen Rd Extension for the sewer.

Mayor Gallant opened the meeting and passed the meeting over to  CAO Perry.  CAO Perry explained everything that went on from the first initial contact with the resident at 57 Kinsmen Rd.  Who at the time in 2022 was asking to hook up to the community sewer for housing units. At that time the resident was going to pay for the hook up.  Then the community decided to annex that property as well as 11 other properties that were unincorporated along Kinsmen Rd.  The community had a public meeting with the residents of the properties they were going to annex to advise them as to what the communities plan was.  At the time of the meeting the community advised the residents that they would be hooked up to the community sewer at their property line. The annex of the property was approved on December 23rd, 2023.  In early spring the community reached out to environment to see what the process was to extend the line, and they were informed that they would need to hire a consultant for the drawings.  So the community hired WSP to complete the project.   Which leaves us to where we are today. There were some concerns about how the community was going to pay for this project and if there needed to be a second manhole extended up from the last manhole on the Kinsmen Rd to hook up the housing units. CAO Perry advised that WSP did all the drawing for the elevation of the property. And the tenders were already sent out.  So if anything changes this will need to be discussed with WSP and the contractor when the contractor is decided.  The community also has a meeting with Minister Arsenault on May 27 @ 1:30pm to see if there is any funding available.

Mayor Gallant thanked everyone for coming.