COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES – Special Meeting – May 15, 2013
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May 15, 2013
Chairperson, Peter Mallett, called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Peter Mallett – Chairperson
Ivan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson
Joan Arsenault – Councilor
John Gillis – Councilor
Ben Murphy – Councilor
Mike MacKinnon – Councilor
Judy Gallant – Administrator
In preparation for a special Public Meeting to be held on Tuesday, May 21st to discuss the Rec Centre future and proposed major renovation project, council members discussed varies issues including:
– Retention of Volunteers. In light of the report that some volunteers are considering
leaving the Rec Centre, Council members discussed possible compensation options for volunteers working at the weekly bingo. Joan advised that she was advised that the Legion presently pays their volunteers $10.00 per hour and their bingo caller $60.00 for the night They usually have 6 people working at their bingos and the cost is approximately $195.00 per night.
Another possible option to try and retain volunteers for the bingos would be to offer free bingo passes to the volunteers every time they work at a bingo. Council members felt that the option of “free bingo passes” for the volunteers working the bingos would help to keep the costs down but should be brought to the Rec Centre volunteer board members for their input first. Ivan agreed to try and set up a meeting with the board members as soon as possible.
– Rec Centre’s current and potential future uses and value to the Community. Council members reviewed a list prepared by John which outlined several of the Rec Centre’s current assets including accessibility, large paved parking lot, recent improvements and upgrades already carried out over the past few years and the number of current events now being held at the Rec Centre on a regular basis such as blood donor clinics, bingos etc. Council also discussed the possibility of holding other weekly activities for kids.
– Residents’ input as to viability of Rec Centre – Council members feel that the residents
should be asked for their input as to how long the Community should continue to own the Rec Centre if it’s operating costs are higher than its revenue and if so at what cost limit.
– Proposed improvements and upgrade project – Council was advised that before ACOA
will consider our application for grant funds to carry out improvements at the Rec Centre they suggested that we have a structural assessment done on the building along with providing them with an outline of a future proposed business plan. The structural assessment has now been completed by an engineer from Genivar (the former Delcom Engineers) who found that the building is in good structural condition.
These issues can be discussed with the residents at the May 21st special public meeting.
– Council members discussed the various equipment options and the bids submitted, and
the possibility of needing to construct a storage building to house the tractor/equipment. These issues, including the cost for storage building will be discussed with the residents at the May 21st public meeting.
4. GAS TAX (Community Fund Grant) – Sidewalk Extension Main Dr. West
Judy advised Council that in order to access part of the funds currently remaining in this round of the Gas Tax Community Fund to help with the additional cost of installing the sidewalk along Main Drive West, one of the conditions is that the proposed project, besides having to be completed by the March 31, 2014 deadline, is that the project “cannot” have already been awarded. Since our sidewalk extension project had already been awarded last fall we will not be able to apply to additional funds for this particular project.