COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES- Special Meeting February 21st, 2018
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Special Council Budget Meeting
February 21st, 2018
Chairperson Ivan Blanchard called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
Ivan Blanchard – Chairperson
John Gillis – Councillor
Robin Gillis- Councillor
Pat MacLellan – Councillor
Joan Arsenault – Councillor
Ricky Myers- Councillor
Michelle Perry- Administrator
Executive for the Fire Department Chief Jason Woodbury, Deputy Chief Paul Perry and Allan Wood Fire Fighter
2. The objective of the meeting was to give the department a better understanding as to what it cost for operating the fire department.
Ivan welcomed everyone for coming and explained some of the cost for the operating the department and that Council is trying to bring some of the cost down. He stated that he was speaking with MLA Sonny Gallant and Sonny was speaking with the minister and stated that the First responder course were free to the departments however they were held in Charlottetown twice a year.
Jason stated that some of the supplies for the truck were being covered by Island EMS as far as things that they needed for first responders. And that the Fire department is a liability to the community and that it is infrastructure which is good for the community. Jason also stated that his budget is a 15 month budget and it actually comes in lower than last year budget by $1500.00, and that his budget is based on progression into the future.
Robin Gillis passed out a spread sheet that council was working on with figures that they used to come up with an operating cost for the Fire Department. She explained how the numbers were used.
Council talked about the INET computers that they are looking for 2 for the fire trucks this year at $12000.00 and a monthly fee of $336.00 to run them. Council asked if there was another fire department o the island that has them and Jason replied no The Ambulance has them and the Police and they are a 2 way communicator so they can see who’s responding how far they are away and they help locate address as well as gives emergency contact information.
There was discussion about cutting cost and trying to get funding for certain equipment. Jason stated that it is council job to lobby the government for funding or to subsidized the fire department for the first responding, it is not the job of the volunteer fire department to do.
At this time Robin Gillis left the meeting as she had another commitment.
Jason talked about the trip to Ottawa in September and he stated how important it was to have
leadership at that event whether it be someone from the Council or deputy Chief or chief from the fire department as those organization of fallen fire fighters are there to help the communities when things go bad, and that they were a great help when officer Mike Gallant was killed. He talked to the organization in Ottawa for many days and they helped make sure that it was properly done. When Jason went to Ottawa the first time he stated that he could walk up to the people he talked to and shake their hand and say thank you in person it was a good feeling to be able to do that.
Council stated that they want to work together with the fire department as they do appreciate what they do for the community and they can honestly say that the department is run very well. Jason advised council that he will work with them as well however if things need to be discussed about the budget then this should be talked about earlier so that they can come up with a plan before budget time.
Ivan thanked the executive for coming and they left.
3. By Laws: council was given a handout of the By Law Process, and they discussed about having the Federation contacted to see if it was possible to have someone from that organization sit wit council to help create the By Laws as they feel they are not qualified to do this and they have hired it in the past.
MOTION moved by John Gillis seconded by Ricky Myers and carried,
THAT the Federation of Municipalities be contacted to see if someone from that organization is able to come and sit with council to help create the By Laws. And $5000.00 will be added to the budget in the case that a person would need to be hired to create the By Laws.
4. Fire Department Budget: Council discussed lowering some of the Fire Department budget in the area of equipment and the only thing on the list that could be removed that would not jeopardize safety is the INET computers. They have also lowered the Insurance Budget by $3000.00.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by Joan Arsneault and carried,
THAT the INET computers be taken out the Fire Department Budget this year.
5. Trip to Ottawa: Council discussed sending Jason to Ottawa to represent the Fire Department.
John Gillis put a motion on the floor to send Jason to Ottawa this year and there was no one who seconded the motion so the motion died.
Council will not be sending anyone to Ottawa this year to the memorial is September.