COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES- Special Meeting Aug 1st 2017
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Special Council Meeting
August 1st, 2017
Chairperson Ivan Blanchard called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
Ivan Blanchard – Chairperson
John Gillis – Councilor
Robin Gillis- Councilor
Pat MacLellan – Councilor
Joan Arsenault – Councilor
Ricky Myers- Councilor
Michelle Perry- Administrator
Special Meeting with MLA Sonny Gallant on Carbon Tax.
1. Ivan started the discussion off that Council was not in favor of another tax especially the carbon tax as P.E.I. is probably one of the greener provinces with the Wind Mills, Waste Watch and Solar Panels. And especially the low income families will be the ones that are affected by this tax.
Sonny advised that there was no decision made by Government at this time and there is 5 different groups working on what will work best for this island. However we all have to realize that we all are part of the country and the world and we have to do our part in helping with this issue as it affects our children grandchildren and great grand children. What government is hoping for is .02 on gas with a goal of $10.00 per ton over a 5 year period. Some provinces would have $30.00 per ton but sine PEI has less emission we would have a lower rate. The money from this tax will go back to the Municipalities for funding for new greener projects and the Low income families will benefit as well.
Fishermen and Farmers are exempt from this tax.
Ivan said that he read that Saskatchewan and NS are both suing the federal government on the Carbon tax.
Sonny said that anyone can sue doesn’t mean their going to win.
Sonny advised that if council is strong about not agreeing with the Carbon Tax they should get all the information on it before they go public with it. And that he can have someone from government come up and talk with them and explain everything to them and answer their questions.
2. Intersection Lights not changing the way they should on Route 2 Sonny had someone come out and look at the lights and they are working the way they should. There is not much that can be done to this intersection as there is not enough room to put a turning light in and no room to widen the rd.
Complaints about speeding on Kelly Dr speed bumps can be put in but council not sure if this is a good idea or not. Also the curb on Kelly Dr can be extended out but this would be a cost to the community to have this done.
At this time MLA Sonny Gallant left the meeting Council thanked him for coming
3. Great Benjamin Circus is in Miscouche for today only and the charge for the rental of the land was $300.00 and Ivan spoke with the manager about the damage on the lawn from the big trucks turning and the manager stated that he will fix this before they leave.
4. Sewer: There is only 2 residents that did not respond to the letters that were sent out for disconnects. Council decided to put dig here signs in the yards and call JC Drilling to have them come out on Monday to disconnect.
5. Eddie Laughlin Award: There was 3 nominees for this award Bernadette Farrell, Millie Gaudet and Albert Gallant. Council was given all three letters and they decided that Millie Gaudet and Bernadette Farrell would be the recipients of this years award.