COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES- September 12th, 2017
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Monthly Council Meeting
September 12th, 2017
Chairperson Ivan Blanchard called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Ivan Blanchard – Chairperson
John Gillis – Councilor
Robin Gillis- Councilor
Pat MacLellan – Vice Chairperson
Joan Arsenault – Councilor
Ricky Myers- Councilor
Michelle Perry- Administrator
Fire Chief Jason Woodbury & Deputy Chief Paul Perry
2. FIRE DEPT REPORT: Jason and Paul will be in later to give the report.
3. MAINTENANCE REPORT: Sewer flushing as been happening this week and the videoing will be done this week as well. John Gillis wanted to have Main Dr East & West done as well as Lady Slipper North and South, John also wanted to get Kensington Septic in to get the Rec Center line flushed out so Gillis Heating can video the line.
4.REC CENTER REPORTS: Ivan received a call about a complaint about the cleanliness of the Rec Center he spoke with Robert and asked hi to have it cleaned. Council had some concerns about this and this is not the first time they have received a complaint, and there was some concerns about the department of health getting involved. Robin and Ivan will talk with Robert about this issue.
5. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: July 11th, – August 1st, 2017,
MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Ricky Myers and carried,
THAT the minutes of the July 11th , and August 1st 2017 be approved as presented.
a) Hi-Mack at the East Lagoon: John Gillis was speaking with Preston Silliker and Preston did not think that it was needed at this time.
b) German Shepard’s on Kelly Dr: The owners have just moved back from camping all summer so Pat will see if he can talk to them about the dogs running out close to the sidewalk when people are walking.
c) Benjamin Circus: The amount that the circus paid for the lot rental was $300.00 Ivan had decided to keep the money as petty cash.
MOTION moved by Ricky Myers, seconded by John Gillis and carried,
THAT the office has a petty cash fund of $300.00.
d) By-Laws: Council has came up with a few By laws that they would like to added, Fire Safety, Burning Viscous Dogs, Mobile Canteen, Noise Control, Pollution, Lot Size. Michelle will research other communities to see if they have any created that we can copy from.
Also need to research and find out if a house burned on an undersized lot can the house be rebuilt or can it only be rebuilt if there is part of the structure to rebuild on.
e) Speeding on Wilfred St. Michelle will contact the Staff Sergeant to see if someone can attend our October meeting to answer a few question that Council have.
f) Broken Sidewalk on Kelly Dr: At this time Joan Arsenault was asked to leave the meeting. Council has received 2 bids to have the sidewalk repaired on Kelly where the home owner received a truck load of wood and the weight of the truck going over the sidewalk cracked the sidewalk in several places on 3 lengths of sidewalk. The homeowner was contacted by mail to advise of the damaged and that they would be responsible for the repairs. The home owners contact the community Office on 2 occasions July 20th and July 26th, 2017 advising that they have passed this information off to the company that delivered the wood to have them repaired, Council have decided that since this has not been repaired and it needs to be done before winter sets in that they will have this repaired and send a registered letter to the home owner advising them.
MOTION moved by Pat Maclellan, seconded by Robin Gillis and carried,
THAT the MacAusland Concrete will be hired to replace the 3 lengths of Sidewalk on Kelly Dr and the homeowners will be billed for the repairs. $750.00 plus HST.
Joan Arsenault was asked to come back and join the meeting.
a) Fire Dept: concern about a Fire Fighter using the room upstairs to teach First Aid
b) Planning Board- Building Permits- No permits
c) Sewer: A registered letter was sent to a resident on Kelly Dr about the past due account it was picked up on August 24th, but there still has been no contact about payment. The 30 days will be up on September 14th, 2017. Ivan advised to have it set up to be disconnected on Monday.
d) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights: Amber Light on the pole on Main Dr W on left hand side is out Michelle will call and have this reported. Ricky Myers reported that the wall on the fire hall by the fire doors is starting to separate and water is getting in behind the wall. He will have Paul Millar Masonry have a look at this.
e) Community Improvements: We have received the last amount owing for the renovations from ACOA for $12,688.11, Also the grand reopening for the Skate Park was a big success there was a lot of kids around there was kids that came out from Generation XX to participate as well. There seems to be a lot of kids using the park now since it has been upgraded and even kids coming from Summerside as the skate park there they say is too crowded.
At this time Jason Woodbury and Paul Perry came into the meeting.
Chief Jason Woodbury gave the following report. Jason congratulated Robin as a new council member as this was the first meeting that Jason attended since Robin was voted in.
Gym Equipment: The fire department will be purchasing equipment for upstairs and it will only be used by the fire department and the juniors will not be allowed at the fire hall unless there is a senior member with them. They are wanting to know if they can take down the false wall which was put up as a coat room a long time ago just so they have more room for the equipment. The equipment will be professional grade equipment and there will be no cost to the community. They are going to put a foam floor down to buffer some of the noise out and Kendall, Adam and Travis will be looking after this project.
Memorial for outside the Fire Hall: they have received so far $10,000.00 to go towards this project and it will probably not be done till next year as they are still looking for funding.
#112 had to be taken to G Leblanc in Moncton to be repaired today as they were having issues with it when doing the sewer flushing today, they think it could be the transfer case or the pump, and as soon as Jason knows anything he will call Ivan to let him know.
Memorial Weekend went very well they were well represented.
Ivan mentioned to Jason about the fire department member using the upstairs to teach First Aid Jason informed Ivan that he would talk to him.
At this time Jason and Paul were thanked for coming and they both left the meeting.
John Gillis also left the meeting at this time for prior commitments.
f) Finance:
MOTION moved by Robin Gillis seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried,
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $123,239.49 is approved.
a) Buggy Sign: Clarence Poirier was requesting Buggy sign for the road on Lady Slipper Dr N as he does horse and carriage rides on the road
MOTION moved by Robin Gillis seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried,
THAT 2 Horse and Buggy signs be installed on Lady Slipper Dr N.
b) Cell phone Monty: It has been suggested that Monty carry a cell phone for emergencies, however Monty did not want to be responsible for paying for the cell phone.
MOTION moved by Pat Maclellan seconded by Ricky Myers and carried,
THAT the Community purchase a cell phone with a pay as you go for Monty, to be returned when he no longer works for the Community.
c) Cell Phone Booster: The cell signal is extremely bad in the Fire Hall so LPTV was out and gave a quote of $1424.83 to install a cell booster to increase the signal.
MOTION moved by Pat Maclellan seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried,
THAT a cell phone booster be installed in the fire hall..
d) Snow blowing contract: It will be put in the paper for a 1 year contract for snow blowing.
e) Judy Gallant: A long time employee of the community for 27 years, and when she left there was no severance package, or retirement plan, and since she has passed council was discussing something that they can do. It was suggested to make a payment on the funeral. It was also discussed naming the council Room the Judy Gallant room in memory of Judy
MOTION moved by Pat Maclellan seconded by Robin Gillis and carried,
THAT the donation of $4000.00 go towards the funeral expenses of Judy Gallant. Also to have the Meeting Room named after Judy with a picture and a plaque.
f) Property off of Steeple View Heights: The owner of the property was inquiring to see if the community was interested in purchasing the land adjacent to Steeple View heights. Council was interested but they needed some more information about this a letter will be sent to the owner to see what they are looking to sell the property for.
g) Lots on Laughlin St: since the Community now owns the 6 lots on Laughlin St, there was a discussion as to what they should be sold for. Pat suggested that we have an updated quote on the price of getting the Culd Sac put in and the sewer lines before a price is set.
h) Police Association: emailed and they are looking for a donation for the Crime Prevention Guide again this year.
MOTION moved by Ricky Myers seconded by Robin Gillis and carried,
THAT the Community purchase a business card advertisement for $200.00 plus HST for the Crime Prevention Guide.
i) Gym Equipment: council agreed that the fire department can tear down the false wall to give them more room for the gm equipment upstairs.
j) City Flooring: There is a credit for City Flooring for $660.00 and there was a possibility to get new flooring in the office down stairs, after much discussion it has been decided to take the credit and not do the new floor.
k) Vector: Ivan was wondering if there was a chance to have a tour of the Vector facility to see what is new and upcoming business wise in the area. Ricky said that he will see if he can get a tour.
l) New pens were ordered from Prodigy Sports and they should be in next week they have the Community Name on them
11. NEXT MEETING: October 10th, 2017