COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES – September 11th, 2018
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Monthly Council Meeting
September 11th, 2018.
Chairperson Ivan Blanchard called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Ivan Blanchard – Chairperson
John Gillis – Councillor (Absent)
Robin Gillis- Councillor
Pat MacLellan – Deputy Chair
Joan Arsenault – Councillor
Ricky Myers- Councillor
Michelle Perry- Administrator
Fire Chief Jason Woodbury
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest: Robin Gillis declared a conflict of interest for New Business section 10 g).
3. FIRE DEPT REPORT: Jason Woodbury gave the following report. There was 8 calls last month mostly medical. Trucks are being washed and detailed and should be done within the next day or two. Summer party went well and it was held at the fire hall due to the inclement weather they also had a good turn out this year and they have passed in their receipts. They will be starting the monument soon as they have some labor, and ground work donated. There was some concerns as to where the monument was going to be placed in relation to the building. However there is no other place for this, and it will not impede the vision out of the windows.
Pat MacLellan came into the meeting 7:10 pm.
Cleaning of the fire hall is going very well and no complaints. Emergency Measure Plan will need to be looked at, There is also a EMO By law that will need to be created soon. Council will have to look at this in the next few months. Memorial Weekend went very well. Jason still thinks that council should be supporting this event as it is a weekend for the families and they will be putting back in the budget for next year. They need to order a helmet for the junior firefighter, and they are having a hard time as the person is of very small stature and having a hard time to get one to fit. Also they need to order new boots as one of the fire fighters has medical condition in one of his feet and he needs a proper pair of boots. Also one of the fire fighters lost a significant amount of weight and they had to order a new uniform for him, as the one he had could not be altered, so they are hoping that it will fit another fire fighter. Open house will be October 14th 1-4 pm and they will have prizes and demonstrations, also they will be starting to plan the Christmas Party but they have no definite date yet.
Council thanked Jason for the report.
Acting Mayor Jason Woodbury gave a 15 minute talk on what is the next step for St Nicholas, as they will be dissolving as a community. They will be having a public meeting September 18th, 2018 at 7:00 pm at the Community hall in St Nicholas to ask the public what their thoughts are on amalgamation with Wellington or Miscouche. Minister Richard Brown and MLA Sonny Gallant will be attending as well and he encouraged council to attend as well. Right now there tax rate is .12 Non Commercial and .30 commercial.
Council thanked Jason for the information and advised that some of them will attend the meeting.
4. MAINTENANCE REPORT: They are doing the sewer flushing this week and so far there is not any big issues. Maintenance men have replaced a man hole cover down by Scooters. And there is 2 more that need to be done by the Legions however 1 needs to be dug out cause it moved about 6 “ and the other one has cracks all around it, but they can wait to be done next year.
5. REC CENTER REPORT: Michelle gave the following report for Robert gallant. He has the next 4 weekends booked, there is 3 wedding and a dance. Bingo are going good as well.
6. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Meeting minutes for August 14th,2018 be approved as presented.
MOTION moved by Ricky Myers seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried
THAT the minutes for August 14th be approved as presented.
a) Rock at Steeple View: Michelle has still not been in touch with East Prince she went there last week and Larry was not there, so she will try again this week.
b) Corcoran’s: This was tabled from the last meeting. A letter was received from a resident complaining about the state that surrounds her property. Ivan spoke with MLA Sonny Gallant and they are not listed as a Salvage yard so no rules that need to be followed. Council decided to write a letter to Corcoran’s and they take it to him to see if they can come up with an agreement to make the property look better.
c)Sign holders, foot pedals and grates: The grates were installed Monday night and the Pedals were dropped off and Monty and Bobby will install them next week, and the sign holders were completed last week as well.
a) Fire Dept: Already discussed.
b) Planning Board- Building Permits- 1 building permit 86 Lady slipper Dr N detached garage.
c) Sewer: Bills: bills are ready to go out for October 1st.
d) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights: Nothing to report
e) Community Improvements: Nothing to report.
f) Finance:
MOTION moved by Ricky Myers seconded by Robin Gillis and carried
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $21,366.05 is approved.
a) Quarterly News Letter: Robin is working on getting the news letter to be sent out for October. The information was received from the Legion, Rec Center Seniors Club and Michelle will send a letter to the school.
b) PEI Police Association: Annual donation to the crime Prevention Guide this year it is on mental health.
MOTION moved by Ricky Myers seconded by Robin Gillis and carried
THAT the community purchase a Black & White business card for $200.00 plus HST.
c).Oil Tank behind the Fire Hall: Robert has 8 pieces of siding left over from the project at the rec center and he was looking at the oil tank behind the building and he stated that it needs to be done and the roof is in bad shape. Ivan asked Michelle to have Bobby and Monty look at it to see what they think.
d) Grant a Wish: Robin was in a conflict of interest so she stepped out. Jessica Gillis sent a email requesting a donation for slow pitches for wishes. To raise money for the Children’s Wish Foundation.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by Ricky Myers and carried
THAT the a donation of $200.00 be given to the Slow Pitches for Wishes for Children’s Wish foundation.
At this time Jason Woodbury was asked to leave the room so council could discuss some personal issues.
e) Update Grant/ Gazebo: Skills came through with the grant and Ivan is getting a quote for material and then he has a meeting with Property and Finance for the church on Tuesday 18th, to see what they can afford to put in. Ivan wanted to know if the community can be a guarantor on the loan. And if the money did not come through from the other providers then the grant would be dissolved. Council agreed to go ahead with the letter to guarantee the loan, and if the other providers did not come through that the project would be scrapped, as the community was not be funding this project.
f) Laughlin St Property: Council discussed the option of selling the property.
g) Rec Center Issues: Council discussed some issues that were going on at the Rec Center, and they wanted a duty list for the manager created.
h) Electric Bill: I van wanted to get an analyst done on the both properties as he stated that the electric bills were to high for the properties. He will call an electrician to get one done.
11. NEXT MEETING: October 9th, 2018