COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES – September 11, 2013
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Regular Monthly Meeting
September 11, 2013
Vice-Chairperson, Ivan Blanchard, opened the meeting at 7:00 P.M.
Ivan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson
Joan Arsenault – Councilor
John Gillis – Councilor
Ben Murphy – Councilor
Mike MacKinnon – Councilor
Judy Gallant, Administrator
and: Preston Silliker – Prince County Wastewater Management
Jason Woodbury – Fire Chief, Paul Perry – Deputy Fire Chief,
Robert Gallant – Manager of Rec Centre
Absent: Peter Mallett – Chairperson
Absent: Bobby DesRoches – Maintenance Worker
Preston Silliker gave the following reports:
– Main Drive West – Manhole – We are still waiting for MacIsaac’s Backhoeing to check it out.
– Rotational Cleaning of Sewer Mains – Preston would like to see this done as soon as possible. Judy advised that our maintenance worker Bobby DesRoches thought this was going to be done sometime in October. Bobby would also like to meet with Preston and John to go over which sections should be done this year.
– Annual Maintenance of Lift Stations – Bobby has made arrangements to have this work done on either September 26th or 27th.
Council thanked Preston for his reports and Preston then left the meeting.
On behalf of Bobby DesRoches, Judy gave the following reports:
– He has been trimming some of the trees branches that have been hanging over the sidewalks.
– He has painted the lines at both the firehall and Rec Centre parking lots.
– Maintenance Truck Repairs: Following discussion Council agreed to have four used tires put on the maintenance truck at a cost of $300.00 as well as hooking up the horn at an additional $100.00.
At this time Fire Chief Jason Woodbury and Deputy Chief Paul Perry came into the meeting.
Jason Woodbury and Paul Perry gave the following reports:
– Summer Party – Since there were only 9 firemen who signed up, the summer party was not held.
– New Pumper – Cracked Dash – The dash of the new truck has cracked again on both sides where the front doors meet the dash. This problem originated when the truck was first delivered to us and manufacturer replaced the dash at that time. Gary Myers is trying to get Freightliner to replace the dash again.
– Truck Undercoating – All the fire trucks and Rescue Van has now been undercoated.
– Jaws for Life – Our firemen recently participated in another training session with our existing jaws and the firemen found them to be extremely difficult to work with because they are the older type and they are extremely heavy and awkward to handle.. The newer versions have much lighter spreaders and are easier to work with. The firemen may be able to get newer, lighter spreaders and a power pack for approximately $4000.00 to $5000.00. The firemen are asking Council if they would give consideration to giving the firemen permission to purchase a newer, lighter set of spreaders and power pact at an estimated cost of $4000.00 to $5000.00.
– Firemen’s Honorarium – Jason advised that part of the this year’s increased amount will be used to give an additional amount, base amounts, to both our training and safety officers. The majority of the increased amount will be going to the firefighters themselves.
– Storage – Once our new storage building is completed, the firemen would like to see some of the maintenance supplies moved into the new storage building in order to free up some storage space in the fire dept for the extra tables.
Council thanked Jason and Paul for their reports and Jason and Paul then left the meeting.
At this time Robert Gallant, Manager of the Rec Centre came into the meeting.
Council was advised that at a recent meeting held on September 4, 2013 which was attended by Peter, Ivan, Ben, Judy, Robert and Rec Centre volunteers, Patsy Arsenault, Kate Mallett and Corey Gillis, the following issues were discussed.
– Bingo Workers Bingo Passes: Do to concerns raised about volunteers who only work for one hour on bingo nights and those who work the entire evening are both getting a free $20.00 bingo pass. There will now be two different passes, all marked “No Cash Value”. One for a $15.00 bingo package for those who only work for one hour and one for a $20.00 bingo package
for those who work the entire bingo.
– Basic Hall Rental: The basic hall rental fees will be $50.00 for up to a maximum of 3 hours and $100.00 for any day or evening over 3 hours. The rate for rental of both the hall PLUS use of the kitchen will be $150.00 for any rental over 3 hours. Council members agreed with these rates.
– It was also suggested that a questionnaire/survey should be passed out at the start of each week asking those in attendance for their input on how the bingos are being conducted. The questionnaire should only be about 5 questions and one of those questionnaires could be whether or not that person would be willing to work as a volunteer at the bingos in exchange for a free bingo pass.
– Grounds Improvements – Robert and Bobby will be trying to do some landscaping around the Rec Centre. Robert also advised that we should have someone come with a brush hog to clean up some of the overgrown brush along the parking lot. Council asked Robert to make arrangements to get the brush cleaned up.
– Religion Classes – These will be starting up this Sunday for the winter months.
– Events Calendar – Mike asked Robert to provide him with an up to date list of all bookings and activities at the Rec Centre so that these can be added to the web site that he has started for the Rec Centre. Robert agreed.
– Upcoming Bookings: Robert reported that there will be a wedding dance on September 28th and a catered wedding on October 5th.
Council thanked Robert for his reports and Robert then left the meeting.
MOTION moved by Ben Murphy, seconded by John Gillis and carried,
THAT the minutes of the August 14, 2013 regular monthly meeting
be approved as presented.
a) Storage Building – The electrician has now completed the 220 amp electrical hookup for
storage building. Extra costs will include the light fixtures. We did not get any estimate on what the alternative foam insulation will cost.. It was pointed out that there was no seal gasket put between the footing and the bottom sill. This will need to be sealed. Ivan will speak to the contractor Blaine Gallant about this.
b) Rec Centre – Sports equipment – Mike reported that the estimated cost is $450.00.
c) Planning and Zoning By-laws – Council was advised that a resident has been asking for permission to construct duplexes that they can in turn re– subdivided and sell as individual units. Judy advised them that they can construct duplexes on lots that meet the required Provincial minimum lot size but they could not then try to subdivide and sell off each side of the duplex unless they met all the conditions contained in section 6.6 of our By-laws pertaining to subdividing two family (duplex) dwellings. Under section 6.6 one of the requirements would be that they would be required to follow the Provincial minimum lot size standards which require each unit having the minimum lot size of 15,000 square feet. Since advising of the requirements that would have to be met, the office has received numerous phone calls from various Provincial Government Departments on this issue. The Federation of PEI Municipalities has now set up a workshop – training session for all Municipalities for Wednesday, September 18th regarding By-law Enforcement. Both Peter and Judy will be attending this workshop. Following discussion Council members agreed to wait until after the September 18th workshop before reviewing this matter again.
d) Outstanding Sewer Charges – Following discussion:
MOTION moved by Mike MacKinnon, seconded by Ben Murphy and carried,
THAT registered letters be sent to approximately 7 property owners advising
them that if they have not paid their outstanding sewer charges by October
31, 2013 arrangements will be made to disconnect their sewer service.
At this time John Gillis left the meeting.
e) Unsightly Property – Main Drive West – Ben reported that our
Solicitor, John Brennan, has suggested that we ask, a building inspector with the City of Summerside, if he would be willing to come and inspect the building and give us a written report as to the condition of the building in order that we can proceed with the process of having the property cleaned up. Following discussion:
MOTION moved by Mike MacKinnon, seconded by Ben Murphy and carried,
THAT we hire a building inspector with the City of Summerside
to inspect and provide a written report on the condition of the old house located on Main Drive West.
– Purchase of Spreaders and Power Pack for Jaws – Following discussion
MOTION made by Ben Murphy, seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried,
THAT the Fire Dept be granted permission to spend up to $5,000.00 to
purchase a lighter set of spreaders and a power pack for their Jaws equipment
b) Recreation – Nothing new to report
c) Planning
– 2 Permits issued were to:
– Community of Miscouche to construct 18′ x 28′ storage building at 15 Main Dr. E.
– to remove existing 24′ x 20′ addition at back of dwelling at 79 Lady
Slipper Drive N and replacing it with a 30′ x 24′ attached garage.
– Request for 10% variance
Council was advised that resident would like to construct a 32′ x 18′ attached garage on his dwelling located at 79 Kelly Drive. He stated that there should be at least 28′ between his dwelling and his boundary line but because he is unable to locate a survey pin he is not completely sure that there will be 10 feet between his garage and the side boundary line so he is asking for a variance of up to 10% or one foot so that he can construct his attached garage.
Following discussion:
MOTION moved by Ben Murphy, seconded by Mike MacKinnon and carried,
THAT the resident be granted a variance of up to 10% on the side
yard set back requirement so that he can construct an 18′ x 32′ attached garage
on the east side of his dwelling.
d) Sewer – Already discussed.
e) Acadian Purchase Trust – Nothing new to report.
f) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights
– Snow Removal for 2013/2014 season – Following discussion
MOTION moved by Ben Murphy and seconded by Mike MacKinnon and carried,
THAT we publish a Notice in the Journal Pioneer calling for Tenders to
carry out snow removal for the Community for the 2013/2014 season.
g) Community Improvements – nothing new to report.
i) Finance – Contribution to Reserve Fund
MOTION moved by Ben Murphy, seconded by Mike MacKinnon and carried,
THAT we invest the amount of $50,000.00 in a Term Deposit for future
capital expenditures or debt retirement.
MOTION moved by Ben Murphy, seconded by Mike MacKinnon and carried,
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $17,530.62 is approved.
a) – Travel Expenses -Mileage Rate – Following discussion
MOTION moved by Joan Arsenault, seconded by Ben Murphy and carried,
THAT the reimbursement rate for travel expenses for mileage will be
increased to 0.40 cents per kilometer effective today.
b) Maintenance Tractor
Ivan reported that the snow blower is hydraulic and takes two set ups. I also reported
that we will need a new attachment for the hydraulic system for the salt spreader at the back of the tractor and cost will be $400.00. Council approved.
10. NEXT MEETING will be held on Wednesday, October 9, 2013 at 7:00 P.M.