COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES – September 10, 2014
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Regular Monthly Meeting
September 10, 2014
(Note: August monthly meeting was postponed until September 10, 2014)
Chairperson, Peter Mallett called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Peter Mallett – Chairperson
Ivan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson
Joan Arsenault – Councilor
John Gillis – Councilor
Ben Murphy – Councilor
Judy Gallant – Administrator
And: Jason Woodbury – Fire Chief and Paul Perry – Deputy Fire Chief
Absent: Mike MacKinnon – Councilor
Judy gave the following reports on behalf of Bobby DesRoches and Preston Silliker
– Annual Maintenance of Lift Stations – Bobby has made arrangements to have the annual
maintenance work done on our two lift stations on September 16, 2014.
– Annual Rotational Sewer Main Cleaning – Bobby has arranged to have the sections of our
sewer mains cleaned on October 14th, 15th and 16th, 2014. Flaggers will be needed for the work on the Main Highway and the cleaners are aware of this and will make arrangements to have the flaggers.
-Water Supply for Sewer Main Cleaning – Council was advised that since we use the fire
trucks to supply the water for annual cleaning we usually have Jason Woodbury drive the truck and this year Jason is looking for an increase in pay for his time doing the work. Following discussion:
MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried
THAT the rate of pay for having one of the firemen drive the fire truck to
supply water during the annual cleaning of our sewer mains be increased to
$15.00 per hour.
Council will speak to Jason later in the meeting to see if he will agree to this rate.
– Raise in Pay – Bobby had advised that he would like a raise in pay. Council members feel
that this issue should be discussed at next year’s budget preparations. Peter will speak with Bobby.
– Sewer UV System – Preston has now installed new lights on the UV system.
– Electrical Work – Preston wants to have an electrician do some work on the lift station
at the east lagoon and he will need to be there while the work is being done. John recommended
that we hire an electrician who is familiar with this type of work and he will speak to Preston about who to hire for the work.
(At this time Jason Woodbury and Paul Perry came into the meeting)
a) Tanker Replacement – Jason reported that representatives from Irving Oil were suppose to
let us know when the tanker they were having decommissioned would be available for purchase so we could have first option to purchase it to replace our old tanker. On Friday, fireman Mike Gallant was advised by an Irving representative that the truck was sold to someone else because they did not think that they could sell it a fire department. We will now need to look at trying to obtain a used tanker from someone else, possibly another company besides Irving Oil.
b) House Fire – Jason advised Council that the Fire Dept had to respond to
a house fire at the property in Belmont, Lot 16 on August 21st. Due to the fact that the house was located in close proximity to several farm building located on the adjacent properties, the house had to be demolished in order to safely put the fire out and protect the adjacent buildings. Curran and Briggs had to be called in to demolish the burning home which resulted in a cost of $344.85. The property was insured with PEI Mutual and their agent, stated that they are not willing to pay for the additional cost of having to demolish the house even though their brochure clearly states that they will pay up to $1,000.00 for additional Fire Department charges. This is the second time that expenses had to be incurred as a result of structure fires at this property, the previous one being in 2012 which resulted in having to hire Waugh’s construction to demolish an old shed on the property at a cost $427.88. PEI Mutual refused to pay for those charges as well.
Following discussion Ben suggested and Council members agreed that we try to speak with PEI Mutual Board Members about this issue before proceeding with another course of action to recoup our costs.
c) Fire Dept Open House is set for October 12th during “Fire Prevention Week”
d) Firemen’s 2014 Xmas Party – This is set for December 20th at the Miscouche Legion.
e) Winter Maintenance for Fire Trucks – Jason reported that the department would like to
hire someone to professionally wax three fire trucks again this year.
f) Fire Dept Fundraiser – The firemen are looking at a form of fundraiser called “Chase the
Ace of Spades. This would be based on a 50/50 basis and they are looking at holding it at the Rec Centre on Friday nights from 7-9 P.M. Since this will require at least 5 firemen every week he will need to speak to the firemen first to make sure that all the firemen are willing to commit their time to do it on a weekly basis before making any final decision on whether or not to even hold the fundraiser.
g) Uniform Shirts – Jason advised that since the fire department can no longer purchase the
same color of dress uniform shirts they have purchased new ones.
h) Assisting with Water Supply for Sewer Main Flushing – Council advised Jason that they
are willing to pay $15.00 per hour for a firemen to drive the fire truck to provide water during the annual sewer main flushing. Jason agreed to new rate.
Council thanked Jason and Paul for their reports and Jason and Paul then left the meeting.
– Grant – Council was advised that our grant under the Island Community Fund was approved for 75% ($102,000.00) of the estimated total cost of $136,000.00. We have already received half of the grant funds ($51,000.00).
– Work Contract – Council was advised that a Work Contract was prepared and signed by
GIA Limited (Gerald Adams) for the work to be preformed. The tender amount was for $103,000.00 plus HST and the work is to commence on October 1st, 2014 and is scheduled to be completed on or before November 15th, 2014.
MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Ben Murphy and carried,
THAT the minutes of the July 9, 2014 regular and August 6, 2014 special meetings
be approved as presented.
a) Unsightly Property Act – – Expenses
Council was advised that a letter, dated August 21, 2014, was sent to the Est advising that the buildings had been demolished and we are now asking for reimburse of our costs to date in the amount of $4,505.26 which included legal fees, service of the Clean Up Order and demolition costs. The letter also advised that if payment of these costs was not received within 30 days then we would be proceeding with further legal action by having a Judgement/Lien placed filed against the Estate and the property to recover our costs.
b) Rec Centre Activities
– Summer Students – Peter advised that the summer students have now completed their
summer employment and they did an excellent job at setting up youth programs and other activities at the Rec Centre plus participated in planting trees around the Community.
– Seniors Exercise Program – Council was advised that Katie Lidstone who works with
Alison Griffin at the Western Region Sport and Recreation Council would like to set up an exercise and activities program at the Rec Centre geared for older adults. This would be held for six weeks, every Thursday morning from 9:30 to 10:30 A.M. and begin September 18th. Peter will speak with Thelma Gaudet, the President of the Silver Maple Seniors Club to see if any of their members would be interested in participating in this program.
c) Highway Safety Issues
-School Road Crossing – Council was advised that we have received another email from
a Community resident about safety concerns for the youth crossing at the School Road crossing when there is not overhead flashing lights etc. John recommended that we try to set up a meeting with representatives of the Dept of Transportation to discuss these and other highway safety issues we currently have.
– Speed Reduction on Kelly Drive – Council was advised that a letter was sent to Stephen Yeo at the Dept of Transportation on July 30th however we have not received any response on this issue to date.
e) Gas Tax Program – Council was advised that the Gas Tax Program has been extended and
we will now need to complete a Capital Investment Plan with the Provincial Government no later than October 15th, 2014 in order to have access to the potential $500,000.00 grant funds over the next five years. Council will now need to come up with a list of potential projects as soon as possible.
f) “Ed Laughlin Memorial Service Person of the Year Award” – Edwin DesRoches was
this years recipient.
g) 2014 Municipal Elections – Council was reminded that the 2014 Municipal Elections will
be held all across the Island on November 3rd, 2014.
a) Fire Dept – Already discussed.
b) BMX Park – New equipment – Council members feel that we should try to see if there are
any Recreation Grants available to purchase new ramps etc for the BMX park.
c) Planning Board
The following two permits were recently issued:
– construct a duplex at 26/28 Gillis Street
– construct a 28′ x 20′ detached garage at 107 Kelly Drive.
d) Sewer
– Sewer Hookup for 57 Kinsmen Road – Council was advised that the hookup of 57 Kinsmen Road into our central sewer system has now been completed by a contractor hired by the property owners. Since this property is located outside of the Community boundaries the entire cost for the complete hookup, including the undercrossing, up to our sewer main was the responsibility of the property owner, and she is aware that any and all future repairs or maintenance will be her responsibility.
– Sewer Arrears – Council was advised that there are still 3 large outstanding sewer charges. Several other large accounts have been paid. Following discussion Council members agreed that registered letters should be sent out to these 3 property owners advising them that if the entire account is not paid IN FULL by October 29th, arrangements will begin on October 30th to have their service disconnected.
e) Firehall Maintenance & St. Lights –
– Street Light in front of 9 Main Drive East (In Priest’s front yard) is burnt out. Judy will
notify Maritime Electric.
f) Community Improvements – Trees were planted at the Rec Centre as well as at the CN
Park on Lady Slipper Drive S.
g) Finance – Reserve Fund – Invest $25,000.00 in Reserve Fund for future Capital
– 2014 Community Bursary – Council was advised that this year’s winner, Jenna DesRoches has decided not to go to UPEI but will instead be going to Eastern College. UPEI has returned the $1,000.00 and a new cheque was issued to Jenna DesRoches & Eastern College.
MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Ben Murphy and carried,
THAT the payment of the following bills $53,916.31 be approved.
9. NEXT MEETING will be held on Wednesday, October 8, 2014 at 7:00 P.M.