COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES- Public Meeting Rezoning July 28 2020
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Public Meeting Re-Zoning Property 843086
From Residential to Multi Residents
July 28th, 2020
Mayor Albert Gallant called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Albert Gallant – Mayor
Allan Parks – Deputy Mayor
Jacqueline Lecky- Councillor
Pat MacLellan – Councillor(Absent)
John Searle- Councillor
Ivan Blanchard- Councillor
Joan Arsenault – Councillor
Michelle Perry- Administrator
16 Residents
Albert introduced the Developer Darrin Mitchell. Darrin gave a brief presentation on what is plans on putting on the property a 28 unit senior friendly complex which will consist of 7 buildings 1 story units, which will mainly focus on senior living. He advised that it might take 2 years before he gets started as he is looking for a contractor that he can work with. Darrin also had drawings to show the public.
Once the presentation was done the floor was then open to questions or concerns.
Question: There was some concern about the run off onto their properties.
Answer: They would make sure there would be proper drainage around the property to eliminate this.
Question: Would the project will be built in stages and how close it would be to their properties.
Answer: The set backs for the community will be followed 20 ft back from the property lines. And as of now it will mostly likely be built in stages.
Question: The increase of traffic on Kelly Dr is there another access to either the Highway or Kinsmen Rd.
Answer: No other access onto Kinsmen Rd, and there is only 1 access to the property on Kelly. And it was asked to highways for access to Route 2, but they discouraged it as it could cause an accident.
Question: There is concern that the residents property value will decrease because of high density living behind them.
Answer: This would have to be looked into by Land & taxation with the Government.
Question: Will there be another meeting before council decides if the zone will be changed,
Answer: There will be no more meeting, and if anybody has any other concerns they should be contacting the office so that the CAO can get this information to council.
Question: Would this affect their existing wells and will the Lagoon be able to handle another 28 properties.
Answer: Wells will need to be put in to supply water to the units, and the East Lagoon should ba able to handle the new units, however council will; look into this with the operator.
Albert thanked everyone for coming out and advised if there are any other concerns to contact the office.