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Regular Monthly Meeting
October 9, 2013
Chairperson, Peter Mallett, called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Peter Mallett – Chairperson
Joan Arsenault – Councillor
John Gillis – Councillor
Ben Murphy – Councillor
Mike MacKinnon – Councillor
And: Preston Silliker – Prince County Wastewater Management
And: Robert Gallant – Rec Centre manager
Absent: Ivan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson
– Main Drive West Manhole – Preston Silliker reported that two new rings will have to be
installed on the manhole. This will be done by MacIsaac Backhoeing.
Following further discussion Council thanked Preston for his attendance and Preston then left the meeting.
On behalf of Ivan Blanchard, Peter provided the following information:
– The Firemen’s annual Xmas party will be held at the Miscouche Legion on Saturday,
December 14, 2013.
– All fire trucks and rescue van have now been undercoated.
– Halloween Night Duty – Lunch – Council was advised that the firemen are wondering,
since they did not have a summer party this year, if this year’s allowance for lunch funds for Halloween night duty could be increased to $200.00 to $300.00 instead of the usual $100.00 given in previous years. Following discussion:
MOTION moved by Mike MacKinnon, seconded by Ben Murphy and carried,
THAT $200.00 be given to the Fire Dept this year to help cover the cost of their
lunch for Halloween night duty.
Mike MacKinnon reported:
– Kids Program – A new 5 week kids program has begun at the Rec Centre. The program is
being run by Ex. Dir. Of Western Region Sport & Recreation Council and is held every Wednesday after school. The first week there were 6 kids in attendance and there were 7 kids present this week.
– K through 6 Grade After School Program – Mike reported that there is another after school
activity hour program that the Provincial Government would cover the cost for someone to run the program. The would pay $13.00 to $14.00 per hour. The new program is trying to target children ages 3-6. Another program would be for children aged 5-18.
– On Line Events Calendar – Mike is still waiting to get updates from Robert on scheduled
events for the Rec Centre so that it can be put on the web site.
– Archery Classes – Peter reported that Bruce Crabb, on behalf of the PEI Wildlife
Federation, has made a request to hold archery classes at the Rec Centre. The Cost for the equipment needed for this program is covered by the National Archery in Schools Program and the classes are strictly supervised by certified instructors. The Wildlife Federation is trying to set up this program in six schools across PEI. The program has already begun at Evangeline School and the Federation would like to see this program come to our Community. Following discussion Council members agreed to make a decision on this request after some of the Council members have had the opportunity to view one of the archery class at the Evangeline School.
MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Ben Murphy and carried,
THAT the minutes of the September 11, 2013 regular monthly meeting be approved as presented.
a) Maintenance Storage Building – Council was advised that the electrical fixtures still need
to be installed but the rest of the construction is nearly complete.
b) Unsightly Properties – Main Dr. W.
Judy reported to Council that inspector advised that although he can act as an inspector/employee for the City of Summerside he is not Provincially certified as a
building inspector and any report he might prepare may not be accepted by the Court. He did, however also advise that their is someone, who also works for the City of Summerside, and is Provincially certified inspector and he might be available to do the inspection. however is out of the Province until about the middle of October. In the meantime, he has send off a copy of our email to him. Judy will try to contact again to see if he would be available to do an inspection for us.
c) Outstanding Sewer Charges – Judy reported that seven registered letters have been mailed
out to property owners, along with an invoice outlining the balance owing on their sewer accounts. The letters advised the homeowners that if their accounts are not paid in full by the October 31st deadline, arrangements will begin the first of November to have their sewer service disconnected.
At this time, Robert Gallant, Manager of the Rec Centre, came into the meeting.
d) Rec Centre Activities – Robert gave the following reports:
– The weekly bingos are going well.
– Questionnaire – Robert is still working on the questions that could be put on the
– Rec Centre Programs – Robert would like to set a meeting with some of the Board
members and a few Councilors to discuss various programs etc at the Rec Centre.
– Landscaping – Robert will try to get an estimate of what it would cost to hire someone to
remove some of the over growth along the parking lot.
– Volunteer Appreciation Meal – Last year the Community covered the cost to have the
members of the Senior’s Club prepare and host an appreciation meal for the Rec Centre volunteers and Robert is wondering if Council would consider having this done again this year. Council members agreed and Robert advised that he will check with the members of the Seniors Club to see they would be willing to do it again.
Following further general discussion Council thanked Robert for his attendance and Robert then left the meeting.
e) Snow Removal Tender for 2013/2014
Judy reported that a call for tender was advertised in the Journal Pioneer on two occasions
and we have received only two tenders in response to our ad.
Peter opened and read the following two tenders:
– Edwin DesRoches (DesRoches Snow Removal)
– Thibideau’s Auto Centre
Following review of the tenders and discussion:
MOTION moved by Ben Murphy, seconded by Mike MacKinnon and carried,
THAT Thibideau’s Auto Centre be granted the 2013/2014 snow removal tender
a) Fire Dept – Already discussed.
b) Recreation – Already discussed
c) Planning Board
3 Building Permits issued were to:
– to construct an 18′ x 32′ attached garage to his dwelling at 79 Kelly Dr.
– to construct an 80′ x 45′ duplex, including 2 attached garages
at 18/20 Gillis Street (Trailside Acres Subdivision)
– to construct a 28′ x 46′ single family dwelling plus 22′ x 24′ attached
garage at 55 Kelly Drive.
ByLaw Enforcement Workshop
Council was advised that both Peter and Judy attended the Bylaw Enforcement Workshop that was put on by the Federation of PEI Municipalities in Miltonvale on September 18th. This workshop was largely attended by representatives from various Municipalities from across the Island as well as members of the Provincial Dept of Municipal Affairs. The presenter was Andre Daigle, a lawyer who specializes in Municipal and planning laws. The general discussion of the workshop focused on Municipalities being prepared, willing and able to enforce any bylaws they may have adopted. Municipalities should also give consideration to setting up a fund to cover and future potential legal costs that might occur while trying to enforce their bylaws. Mr. Daigle also recommended that when considering whether or not to hold a public meeting considering a development of a piece of property it is always better to have the Public Meeting so that the adjacent property owners have the opportunity to express their concerns about the negative effect the development might have on their own property.
d) Sewer – Already discussed
e) Acadian Purchase Trust – Copies of the Financial Statement, prepared by BDO Chartered
Accounts, for the fiscal year ending May 31, 2013 were handed out to Council members.
f) Firehall Maintenance & St. Lights
– Asphalt Sidewalk and Seniors Club Entrance
The quote presented by Curran & Briggs in the amount of $2,520.00 plus HST to provide a section of asphalt sidewalk between the new storage building and the firehall, as well as improvements to the entrance of the Senior’s Club room and entrance to the new maintenance storage building was approved and accepted by members of Council.
g) Community Improvements – Nothing new to report
h) Finance – Nothing new to report
MOTION moved by Ben Murphy, seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried,
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $32,737.38 is approved.
a) FPEIM – Semi annual meeting
Scheduled for Saturday October 19th at Kinkora. Judy asked Council members that if they are planning on going to let her know so she can send in the registration form.
b) Thank You Card has been received from Katie MacKay, this years receipt of the first annual
Community of Miscouche Bursary
c) World Acadian Congress- Council was advised that we have received a letter from Administrator with the RDEE I.P.E. in Wellington advising that St. Thomas Aquin is looking for letters of support for Prince Edward Island and the greater Southeast New Brunswick region to host the World Acadian Congress in 2019 – the 25th anniversary of the first congress. Following discussion Council agreed to send a letter of support.
d) Halloween Night Curfew and Safety Advertisement – Council agreed to placing a n Ad in the
Journal Pioneer for this years Halloween Safety Advertisement which will include our 8:00 P.M. curfew .
e) Rec Centre Board – Some Council members questioned whether or not we still require Board
members for the Rec Centre. Council members were asked to consider this issue.
10. NEXT MEETING: Will be held on Wednesday, November 13, 2013 at 7:00 P.M.