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Regular Monthly Meeting
October 13, 2015
Chairperson, Peter Mallett, called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Peter Mallett – Chairperson
Ivan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson
Joan Arsenault – Councilor
John Gillis – Councilor
Pat MacLellan – Councilor
Ricky Myers – Councilor
Judy Gallant – Administrator
Michelle Perry – Administrative Assistant
and: Jason Woodbury – Fire Chief and Paul Perry – Deputy Fire Chief
Jason and Paul gave the following reports:
a) Halloween Night Duty – The firemen will be on duty on Halloween Night – The usual amount given to the Fire Dept for lunch on Halloween Night is $100.00.
b) Open House recently held at the Fire Dept went over very well with a good turnout.
c) Bingo – The Firemen agreed to do look after one weekend per month at the Rec Centre and
a couple of Council members will meet with a couple of the Fire Dept representatives to go over the details.
d) New PICS – New Radio System – We recently received a letter from Aaron Campbell,
Director of Public Safety with the Provincial Government stating that a new radio system will be in place. Jason reported that we already have a radio system in place which covers our Mutual Aid so we will not need to have the additional radios listed in their letter.
e) Fire Dept – Upgrades to Washrooms – Upgrades to two of the upstairs washrooms
and the downstairs washroom are needed. Paul reported that toilets and sinks will need to be replaced in two of the upstairs washrooms as well as the laundry tub, taps and toilet in the downstairs washroom.
f) Storm Duty – Jason reported that the firemen will be doing storm duty “if needed” during
snow storms. Jason and Paul will be looking after and asked Council if they would be willing to provide a food allowance for the Firemen when needed.
g) Fire Dept Generator – Council was advised that the current generator only covers a portion
of the downstairs. Following discussion Paul and John agreed to look after having the building changed back to “one” meter instead of “two” which was done when the Club was renting the upstairs portion of the Firehall.
h) Firemen’s Xmas Party will be held at the Miscouche Legion on November 28th. .
Council thanked Jason and Paul for their reports and Jason and Paul then left the meeting.
a) Annual Sewer Main Cleaning – This was completed in September and we have now
received the bill from KM Liquid Waste Removal for $7,130.00 plus $403.70 for flaggers plus HST in the amount of $1054.72 for a total of $8,588.42.
b) Air Compressor – The compressor in the Fire Dept has now been moved out into the bay
c) Exhaust Hood – The outside exhaust hood for the Fire Dept truck exhaust has now been
(2. Fire Dept reports continued…….)
At this time Jason Woodbury came back into the meeting to report:
John Mitchell, who is currently using the downstairs portion of the Miscouche Villa, has asked for permission to use the upstairs portion of the Fire Hall for first aid training whenever he has classes too big for the space at the Villa in exchange for paying $100.00 per class to go towards the Jr. Firefighter program. Following discussion Council members suggested that John Mitchell
use space at the Rec Centre, if the space is available and paying the funds to the Rec Centre. Since John will be operating under his Company he will first need to provide us with copy of his liability insurance to protect us from any claims should someone get hurt while taking his course. John will need to speak to members of Council about this issue.
a) Insurance Claim – Peter reported that he recently spoke with Gerald Adams of GIA Limited
and he was advised by Gerald Adams that his company would come and make the necessary repairs.
b) Gutter Replacement – The gutters need to be replaced and should only be done after the
siding has been fixed.
c) Firemen Bingo – Council members agreed that the Firemen could do the bingo on the last
Sunday of every month. We will need to confirm this date with the firemen and a couple of Council members will meet with the firemen to discuss this issue.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by Ricky Myers and carried,
THAT the minutes of the September 8, 2015 regular monthly meeting
be approved as presented.
a) Kelly Drive – Sidewalks and Ditch infilling – Peter reported that he has spoken with
Matthew Fortier of the Dept of Transportation who advised him that Curran & Briggs will be awarded the contact to do the work along Kelly Drive. Their bid was $143,889.00. The second lowest bid was from Island Coastal in the amount of $148,283.00. The work will include approximately 300 meters and it is anticipated that the work will begin either at the end of this week or beginning of next week. The Dept of Transportation has obtained permission from the Province to allow a portion of the sidewalk to go onto the playground property located corner of Kelly Drive and Lady Slipper Drive South. Following discussion.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried,
THAT Curran & Briggs be granted the tender to construct the sidewalk and do
the ditch infilling with storm drains along approximately 300 meters along the
north side of Kelly Drive at a cost of $143,889.00.
b) Tree Planting – We have now received 20 trees (10 Red Oak and 10 Sugar Maples) from
the Province under the tree planting grant program. Our maintenance worker has started planting the trees today.
c) Snow Removal Tender
– Peter opened the only tender for snow removal which was received from Thibideau’s
Auto Centre. The amount was for $3,699.00 plus HST in the amount of $517.86 for a total of $4,216.86. Following discussion:
MOTION moved by Ricky Myers, seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried,
THAT the tender submitted by Thibideau’s Auto Centre in the amount of
$3,699.00 plus HST in the amount of $517.86 for the a total of $4,216.86
for snow removal on various Community properties for the 2015/2016 season
be accepted.
d) School Property – Adjacent to BMX Park – Council was advised that a letter, dated
September 21, 2015 was mailed to David Gillis, Corporate Service of the English School Board, advising that since the property located between the Community’s BMX park and the ball diamond
is not being used by the School we were wondering if the School Board would give the property to the Community. Mr. Gillis was also advised that the Community has been cutting the grass on this section of School property for the past several years. If the School Board is not willing convey the property to the Community then the beginning in 2016 the School Board will need to begin taking over responsibility for cutting the grass on this section of their property again.
We are currently awaiting a response from the School Board on this matter.
e) – Unsightly Property Bylaws – Council was advised that we have received
another complaint from the resident adjacent to property located at 29 Wilfred Street . The most recent complaint advised that the shed has now begun to collapse more in the centre and now beginning to fall over onto her property. A letter was sent on July 21st asking him to either repair the property or remove the shed but we have not received any response from him. Following discussion, Council agreed to have a ‘CLEAN UP” notice be prepared advising that he must clean up his property within 30 days. The Clean Up Order is to be served by JC Security.
f) Summer Students – Grant Funding – Council was advised that we have now received the
total balances due under both the Federal and Provincial Summer Student programs.
a) Fire Dept – Patrick reported that the firemen have used the Quick Response Vehicle on
several of its calls instead of its Emergency Response Vehicle and feel that this has reduced the overall costs when responding to calls such as Medical First Responder.
b) Recreation – Kelly Drive Playground – Picnic Table
1) On behalf of our maintenance worker, Bobby DesRoches, Judy reported that the picnic
table at the Kelly Drive playground is in need of repairs again and should be replaced. Following discussion.
MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconed by Ricky Myers and carried,
THAT we purchase two picnic tables for the Kelly Drive playground
to replace the old picnic table and 1 picnic table for the Steeple View greenspace/playground area.
2) Bruce Crabb – Peter reported that Bruce Crabb is a member of the boards for
West Prince Sports Participation and Go PEI and he is currently looking for someone to take his place on the boards for these organizations.
c) Planning Board
– Permits issued were to:
raise a portion of the roof for the construction of 2 bedrooms on the second floor of his single family dwelling located at 77 Lady Slipper Drive North.
d) Sewer
1) – Rate Increase – Judy reported that our Accountant, David MacFadyen, advised Judy on
September 15th that he would review our records and get back to Council with a report on this issue. We are still waiting for his response on the issue.
2) – Outstanding Sewer Accounts over $200.00. – Judy advised Council a letter was sent to
15 customers whose sewer accounts are now overdue in amounts ranging from $203.00 to $315.00 plus the amounts due for October 30th. Following discussion Council members agreed that official notices be sent to the all those customers, by registered mail, who have not paid up by October 30th that their sewer will be disconnected if they fail to make payment in full within 30 days.
3) – Asset Reporting – Gas Tax – Judy reported that the representatives of the Gas Tax have
now requested that we complete forms relating to all our assets for sewer mains and manholes. The reports are include the depth of the mains and manholes along with coordinates of the locations of the manholes.
e) Acadian Purchase Trust – The semi annual installment of royalties will become due after
October 31st. Judy will send a reminder off to Acadian Purchase Trust (Annapolis Valley Peat)
f) Firehall Maintenance & St. Lights – Downstairs and upstairs bathrooms upgrades. We will
get Paul Perry to get us an estimate of what it would cost to upgrade/replace the set tub and toilets for the Fire Dept’s downstairs and upstairs bathroom.
g) Community Improvements – Following discussion Council members felt that a letter should
now be sent advising that the properties, which are located on one of the main entrances into our community, are now beginning to look unsightly and ask them if they could please clean up their properties.
h) Finance – Nothing new to report.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by John Gillis and carried,
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $36,682.70 is approved
a) FPEIM – Nomination for vacancies on Board
Council was advised that we have received phone calls and emails from the FPEIM looking for possible nomination from us for the position of Prince County representative on the Board of Directors for FPEIM. Councilor Pat MacLellan advised that he will contact Julie McMurrer of the FPEIM Municipalities to see what this position would involve.
b) New Provincial Water Act – Council members were reminded of a public meeting to be
held in Wellington on November 17th at 7:00 P.M. concerning the Provincial Water Act (Deep wells) and how this could effect our Municipality.
c) Land Governance and Unincorporated Areas – Council was advised that Peter, Ivan, Joan
and Pat, along with administrator Judy and Michelle recently met with representatives of the Provincial Government, Hon. Robert Mitchell, MLA Sonny Gallant, Samantha Murphy and Dale McKeigan regarding the recent discussions going on about communities joining together to form larger incorporated Municipalities. The provincial government is currently not trying to force any communities or areas to join together and are in fact waiting to see what happens with the discussions currently taking place in various areas around the Community.
Next regular monthly meeting will take place on Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at 7:00 P.M.
11. Adjournment