Special Council Meeting
October 18th, 2016OPENING MEETING
Chairperson Peter Mallett called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Special Council Meeting
October 18th, 2016OPENING MEETING
Chairperson Peter Mallett called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Present:Peter Mallett – ChairpersonIvan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson
Joan Arsenault – Councilor (Absent)John Gillis – CouncilorPat MacLellan – CouncilorRicky Myers – CouncilorMichelle Perry- Administrator
2. Flaggers Course: So when the Health and Safety let us know when the next course is we have a few names that would be interested in taking it. Mary Gallant, Robert Gallant, Monty MasAusland, Kenny Gillis and Peter Mallett. It was suggested that Bobby DesRoches take it as well. Since we have the signs we will need to get warlike talkies for the flaggers as well. It was also suggested that we send a letter to JC Drilling, John DesRoches, KM Liquid and Kensington Septic to advise that when any work is being done that they would need to get certified flaggers for any roads in the community. Preston will be contacted to see who the community can get to Video the lines.
3. Halloween: Teacher at the school was wondering if council was interested in participating in their annual Halloween gym on October 26th, 5:30-7:00pm. Council at this time do not have the time to participate in this activity.
4. Unsightly Property:
a) Allen Lecky property have gone to the bank and there is offers on some of them however the judge thinks that they are to low to accept. It was suggested to send a letter to Andrew Campbell the lawyer of the properties to give him clean up orders for the 4 properties under the estate.
b) Property at 103 Lady slipper Dr N has a lot of damaged vehicles on the property, and Council is pretty sure that when the building permit was filed it was for selling used vehicles only not collecting cars for parts.
a) Allen Lecky property have gone to the bank and there is offers on some of them however the judge thinks that they are to low to accept. It was suggested to send a letter to Andrew Campbell the lawyer of the properties to give him clean up orders for the 4 properties under the estate.
b) Property at 103 Lady slipper Dr N has a lot of damaged vehicles on the property, and Council is pretty sure that when the building permit was filed it was for selling used vehicles only not collecting cars for parts.
5. Storm Drains Lady Slipper Dr N: The 2 drains on Lady Slipper Dr N by the Auto Sales have not been fixed as of yet.
6. The Pedestrian Light: The pedestrian light at the corner of Lady Slipper Dr S and Rte 2 is not working will contact Dawn Moase to inform her.
7. Fire Department meeting with Council and Fire Dept. Executive is Monday October 24th at 7:00 pm
8. Cooke Insurance: Jerome Hannah called to invite council for an information session on topics that are relevant to the Municipality from JLT insurance. On October 25th.
Life Insurance: We have not received any information on quotes for 24 hr. life insurance for council. Sun life contact Pat back and aid that there is a varity of different plans that Council can get. So council decided to get a quote for Council and administrator for 50,000.00 on a 24 hr. life insurance. Jerome will be called to inform him of this and to get a quote drawn up before next meeting.
Life Insurance: We have not received any information on quotes for 24 hr. life insurance for council. Sun life contact Pat back and aid that there is a varity of different plans that Council can get. So council decided to get a quote for Council and administrator for 50,000.00 on a 24 hr. life insurance. Jerome will be called to inform him of this and to get a quote drawn up before next meeting.
9.Bingo Volunteer Dinner was a success and there was some good feedback on how to improve the bingo’s. Bad idea to pay for help except the Bingo caller. Should have books of 3 with 17 games get rid of specials, Bigger bonanza cards, take away 50/50 game, if your gonna volunteer should help out all night not just first hour, people who help the first hour shouldn’t get a bingo pass, Bonanza should all be the same price, Cookie jar 2.00 instead of 1.00 more volunteers, 3 up books, less floats, less games up the prizes for the other games, Caller slow down in calling, Don’t stop bingo in the winter as it is an outing for older people, Ask the Leadership program at Three oaks for volunteers.
John Complimented Peter on his speech he gave at the dinner.
Peter and Ivan will have a meeting with Robert and someone else who plays bingo to see what can and needs to be changed to make the Bingo better.
Fire Department will be doing their last Sunday in October as they have decided to do Chase the Ace with the Royal Canadian Legion.
Next meeting Regular Monthly Meeting November 8th, 7:00pm