Regular Monthly Meeting
Chairperson, Peter Mallett called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Present:Peter Mallett – ChairpersonIvan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson
John Gillis – CouncillorRicky Myers – Councillor
Pat MacLellan – CouncillorJoan Arsenault- Councillor ( Absent)
Michelle Perry- Administrator
2. FIRE DEPARTMENT: Jason or Paul were not available to give their report.
3. Estelle DesRoches Thelma Gaudet and Julia Albert gave a presentation on the book they are writing on the history of Miscouche. They gave a great presentation about the book and that they have applied for a grant form New Horizons for 10,000.00 for the publication of the books. They have asked council if they are willing to put on a celebration for the Canada 100 birthday and Miscouche’s 200 year birthday next year, and at this time they would do the book launching and maybe doing a 2 day event. They wanted to get all the organizations in the community involved in planning a celebration. They are looking for a committee so it was suggested to put up poster around the community and in the bulletin and ask for volunteers to be on this committee to plan this celebration. In order to apply for a grant we would need to have an agenda as to what will happen for this celebration. Having this sent to the bulletin and have the poster done so the first meeting will be October 25th,
a) Bobby wants to give up the sewer part of his job and hand this over to Monty, as Monty has the experience on sewer. Peter will talk with Monty to make sure this is something that he wants to do.
b) There is 3 manholes on Laughlin St that need to raised. 2 by 4″ and 1 by 6″and new top rings and covers need to be put on. John suggested to have Bobby contact John DesRoches to see if he can fix them. There is also one on the highway that need a ram neck put on.
c) We had an issue with the sewer cleaning and were shut down for a day due to the improper road signs on the main highway. We have gotten a loan from Department of highways from Mike Berrigan for 6 signs, and were hoping that the community could keep them for any future work needing to be done. Michelle spoke with Sonny Gallant and he called Mike Berrigan to see if this was possible. He advised that he would give them to us as a in kind donation and we would just need to write a letter to him .
d) When cleaning the lines on the main highway it was noticed that they are not lining up. It was suggested to have them Video. Going to check with KM liquid to see if they video.
b) Bar prices Robert is going to check to see about increasing the bar prices as they have not been raised for several years.
c) Fire Department are having a fire fit challenge on October 22 at the Rec Center, Peter met with Richard Blacquire the Liquor inspector about the set up for that day and everything is a go. They will have the bar inside but a rope off area outside and kids are allowed in under the accompany of a adult.
Fire Department will buy the liquor at cost and get the proceeds of sales.
d) Dinner for Volunteers will be this Friday October 14th at 6:30. They will see if anyone has suggestions on how they can get new volunteers to run it. They discussed a possibility of paying the workers or maybe even not having anymore bingo. They will discuss it with the volunteers to see what they think. Ivan will get prizes for the dinner gift certificates.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by Ricky Myers and carried,
THAT the minutes of the September 6th 2016 meeting be approved as presented.
a) Fire Department: There was 2 sets of bunker gear ordered without a PO. Mic Mac Sales received the PO request back in June and that was added onto the account. Michelle spoke with John Dunbar from sales and he stated that going forward he would send the request to community email and nothing will be ordered unless they get a PO. Council is sticking with the no PO no payment and this will be presented to the Fire Department Executive. Council will set up a meeting with them to go over this issue.
MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried,
THAT the Community get a Line of Credit for 300,000.00 to pay the Sidewalk and pay it over a 4 year plan
b) Planning Board- Building Permits: No Permits however there will be a letter going out to the assessment board for the properties that have put a building or added on to the existing house without a building permit.
c) Sewer: 13 Letters were delivered by JC security to Past due accounts with a 30 day notice to have there sewer turned off. 5 have paid and 3 made a payment plan to pay.
d) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights: Ivan is waiting to hear from Maritime Electric to go over what lights need to be changed he said that he should get back to him in a week.
e) Community Improvements: We have been considered for a grant from ACOA and they have been in contact with us for more information. We have also applied for another grant however there are no funds in that one till the new year.
f) Finance: Peter had a meeting at the Credit Union and we are combining some of the CDR and locking them into a 1 year term for a better interest rate.
Credit card: it has been tabled as at this time there is not a need for this. If Council feels it is needed it will be revisited. Tender for Audit: Ivan spoke with Alberton on there tender for Audit and they stated that they went with the same company and they lowered there payment on it. Council decided to go ahead and try it.
MOTION moved by, Ivan Blanchard seconded by John Gillis and carried,
THAT the Council go ahead with posting an ad to Tender for Audit.9. APPROVAL OF BILLS
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard 2nd by Ricky Myers and carried
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $44,398.36 be approved.
a) Snow Removal Tender; Check to see if last year was not put in for 2 years. And if not Council decided to get it put in the paper.
b) By Law Enforcement officer: Council received a proposal from Maritime Elite a Summerside based company and at this time council have decided that there is not a need for this service.
c) Group Picture: Noella Arsenault will be coming to the community office on October 18 for a group picture and the dress code will be shirt and tie.
d) Life Insurance: council have not heard back from any companies on the Life Insurance. So Pat will check in with a agent from Sun Life and Hydiman and Hickey to see if he can get a quote for On duty and 24 Hr
e) Police Presence; there has been more patrols through the community in the last few weeks.
f) Family Place: council has received a request to have a space at the Rec Center for Monday from 9:30-11:30, they do a mommy and me group in several other areas and have had request for a space in Miscouche. Council has agreed to give them a space upstairs at the Rec center in the old Kindergarten room on a trial base for 5 months.
g) Bobcat: the gear box needs to be replaced on the Bobcat and if they replace it, it will cost about $500.00 but they will have it for light snow removal. Tractor: Ivan called about the warranty on the tractor and they did get the extra warranty but it was for the drive train they had 2 years for electronic and switches but the tractor is 3 years old so its not covered under warranty so the switch will have to be replaced. And they will go ahead with the gear box on the Bobcat.
h) Judy Retirement: Ivan will talk with Frank to see what he thinks about Judy retiring and having a small party for her to present her with a gift.
i) Unsightly property: A letter needs to be sent to a property on Lady Slipper Dr N for a clean up order. Also the properties that are estates will have to be looked into to see what we can do as there neighbors desire to have the properties looking good. Not sure if there is a law about going on someone property without permission. 22 Main Dr E was sent a letter and he came into the village office, he stated that he will be moving some of the old building off the property and he will be cleaning it up as he was thinking about moving sometime in the near future. Also should look at the property next to his as it has a lot of stuff in the yard as well.
Will be held on Tuesday, November 8th 7:00 P M