COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES- November 13th, 2018
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Monthly Council Meeting
November 13th, 2018.
Chairperson Ivan Blanchard called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Ivan Blanchard – Chairperson
John Gillis – Councillor (Absent)
Robin Gillis- Councillor
Pat MacLellan – Deputy Chair
Ricky Myers- Councillor
Joan Arsenault – Councillor
Michelle Perry- Administrator
New Council:
Mayor Albert Gallant
Jacqueline Lecky Councillor
Allan Parks, Councillor
John Searle, Councillor
and 3 members of the public
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest: No one had a conflict of interest to declare..
3. FIRE DEPT REPORT: There was no one available to give the fire department report. Michelle reported that the flag poles were ordered and the fire department paid for them as Ivan spoke with the Fire Chief and advised that the Community agreed to donate towards the monument and not the flag poles. So the Community will still contribute the $6000.00 once they start work on the monument.
Christmas Party will be December 15th, at 8:00pm at the Legion, So the numbers will need to be given past and present council members. Everyone will let Michelle know by tomorrow if they are going.
Ricky to called Palmers about the brake line and since it broke in a different place this was not covered under warranty.
4. MAINTENANCE REPORT: Monty MacAusland Maintenance person gave the following report.
The line was videoed at Iris Court and there was no issue with the line. It looks like it was the ground that settled with the big trucks driving over it when the new house was built. Monty stated that the neighbour made a trench for the water and the dip in the payment does not seems as bad as it was.
There is still an issue on Main Dr E at the Duplex. Monty has been keeping an eye on it and when the cover was pulled today it was about 8″ from the top. Council decided to get Gillis Heating and Monty will be in touch with them. Everything is ready for winter, and the tires were put on the tractor but he did not order an extra rim as it was to expensive.
At this time Pat MacLellan joined the meeting.
5. REC CENTER REPORT: Robert Gallant was unavailable to give a report Michelle gave the following report. Robert was changing light bulbs at the rec center and there are 2 places he was unable to reach above the stairs at the front entrance, and he suggested to have a professional do it.
MOTION moved by Robin Gillis seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried
THAT the lights over the stairs at the Rec Center be replaced with LED.
Ivan stated that he looked into the rebate for replacing the lights and the rebate and the cost to replace the lights he didn’t think was worth it in the long run as it will take to long to recoup the money. The heat pumps were cleaned and hopefully that will make a difference. Ivan wanted to know if council agrees on doing the assessment to see where all the energy is going, and if the lights on the side of the fire hall by the seniors should be replaced.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by Robin Gillis and carried
THAT the Energy Assessment be done and that the lights on the seniors side of the Fire Hall be replace with LED’s.
6. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Meeting minutes for October 9th, 2018 and Special Resident Meeting on October 24th, 2018 be approved as presented.
MOTION moved by Ricky Myers seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried
THAT the minutes for October 9th, and Special Meeting October 24th, 2018 be approved as presented.
a) Corcoran Farms: The letter was drawn up and it was not delivered, Ivan wanted to know if council should wait for the spring to deliver the letter with a better chance that the work will be done then.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried
THAT the letter for the clean up request for Corcoran farms be delivered in the spring 2019.
b) Snow Removal: council has received 1 tender for the snow removal from Thibideau’s Auto and the price is the same as last year.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by Ricky Myers and carried
THAT the 2018/2019 Snow Removal Contract be given to Thibideau’s Auto.
c) Christmas Party Dinner: council will let Michelle know by tomorrow on the numbers for the meal.
d) Bingo Volunteer dinner will be November 16th at 6:00 pm and Ivan will get the prizes to give out.
e) Rec Center Duties List: There was 1 issue that Robert had in signing the new Managers Duties List, as he stated that he does not usually strip and wax the floors he only maintains them after they have been commercially cleaned. Upon approval from council Michelle we reword that part of the contract.
a) Fire Dept: Already discussed.
b) Planning Board- Building Permits- No Building Permits
c) Sewer: Bills: Waiting on JC Drilling to see if some of the work on the manholes can be done before the asphalt plant closes.
d) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights: Nothing to report.
e) Community Improvements: Nothing to report.
f) Finance: Good
MOTION moved by Ricky Myers seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $58,680.68 is approved.
a) Memorial Certificate: Robin completed the template for the Memorial birthday and anniversary and she will complete the changes and send them to Michelle. These will be given to residents who are celebrating a special birthday or Anniversary. Resident will have to notify the office when someone is celebrating.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried
THAT the Memorial Birthday Certificate and Anniversary Certificate be used by the community for residents special dates.
b) Fire Dues: Ivan suggested that this be passed to the new council to study and look into as the request for an increase will need to be made by January 2019.
c) Community Newsletter: Since Robin is no longer on council however she is still interested in doing the newsletter fr the community.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by Ricky Myers and carried
THAT the Robin Gillis still be in charge of the Community Newsletter unless someone else on council decides they would like to take it over.
d) Oath of Office: New Council completed the Oath of Office and officially have been sworn into their duties.
e)Crack on the Sidewalk on Kelly Dr: A driver of an Oil truck drove over the sidewalk and cracked it in 2 places and this will need to be fixed.
MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Jacqueline Lecky and carried
THAT the community get a estimate to have the sidewalk repaired, so the letter can be sent to the Oil Company to be fixed.
f) Mitchell First Aid Services: John Mitchell has been renting the Rec Center out to teach classes and he also re-certifies the Fire Dept each year, He was wondering if council and him could come up with a trade off for the use of the Rec Center and he will train the Fire Dept for free each year. Council would like some more information on this, as to how many times he would use the center each year. Michelle will contact him to get some more information.
g) Junior Fire Fighter Fundraiser: The Junior Fire Fighters are asking to use the Rec Center for a fundraiser dance on December 15. Council wants more information as to is it open to the public under 19 and who will be chaperoning and such before they decide.
11. NEXT MEETING: December 11th, 2018