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Regular Monthly Meeting
November 8th, 2016
Chairperson, Peter Mallett called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Peter Mallett – Chairperson
Ivan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson
John Gillis – Councilor
Ricky Myers – Councilor
Pat MacLellan – Councilor
Joan Arsenault- Councilor
Michelle Perry- Administrator
Jason Woodbury, Kendall Wright and Kelly Banfield
2. FIRE DEPARTMENT: Chief Jason Woodbury gave the following report.
a) Fire Department attend the meeting for Miscouche’s 200 and Canada 150 Celebration in the planning stages for July 1-2 2017. The Fire department will take charge of the parade and Jason has also do up a template for the Flag design for the grades 7-9 in Miscouche and thinks that a monetary donation for the winner would be a good thing to have for the kids as they will be designing a flag for the Community.
b) December 3rd will be the Christmas party and Jason has invited Linda the late Mike Gallant’s wife and his mom Pauline.
c) Order from Big Eric’s for garbage bags, paper towels, mop heads and soap for the Fire trucks the fire Dept will not be paying as it is stuff that they need and they go a PO the same day for other things.
d) First aid will be Nov 19th by John Mitchell
e) Mitchell Myers is doing the Movember for Prostate Cancer. The Fire department was donating $330.00 towards the cause and wanted to know if the community would like to donate as well.
Jason left the Meeting:
3. Kelly Banfield: did a presentation on maybe getting preschoolers involved in activities at the Rec Center. She was involved in the Parks and recreation in Truro before she moved her and she has a lot of good ideas of how to get the young people involved in activities that would be low cost. She stated that the it would work in the same regards as Community Schools you would pay $10.00 a week for so many weeks and have maybe young adults who played Basketball or did dance that could teach preschoolers how to do it. She left some information about it and council was very interested in what she had to offer.
They have also asked her to go on the planning committee for the Miscouche 200 next year and she could help plan stuff for kids to do that day.
Kelly Banfield left the meeting
4. Kendall Wright: He wanted to know if he could put a shipping container on his property and turn it into a storage garage. And he would have to be 5 ft from the property lines and that it can not be bigger than his house, and to fill out a building permit and Council would have a look at it. He also stated that he did not get any quotes for the rink, and when he gets them he will present this to the Council.
Kendall left the meeting:
a) The sign was not put up on the Kinsmen Rd by the last manhole. Highways was informed and they stated that the maintenance crew were not out to get the work done yet but they will get to it.
b) The 2 storm drains on Lady Slipper have not been fixed yet. Highways was called 3 times and they stated that it was reported but they have not been fixed.
Meeting Thursday night at 7:30 with Robert about some changes that need to be done. Peter is unable to make it, but Ivan and Joan will go and Ruth Gillis will go as well to be a voice for the Bingo players.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by Ricky Myers and carried,
THAT the minutes of the October 11th, 18th and 24th 2016 meeting be approved as presented.
a) Big Eric’s billing for the supplies for the Fire Department:
MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried,
THAT the bill for Big Eric’s be paid in full.
b) Snow Removal Tender: Council received 1 tender for the Snow Removal.
MOTION moved by, Ivan Blanchard seconded by Ricky Myers and carried,
THAT the Snow Removal Tender be award to Thibideau’s Auto Center paid in 4 monthly installments.
c) Life Insurance: We have received a quote for life insurance for council from Cooke’s Insurance. 24 hour and on duty. Still waiting for Sun Life to get back with a quote before a decision is made. Council had some questions will get back to Cooke’s Insurance to see if he can come up to explain it to Council.
a) Fire Dept: 4 calls last month 3 Medical- 1 Mutual Aid-1 Fire Lot 16.
Fire Department is going to mark all their equipment as when they go to Mutual aid calls there is a lot of equipment that can get misplaced.
It was talked about in their meeting on sending 2 fire men next year to Ottawa which the Fire department will pay for. Sending 2 different people next year.
Donation to Mitchell Myers:
MOTION moved by, Ivan Blanchard seconded by Pat Maclellan and carried
THAT a $100.00 donation be made to Mitchell Myers for Prostate Cancer Movember.
February is election month for the Chief and Training Officer.
At this time Pat MacLellan (Councilor) left the meeting.
The fire department talked about making a donation from the winning to the Chase the Ace, to the Fire truck fund of but since they are just starting it and they do not know what they will make out of it they decided to wait to see. They talked about also buying new dress uniforms for all the Fire department.
b) 59 Lady Slipper Dr N was in to pay for the Building permit and the new assessment was done on the new extension.
c) Sewer: out of the 13 letters there was 5 left that had not paid. Disconnect signs were put in the yards and to date 4 have made a payment plan and 1 is suppose to be in to pay in full by Thursday.
It was suggested that all the vehicles should have Signage on them representing the Community. Ivan will look into this.
d) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights: Water Heater may need to be replaced in the Fire hall it had to be reset a few times. John thinks that electric would be better and save on electricity. Keep an eye on it to see if it happens again.
Street Lights: Ivan was in touch finally with the Supervisor of Maritime electric and they have put a work order put in new lights on the Main Dr with the 10 foot arms to shine over the sidewalks as well as Led lights.
e) Community Improvements: 54-58 Lady Slipper Dr N 19-20 Wilfred St. Clean up order for all 4 properties was sent to the Lawyer. 103 Lady Slipper Dr N was cleaned up.
f) Finance: ACOA sent the grant application to Ottawa for approval.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard 2nd by Ricky Myers and carried
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $311,306.85 be approved.
a) Flags of Remembrance: There is a reception at the Government House on November 16th at 2.00 pm for the presentation of the flags and plaques. Ivan will attend with a guest.
b) PCH Donation: the last donation of $1000.00 is due in December.
c) Parking Lot Lines: Ivan got a quote from Hippenstall to do the lines on the Museum side was $150.00 and on the Fire hall side was $250.00 with the wheel chair signs. Pay for both as a good gesture since the Community did not have to pay for the pavement.
MOTION moved by, Ricky Myers seconded by John Gillis and carried
THAT they hire Hippenstall to paint the lines and pay for both the Museum side and the Fire Hall side in the amount of $400.00.
d) Donation: Estelle DesRoches and the Book club are looking for a donation for up to $1000.00 to help them with extra cost on the Book of the History of Miscouche.
MOTION moved by, John Gillis seconded by Ricky Myers and carried
THAT a $1000.00 donation be made to the Silver Maples Senior Club to go towards cost of the book the History of Miscouche.
e) Miscouche 200 Birthday: There is a planning committee for celebration for July 1-2 2017 to celebrate Miscouche’s 200 birthday. They are currently researching grants that they can apply for funding, as well as activities that will be held on that day. They have approached the school grades 7-9 history teacher to see about getting the kids involved in designing a Flag for Miscouche. The criteria has been prepared and it has to be decided on the amount to be awarded.
MOTION moved by, Ricky Myers seconded by John Gillis and carried
THAT a prize of $1000.00 be awarded to the student or students if it results in a tie for the Flag Design. Ivan voted $500.00 but was out voted.
f) Judy is not going to be coming back to work. Ivan spoke with frank and she wanted to have something private at the Community Office hoping to do this before Christmas. Thinking on a watch or and a picture. Ivan will look into the Watch and Peter will look into a picture done by Wayne Wright.
g) Remembrance Day: Ivan will lay the wreath on behalf of the Community.
h) Miscouche was named the 4th friendliest place in Canada.
i) Donny Gillis: Suggestion was brought up to have a monument or a dedication to Donny Gillis for all what he did for the Community, maybe a bench with a plaque or a Stone in one of the parks maybe in Steele View Heights. Council will think on this.
Will be held on Tuesday, December 13th 7:00 P M