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Regular Monthly Meeting
November 12, 2014
Chairperson Peter Mallett called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Peter Mallett – Chairperson
Ivan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson
Joan Arsenault – Councilor
John Gillis – Councilor
Ben Murphy – Councilor
Mike MacKinnon – Councilor
Judy Gallant – Administrator
AND: Ricky Myers and Patrick MacLellan – Newly elected Council Members
At this time Judy Gallant had, Peter Mallett, Ivan Blanchard, Joan Arsenault, John Gillis, Ricky Myers and Patrick MacLellan, the newly elected Council Members take and sign their OATH OF OFFICE and advised that the new Councilors that they will officially take office on November 17, 2014.
– Kinsmen Road Sewer Lift Station – John reported that Hanson’s Electric estimated that the costs to replace the electrical panel box would be approximately $5,300.00 plus HST for a stainless steel box and approximately $4,200.00 plus HST for a fiberglass one. Hanson’s will
be providing written quotes for each type.
– Maintenance Truck – Because the ignition key does not work on the truck door and we only have one remote opener our maintenance worker Bobby DesRoches got two estimates from Hemphill’s to correct the problem. The first estimate was for a door lock cylinder with entry key, parts, and coding in the amount of approximately $164.14 plus taxes and the second was for a second remote in the amount of approximately $128.00 plus taxes plus possible other shop charges. Following discussion Council members suggested that we contact Terry Duguay, a locksmith who might be able to come and install a new door cylinder with key entry.
a) – Tanker Replacement – Council was advised that a deposit in the amount of $10,000.00
was sent to Camions Lussicam Inc. on November 5, 2014 and the company advised Fire Chief Jason Woodbury that they have received the deposit and would be painting the truck this week.
b) Additional Expenses – Fires
Council was advised that we have received a response from PEI Mutual regarding the additional expenses incurred at the 2012 and 2014 fires at the property in Belmont, Lot 16. The Board members do not feel that they are responsible for the additional charges of having the structures knocked down since they had not previously approved those charges. They also advised that they regularly make donations to Fire Departments and they had made a $300.00 donation to our Fire Department in the case of the 2012 fire. They have not however, received any request from our Fire Department for a donation in the 2014 fire and they recommend that our Fire Department submit a request which they would honor.
Following discussion Council members agreed to discuss this issue again at a later date.
a) Renovations – Council was advised that the work is progressing well. The new tiles in the main hall have also been installed. Peter would also like to see if the stage curtains could be cleaned and what the cost would be. John advised that Suds and Sun Laundry does this type of work.
b) Volunteers Appreciation Dinner – Joan reported that the Seniors could do the dinner on
December 12th at 7:00 P.M. and the cost would be $14.00 per person. They will also need to know a week ahead how many people will be attending.
MOTION moved by Ben Murphy, seconded by John Gillis and carried,
THAT the minutes of the October 8th, regular, October 22nd special, November 5th
special and November 3rd Municipal Election meetings be approved as presented.
a) Unsightly Property –
Peter advised Council that our Solicitor, John Brennan has now advised that it might be
more complicated then he originally thought to have a lien/judgement placed against this property because the estate has never been probated. He is still checking with other firms and individuals to see what our options would be and whether or not it would be worth the expense to proceed any further.
b) Rec Centre Activities
The archery classes are being held on Thursday evenings and the Seniors exercise classes
are being held on Thursday mornings.
c) Highway Safety Issues
Following discussion Council agreed that we should send a letter to Dept of Transportation asking for their permission to install portable speed bumps along Kelly Drive during the summer months. Ivan will estimates on what the cost would be to purchase the portable speed bumps.
d) Gas Tax – Capital Investment Plans for 2014/2015
Judy reported that two Investments Plans were filed for the 2014/2015 period. One for
Wastewater – Sewer Collection System upgrades in the amount of $25,000.00 and one for Community Energy – Retrofit of the Rec Centre in the amount of $18,582.00.
e) FPEIM – Judy reminded Council that the semi annual meeting for the FPEIM will be held
on Saturday, November 29th in Abrams Village. If any Councilors are planning on attending they should let Judy know so she can register them.
a) Fire Dept
– Xmas Dinner – Council was reminded that the Firemen’s Xmas dinner will be held
on Saturday, December 20th at the Miscouche Legion beginning at 8:00 P.M. Ivan took the names of the Council members who will be attending.
– 2015 Fire Dues Increase – Council members discussed the possibility of increasing
the Fire Dues in 2015. Council will need to discuss this issue again in January or early
February because the Fire District Committee must be advised of any possible increases because they must include the notice of the possible increase in their advertisement for the annual meeting which is held in the first week of March.
b) Recreation – Mike encouraged remaining and new Council members to keep in contact
with Allison Griffin of Go PEI for programs for the youth and teens in the Community and continue with possible grants for further tree planting.
c) Planning Board – No new permits this period.
– Judy advised Council that advised that a resident will be submitting an application to construct a commercial storage building on the corner store property as well as adding an addition to the existing store.
d) Sewer – Outstanding Sewer Bills – Council was advised that there were three registered
letters send to the owners of properties, one on Heritage Drive and two on Wilfred Street. One owner of the property located on Wilfred Street who owed $451.65 has made a payment of $400.00 while the other two property owners failed to pick up their registered letters, one on Wilfred Street and one on Heritage Drive so Peter and Ivan delivered the registered letters to those property owners on October 22, 2014. Since then we have received one payment on the Heritage Drive property in the amount of $150.00 and they advised that they would try to make monthly payments in the amount of $100.00 until their balance of $303.68 is paid in full. The second property owner on Wilfred Street advised that he would try to make some payments and we have since received a $200.00 payment on his account leaving a balance of $337.79. Following discussion Council agreed to wait another month before taking further action on the two remaining large outstanding accounts.
e) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights
– Snow Removal – Council was advised that requests were send to both Thibideau’s Auto Centre and Island Lawn Care for quotes for the 2014/2015 snow removal. Only Thibideau’s Auto turned in a quote which was in the amount of $4,216.86 (HST included) and is the same as last year. Following discussion
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by Mike MacKinnon and carried,
THAT the 2014/2015 Snow Removal quote provided by Thibideau’s Auto
Centre be accepted in the amount of $4,216.86 (HST included)
– Heat Pumps for Firehall – Council discussed installing heat pumps at the fire hall, one
in the Seniors room and one in the firemen’s lounge/meeting room. Ivan agreed to get estimates.
– Cleaning of Floors in Fire Dept lounge – Council agreed to get an estimate of what it would cost to have the floors cleaned and waxed in the Fire Dept lounge and also the office and council chambers as well.
f) Community Improvements – Nothing new to report.
g) Finance – This years allocation of $25,000.00 investment in a reserve fund for future
capital expenditures has been made. Ben recommended that we invest an additional $25,000.00 for future capital expenditures/debt retirement.
h) Acadian Purchase Trust – Judy advised that she has sent off an email to Miscouche Peat
(Annapolis Valley Peat) asking for copies of the latest shipping records so we can calculate the
royalties due this period.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by Ben Murphy and carried,
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $154.860.67 is approved.
– Prince County Hospital “Lights for Life” Campaign
MOTION moved by Joan Arsenault, seconded by Ben Murphy and carried
THAT we donate $100.00 to the Prince County Hospital “Lights for Life”– Committee Chairs to be appointed at next meeting.
11. NEXT REGULAR MEETING – TUESDAY, December 9, 2014 at 7:00 P.M.