COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES- Monthly Meeting September 10 2019
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Monthly Council Meeting
September 10th, 2019
Mayor Albert Gallant called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Albert Gallant – Mayor
Allan Parks – Deputy Mayor
Jacqueline Lecky- Councillor
Pat MacLellan – Councillor
John Searle- Councillor
Ivan Blanchard- Councillor
Joan Arsenault – Councillor
Michelle Perry- Administrator
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest: No one declared a conflict of interest.
3. FIRE DEPARTMENT: Chief Jason Woodbury gave the following report: Inventory for the Fire department will be done within the next 2 weeks. All the vehicles in the fleet have been undercoated. New bunker gear was ordered for fire fighter Trina F. There will be interviews held sometime in September for 1 position. There was a questions pertaining to the Scott Paks being donated to Victoria, and it was requested that the Fire department draw up a letter of liability waiver for both departments to sign as the Scott Paks were not certifiable. It was also suggested that council be notified when the department is donating items to other departments.
Council thanked Jason for the report
4. MAINTENANCE REPORT: Michelle gave the following report. Due to the clean up from Hurricane Dorian the flushing for the sewer lines was postponed till next week so maintenance could do clean up around the properties. Also we will be down 1 maintenance man due to not be able to do heavy lifting it was suggested that we hire another person to assist in the sewer flushing and clean up of debris around the community.
MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by John Searle and carried
THAT the community hire an additional person to help with the sewer flushing and the debris clean up around the community.
5. REC CENTER REPORT: The lock box has been purchased and we are in the process of getting the locks re-keyed for the center. Also Michelle had some concerns about the bookings coming through the office, as she had to take the booking and then had to get the information to the manager so that he would know the date time and contact person that would be going. Council suggested to have a meeting with the manager and council to see if we can come up with a better plan.
6. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Meeting minutes for August 13th, 2019 be approved as presented.
MOTION moved by Jacqueline Lecky seconded by John Searle and carried
THAT the minutes for August 13th, 2019 be approved as presented.
a) West lagoon: The test hole will be dug tomorrow morning at 9 am.
b) Kelly Dr Property: Michelle spoke with PEI Housing and before they give council a price on the property they wanted to know if council was interested in the property.
MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Jacqueline Lecky and carried
THAT the community is interested in purchasing the property on Kelly Dr to keep it as green space, depending on what the purchase price is.
c) Business Opportunity for Rec Center: Email was sent to the owner with the additional question and no response.
d) Laughlin St: There was a brief meeting with Traffic Data Engineer and Designer. The right of way in the subdivision will need to completed as this will be used for emergency vehicles. The Province will contribute half to complete. Also the community will have to pay to have the culverts put in. This project will not start till the spring due to the time-lines with the asphalt plants closing in November. So everything else will get completed so the project will be ready to start in the spring.
e) Newsletter Oct, Nov & Dec: It was suggested to put in the Halloween Curfew, as well as the rates for Rec Center and Building Permit Rates
a) Fire Dept: By Law The committee has reviewed the By law and now the Chief and Deputy Chief will get involved to help finish it. Also Ivan had a question about if it was possible to have the fire trucks re-certified as the fire department was looking for a new truck in the next couple of years.
b) Planning Board- Building Permits- 15 Heritage Dr: New Owners wanted to have a business in the home. There is covenants in that sub division that prohibit any kind of business. Council suggested that the new owner get their lawyer involved to get permission from the subdivision owners first before the business permit can be issued. Subdivide land on 32 Lady Slipper Dr S. Request was made to subdivide the property and to have 2 storage building put on the new property.
MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by John Searle and carried
THAT the preliminary approval be given to subdivide the land on 32 Lady Slipper Dr S, as well as the building permit to have 2 storage buildings on the new property. Pending survey plans and driveway access permit first.
c) Sewer: Bills: The property on 54 Lady Slipper Dr N was disconnected on August 28, Michelle received an email from IRAC and spoke with them, as the residents contacted them instead of the
utility. They were concerned that we did not provide an actual disconnect date. Michelle sent them all the information that was sent to the resident. IRAC reviewed and stated that the information that was sent to the resident contained the necessary elements for the disconnection, and they advised the resident to make contact with us to set up payment arrangements. They also stated that going forward to make sure that a letter is sent with a disconnect date of the service. The resident did make contact with us and stated that they will make payment on the account to get it caught up. Michelle advised that the service will not be turned on till payment has been made in full. A letter was also sent out to 25 Augustine St with a disconnect date as they defaulted in the payment plan, and the service will need to be paid in full by September 30 2019 or disconnection will happen.
d) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights: The 3 new lights went in on Lady Slipper Dr S. There was a suggestion to move one of them to a different pole.
e) Community Improvements: No word from Highways about when the Island at the corner of Lady Slipper Dr N and Main Dr will be put in. Also there has been no definite word as to why the speed bumps can not go in on Wilfred St. Allan stated that he will contact Manager of Highways to get some clarification on this.
f) Finances:
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard seconded by Pat Maclellan and carried
THAT the payment of the bills totaling $ 69,171.14 is approved.
a) EMO: Since the Aftermath of Hurricane Dorian and some people still have no power part of the communities EMO plan was activated. The Fire Hall and the St Nicholas Hall have been opened to the public.
b) Invitation for the Mayor: Albert received a request to go to the Lieutenant Governor of PEI for Tea for Alzheimer society of PEI. He will attend,
c) Minister Jamie Fox: He would like to meet with the Mayor and Deputy Mayor on October 7 at 2:30 in council chambers.
d) Gas Tax form for allocation: We have received information that we have to fill out the form for Gas Tax Allocation on a 5 year plan before October 1 or they will with hold payments.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by John Searle and carried
THAT the application for the 5 year plan be filled out for the Gas Tax with the upgrades for the East Lagoon and potential Sidewalks for Wilfred St.
e) Building Code Act: Council received a contract agreement with Government to hand over the Administration and Enforcement of the Building Codes Act to the Government. Michelle will find out if there are any fees associated with this agreement that the community would need to pay.
MOTION moved by Jacqueline Lecky seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried
THAT the Council accept the Agreement for Administration and Enforcement of the Building Code Act to be handle by the Province, under the condition that there will be no cost to the Community.
f) Gas Tax information session October 1 1-3 at the Linkletter Community Center. Council will see who’s available to go and let Michelle know.
11. NEXT MEETING: October 8th, 2019
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan THAT the meeting of September 10th, 2019 be adjourned.
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