COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES- Monthly Meeting July 9 2019
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Monthly Council Meeting
July 9th, 2019
Mayor Albert Gallant called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Albert Gallant – Mayor
Allan Parks – Deputy Mayor
Jacqueline Lecky- Councillor
Pat MacLellan – Councillor
John Searle- Councillor
Ivan Blanchard- Councillor
Joan Arsenault – Councillor
Michelle Perry- Administrator
Ian McCarvill from Key Murray Law on behalf of a resident on Wilfred St.
Ian gave a little background as to why he was here, his client submitted a building permit in June to erect a building on the flankage part of the yard, and at the time council and the CAO did not accept it as they needed more clarification as the client was next to a right of way, and as per the by law he would have to be 20 feet from a roadway. Ian had did some digging and he determined that in 1996 the land was granted a right of way by council, but in 2004 the land was subdivided again and the right of way was not registered as such. So technically there is no right of way it is just a 66 ft piece of land belong to the back property behind his client. His client submitted another building permit with an Attached Garage that will give him 10 ft from the property line.
Council had a few questions as they wanted to make sure that they were covered under the by law incase someone contested the building on the property.
Council thanked Ian for coming and Ian left the meeting.
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest: Joan Arsenault declared a conflict of interest in Business Arising 7c.
3. FIRE DEPARTMENT: Chief Jason Woodbury was not available to give a report and John Searle was not at their meeting. However Jason asked Michelle to get confirmation on the summer party.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by John Searle and carried
THAT the Fire Department be given $600.00 to go towards the food for the Summer Party.
4. MAINTENANCE REPORT: One of the pumps at the Lift Stations went down on the Kinsmen Road. Monty and Preston were able to fix the pump, but there was concerns about what Monty should be doing when it comes to the Sewer. Albert and Michelle will sit down and talk with Preston over the responsibility of the operator and the maintenance man.
5. REC CENTER REPORT: Council had a closed meeting with Robert before this meeting to go over some concerns with the Rec Center. And there was a mutual decision to have all the calls forwarded to the Community office for the bookings.
Michelle asked council if it would be better to have a lock box at the Rec Center instead of having a lot of keys out there.
MOTION moved by John Searle seconded by Jacqueline Lecky and carried
THAT the locks be changed at the Rec Center and all the keys be returned and use the Lock Box going forward. Only 3 keys will be cut. 1 for Robert a spare one and 1 at the office.
6. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Meeting minutes for June 11th, 2019 be approved as presented.
MOTION moved by Jacqueline Lecky seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried
THAT the minutes for June 11th, 2019 be approved as presented.
a) Corner of Main & Lady Slipper: There is going to be paving at the Corner Store and due to this the Community will be losing 5 sidewalk stones on Lady Slipper Dr N. Albert will reach out to Minister of Highways to check into this. Also Michelle received a call from the Store Owners about the vacant property next to them, and the lean that is on the property, and who owns it.
b) Speed Bumps: There has still no confirmation from Steven Yeo about putting them in as was checking to see what the road was listed as, and this will depend on whether they can put them in. It was suggested that a letter be sent to the Minister of Highways expressing the concerns of liability if someone gets hurt on that street.
c) Bill for the Sidewalks: At this time Joan Arsenault left the room as she declared a conflict of interest.
Only 1 contract could guarantee that the sidewalks would be completed before August and Michelle and Albert made the decision to get them done. The bill was for $9,706.03 and there were 31.5 stones replaced and also 16 tonne of gravel was put down under them at the office.
d) Unsightly Property: There were 3 letters sent out to the property owners to have the properties cleaned up.
MOTION moved by Pat Maclellan seconded by John Searle and carried
THAT the bill be paid for the work that was done.
Joan Arsenault came back into the room.
d) Summer Program: 2 students were hired to run the program for 8 weeks, and funding was approved by Federal and Provincial to cover them.
a) Fire Dept: Already Discussed
b) Planning Board- Building Permits- Wilfred St: Lady Slipper Dr N
MOTION moved by John Searle seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried
THAT the Building permit for Wilfred St be approved as submitted.MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried
THAT the Building permit for Lady Slipper Dr N be approved as submitted.
c) Sewer: Bills: There are still 4 residents that disconnect letters were delivered too, have not made any contact for payment yet.
MOTION moved by John Searle seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried
THAT 6 new signs be purchased for the disconcertion of the sewer
d) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights: The order was put in for the 3 street lights.
e) Community Improvements: Bobby is back to work a couple of hours a week doing the flower beds.
f) Finances: Council had there annual summer dinner at Fisherman’s Wharf. In attendance were Albert Gallant and Guest, Allan Parks and Guest, Ivan Blanchard and Guest, Pat MacLellan and Guest, Joan Arsenault and Guest Jacqueline Lecky and Guest and Michelle Perry and Guest. The bill totaled $ 1,196.39 including the Gratuity.
MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried
THAT the payment of the bills totaling $49,837.84 is approved.
a) Flag Policy: Ivan suggested on creating a flag policy for the community. Allan suggested that if anyone comes in with a request that they will need to submit a letter to council and it will be reviewed at the next meeting. .
b) Laughlin St: The approval was given for the community to use the Gas Tax on finishing the street and the Culd de Sac on Laughlin however we need to have a sign done stating that it was funded by infrastructure.
MOTION moved by John Searle seconded by Jacqueline Lecky and carried
THAT the new sign be purchased for Laughlin St for the Funding for the Road.
Also residents were wondering what the lots were going to be sold for. Albert advised that it was to early to tell as we need to get the project going and figure out what the cost of it is first. Michelle will contact Matthew Fortier from the Government to see if this is something they can take over.
c) Newsletter: There has been some concerns about the quality of the printing of the newsletter, and Michelle will contact Robin to see if there is another program that can be used or another provider to have them printed.
d) Prince County Mayors Meeting: It was recently on the news that the mayor from Summerside and Alberton were looking to get a meeting with all the Prince County Mayor to discuss the options for hiring a By Law Enforcement Officer. No-one has contacted Albert yet about this.
e)Tape Recorder: Ivan suggested on buying a tape recorder for the meeting so that nothing gets missed and there will be a digital recording.
f) Grass Cutting School Property: The School board has not been cutting the grass on the other side of the skate park on Lady Slipper Dr N. Michelle has been trying to contact the School Board to have them clean it up, but there is no answer or option for voice mail.
g) Asset Management: John Allan and Michelle went to the asset management course on June 23 and they had to create an asset management policy. Council reviewed it.
MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Jacqueline Lecky and carried
THAT the Asset Management Policy be put in place for the Rural Municipality of Miscouche.
11. NEXT MEETING: August 13th, 2019
MOTION moved by John Searle THAT the meeting of July 9th, 2019 be adjourned.