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Regular Monthly Meeting
May 8, 2013
Chairperson Peter Mallett called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Peter Mallett – Chairperson
Ivan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson
Joan Arsenault – Councilor
John Gillis – Councilor
Ben Murphy – Councilor
Mike MacKinnon – Councilor
and: Robert Gallant – Rec Centre Manager
Ivan reported that maintenance worker Bobby DesRoches, had rented the sidewalk sweeper but it broke down after only 3 hours and had to be returned and since it was not known how long it would take them to repair it Ivan hired Curran & Briggs to clean the remaining portions of the sidewalk.
In the absence of the Fire Chief, Ivan gave the following reports:
a) The Fire Dept has applied for a grant for funding to purchase a new set of Jaws.
b) PEI Mutual – Jason is setting up a time to meet with a representative of PEI Mutual to
discuss reimbursement of the expenses incurred by the Fire Dept when they had to hire someone to tear down an outbuilding that was damaged at a fire scene in Lot 16.
c) Fireman’s Training House – The old parish owned house behind the firehall that the
firemen use as a training house needs cleaning up and the firemen are not sure that they want to continue using it because of its condition. The firemen will look at it to make sure that the floors are still safe.
d) Firemen’S Annual Summer Party – The firemen are looking to the Community for a
contribution towards the cost of this years summer party.
e) July 1st Celebrations – The firemen are wondering if there will be any July 1st activities
this year.
– SOCAN – Judy advised Council that SOCAN has now had a collection agency send us
a letter asking for payment of past dues. Following discussion
MOTION moved by Ben Murphy, seconded by John Gillis and carried,
THAT we pay the outstanding dues in the amount of $392.84.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried,
THAT the minutes of the April 10, 2013 regular monthly meeting be
approved as presented.
a) Sidewalk Extension – Main Drive West – Judy advised that we have now received letters
from engineers with the Dept of Transportation advising that there are no major issues with the project as long as provisions are met to ensure proper storm water drainage and a minimum buffer of at least one metre between the sidewalk and the roadway is met. They also want us to send them another design drawing as well as notifying them when the project is staked in the field for their inspection. Ivan will make arrangements with the contractor, BG Construction to stake the outline and then he will get the engineers out to inspect it as soon as possible.
b) Tractor for Sidewalk Cleaning and Maintenance – Ivan obtained quotes for both the
purchase and leasing of the equipment. Council will need to meet again to review the quotes and also consider where the equipment will stored.
c) Grass Cutting 2013 – Council was advised that we had received a tender from Island
Lawn Care for grass cutting in the amount of $6,200.00 plus HST for a total of $7,068.00. Ben expressed his concern about not having advertised for tenders. Following further discussion and a vote of 4 in favor and 1 opposed;
MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Mike MacKinnon and carried,
THAT we hire Island Lawn Care to cut the grass for the 2013 season at a cost
of $7,068.00 (HST included)
At this time Robert Gallant, Manager of the Rec Centre came into the meeting.
4. Rec Centre continued….
Robert gave the following reports
a) There are 5 banquets set for this summer. A June 2nd family gathering, July 27th
wedding, August 9th, 10th and 11th Youth Retreat, August 17th wedding and Oct 5th wedding.
b) Old Sign – Council asked Robert to take down the old Government Funding sign from
in front the building.
c) Volunteers – Ivan reported that some of the volunteers are leaving and he suggested that
we should consider some sort of pay for the volunteers to try and keep more volunteers.
d) Thermostats – Two new ‘non-programmable thermostats’ should be installed. These
can be purchased at Callbecks.
e) Rec Centre Improvements – Peter suggested that a public meeting should be held before
the summer months begin so we can get the residents input in both
-the proposed purchased of new sidewalk cleaning and maintenance equipment and
-to discuss the future use of the Rec Centre and potential grants for renovations of the
Rec Centre. Council members suggested having the public meeting on either the 21st or 28th of May at 7:00 P.M. at the Rec Centre. Judy will try to have the advertisement put in the paper for a May 21st meeting.
Council members will also need to hold a special Council meeting on Wednesday, May 15th at 7:00 P.M. to discuss the equipment and Rec Centre renovations before the public meeting.
Council thanked Robert for his attendance and Robert then left the meeting.
6. BUSINESS ARISING continued.
At this time Ben Murphy was asked to leave the meeting in order for Council to discuss the matter relating to the ditch in front of his home.
d) Amanda Murphy – Request for infilling remaining portion of ditch on Heritage Drive.
Council members were reminded that the written request made by Amanda Murphy was for the Community to fill in the remaining portion of the ditch between their driveway and the access lane to the Community owned greenspace along with a section of storm drain with catch basin. Peter advised that he spoke with our local MLA to see if the DOT would do the remaining section since we do not own the road or ditch area. It appears that the Minister of Transportation has no problem with doing the work, however the DOT’s engineer, Stephen Yeo would need to look at it before any final decision can be made on whether or not DOT will do the work.
At this time Ben Murphy was called back into the meeting.
e) Municipal Building/Firehall Well – John reported that a new submersible pump and
piping had to be installed on the outside well.
f) Sidewalk behind Firehall – Council will need to discuss how what type of repairs
should be made to the fix the broken sections of the sidewalk behind the firehall.
a) Fire Dept – Already discussed
b) Recreation –
– Canada Day Celebrations – Joan advised that she will check with the Legion
to see if they are planning on hosting any special events on Canada Day.
– Playground Equipment – Maintenance worker Bobby DesRoches replaced a damaged
support post on swing set at the Kelly Drive playground.
– BMX Park – Mike reported that he has received some complaints concerning the noise of the ramps and equipment when the kids are using them.
c) Planning Board – No new permits.
d) Sewer
– Council was advised that a resident had reported a problem with his sewer line at his property on Cunningham St. and Judy suggested that he have his line videoed to find out if the problem is in his section or the section under the roadway. The resident had Gillis Heating video and John reported that there was no problem with the section of line, which had been replaced several years ago, but there appeared to be problem with the remaining section under the roadway. John will make arrangements with JC Drilling to have our section under the roadway replaced.
e) Acadian Purchase Trust
– Shipping Records – Judy has asked Miscouche Peat to provide us with copies of all shipping records up to the end of April so we can calculate the amount of royalties due this period. We are still waiting for those shipping records.
– Provincial Property Tax – Judy has asked Miscouche Peat to reimburse Acadian Purchase Trust for the commercial portion of the Provincial Property Tax as required under the Lease Agreement.
– St. John the Baptist Parish – Donation Request – A letter was received from St. John the Baptist Parish Finance Committee looking for a donation to go towards the cost of having a plaque put on the monument at the graveyard which will have the names of all those individuals who’s actual graves are unmarked. Peter reported that he and fellow trustees, Albert Gallant and Wayne Poirier have already agreed to donating $1,000.00 to this project.
f) Firehall Maintenance & St. Lights – Already discussed.
g) Community Improvements
– Unsightly Property complaint – Council was advised that a complaint had been received about a property located at 29 Wilfred Street. The complaint was concerning a large amount of items and debris that was removed from his garage and left along the sides of his garage. Following discussion Council agreed that a letter be sent asking him to clean up his property.
– Tree Planting – Mike reported that he would like to apply for a grant to have trees planted in the various park areas around the Community. Following discussion Mike agreed to
h) Finance – Nothing new to report.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by Ben Murphy and carried,
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $50,368.34 is approved.
At this time John Gillis and Ivan Blanchard left the meeting.
a) St. John the Baptist Parish – Request for donation re Cemetery plaque
MOTION moved by Ben Murphy, seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried,
THAT we donate the sum of $1,000.00 to St. John the Baptist Parish to go
towards the cost of a plaque placed on a monument at the cemetery bearing
the names of individuals of unmarked graves.
At this time John Gillis and Ivan Blanchard were called back into the meeting.
b) Lot 35 – Steeple View Heights – Judy advised Council that a previous offer of $29,600.00
that was made on Lot 35 has been withdrawn. Following discussion Council members agreed that we should now try and sell Lot 35, which is a duplex lot. Council members agreed that we should be asking a purchase price of approximately $30,000.00 plus HST for this lot.
c) Gas Tax – Judy advised Council that we have received a letter from the Infrastructure
Secretariat office advising that they still have approximately $1.7M remaining to commit before March 31, 2014. Following discussion Council suggested that we try to apply for additional funds to cover the remaining balance that will be still be owing on our current sidewalk project.
d) Rec Centre – Small Halls Festivals – Council was advised that the deadline to be included
in the Small Halls Festival has already passed for this year but we can apply to be put on the list for next year. Mike agreed to fill out the application.
e) Miscouche Consolidated School – Annual “Best Effort Award(s)”
MOTION moved by Ben Murphy, seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried,
THAT we donate the sum of $200.00 to Miscouche Consolidated School
for the annual “Best Effort” award(s).
f) Seniors Club Room – Council was advised that a request has been made by the Seniors
to see if anything could be done to make the entrance to their doorway more wheel chair accessible. Council members agreed to look at what improvements we can do.
g) Annual Bursary for Three Oaks Grad
At the last annual meeting Council was asked to consider starting an annual Bursary to
be awarded to a graduating student who is a resident from Miscouche and planning on attending a University. Following discussion
MOTION moved by Ben Murphy, seconded by John Gillis and carried,
THAT the Community of Miscouche sponsor a $1,000.00 bursary for a
graduating student, who is a resident of Miscouche, and who will be attending
a University/College.
Mike agreed to look into to setting up this bursary.
h) Large Sign – – Ivan advised Council that the large sign located on property 18 Main Drive East is fairly close to the highway and could cause problems for people exiting their property along this section of highway. Peter advised that he will contact Dept of Transportation to see what their regulations are.
i) Trailside Acres – Greenspace – Ben advised Council that one of the residents in this
subdivision would like to improve the greenspace area. That resident is asking for Council approval to permit him to clean up some of the dead brush so that the residents in this subdivision can use the space. Council members advised that they had no objection to this request.
j) Tree Planting – Mike advised that there is a program available through the Dept of
Environment, Energy & Forestry to have trees planted around the Community. Council members agreed that this would help to improve our greenspaces and parks. Mike will look into having an application filled out.
10. NEXT MEETING – Wednesday, June 12, 2013 at 7:00 P.M.