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Regular Monthly Meeting
May 14, 2014
Chairperson, Peter Mallett called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Peter Mallett – Chairperson
Ivan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson
John Gillis – Councilor
Ben Murphy – Councilor
Mike MacKinnon – Councilor
Judy Gallant – Administrator
AND: Paul Perry – Deputy Fire Chief
Absent: Joan Arsenault – Councilor
Deputy Fire Chief Paul Perry gave the following reports:
a) “Mock Disaster” Training Exercise – This will be held at the Rec Centre on Saturday,
May 17th and will simulate a building collapse. In addition to our firemen, we are expecting some firemen from both Summerside and Wellington to attend as well along with the RCMP and EMS. A debriefing will be held upstairs in the fire hall after the event.
b) Tank Replacement for Tanker
Paul reported that the firemen feel that this project is not a major priority at the present time however they want to make Council aware that it may need to be replaced within the next year or two and then start considering whether or not to replace the entire truck, including the chassis and the tank in a few years with a used Fire Dept tanker that is still in good shape instead of just the replacing the water tank.
c) Vehicle Replacement “Committee”
Council advised Paul that they would like to set up a “Committee” consisting of a couple
firemen and a couple of Council members to discuss what type of vehicles are needed for Fire Dept, such as replacement tanker or quick response vehicle. In the meantime Ivan will arrange to have someone inspect our tanker to see what weight capacity it has for a water tank replacement.
Council thanked Paul for his reports and Paul then left the meeting.
d) Fire Services Bylaw/Policy – Peter will look into this matter.
– Manhole on Main Drive East – Council was advised that the manhole east of the
Scooters Dairy Bar entrance on Main Drive East needs to be repaired and MacIsaac Backhoeing has been asked to make the necessary repairs.
– Energy Audit – Peter reported that Bill Drost had inspected the firehall and the Rec Centre and copies of the electric bills and oil records were given to him and he will send us the audits when he completes the work.
– Grants – Giselle Bernard advised Peter that there is no ACOA funding this year however she thinks that our we should be able to receive up to 70 – 75 % of our funding through the Island Community Fund. She also advised that we will not be able to include the heating unit for the
firehall under the Rec Centre’s Island Community Fund grant. We will need to wait for the Energy Audit report before we can finish completing our application form for the Island Community Fund grant.
– Small Halls Festival – This is set for Friday, June 20th at 7:30 P.M.
– Fundraiser – May 30th – Council was advised that Father Albin Arsenault has asked to
use the Rec Centre for a Fundraiser event for the Church on May 30th and Robert Gallant was asking whether or not we wanted to charge them a rental fee for the use of the Rec Centre. Following discussion:
MOTION moved by Mike MacKinnon, seconded by John Gillis and carried,
THAT we will not charge a rental fee for the use of the Rec Centre on May 30th
for a fundraising event for the Church.
– Rec Centre Mortgage Balance – Council discussed whether or not to pay off the remaining balance owing on the Rec Centre Mortgage which presently stands at $46,000.00. Ben does not recommend paying out the mortgage early. Following discussion, Council agreed to leave the mortgage as is.
MOTION moved by Ben Murphy, seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried,
THAT the minutes of the April 9, 2014 regular monthly meeting be approved
as presented.
a) Unsightly Property By-law
8 Main Drive West Council was advised that the Clean Up Order was served on the Estate
by a process server on Tuesday, April 15, 2014. The deadline for the Clean Up was May 30th, 2014 and we will need to wait until after that date before proceeding to the next step.
Vacant Dwelling at 48 Lady Slipper Drive North
The old dwelling on this property has begun to collapse and Council have agreed that a letter should be sent to the Estate of Martin Poirier, c/o of his daughter, asking what the family’s intentions are regarding the demolition of this structure.
b) Rec Centre Activities
– Summer Program for Kids – Mike reported that this program will probably take place at the Rec Centre and they will be getting some soccer balls for the kids to use.
c) Summer Student
– Federal Program – We have been approved for a grant to cover 50% of the wages for a 9 week program.
– Provincial Program – The application for grant funding has been filed and Peter is still checking to get more information on this program.
a) Fire Dept –
– Emergency Responses – Ivan reported that the firemen responded to 4 calls, 2 mutual
aids during the past month.
– Training Budget Advance – Council was advised that a $2,000.00 advance was given to the Fire Dept to held with costs they expected to occur for their “Mock Disaster” training exercise scheduled for this month. They will reimburse any unused portion of the funds.
– Summer Party – Council agreed to cover the cost of only the food for the Firemen’s annual summer party. We will reimburse the firemen when they present a bill for the food.
b) Recreation – Already discussed.
c) Planning Board
– Laughlin Street Road Completion – Council was advised that we received a copy of an email which was sent by Orooba Mohammed, P.Eng. at the Dept of Transportation, to Steve at Curran & Briggs dated April 16, 2014. The email advises Curran & Briggs that they can either construction the road according to the previously approved plan with a permanent cul-de-sac and based on their road standards, or extend the road to the boundary of the property and placing a temporary cul-de-sac on the adjacent property, however they would first need to get the adjacent
property owners approval and that property owner would need to enter into an easement agreement with the Dept of Transportation. We have not heard anything further from Curran & Briggs on this matter.
d) Sewer – Nothing new to report.
e) Acadian Purchase Trust – Judy advised Council that we are currently waiting for payment
from Miscouche Peat for the semi annual installment of royalties on peat in the amount of $1,536.71 and the annual land rental fee in the amount of $570.00.
f) Firehall Maintenance & St. Lights
– Flagpole Replacement
Ivan advised Council that the estimated cost to install a new replacement flagpole would be approximately $450.00 for a 20′ pole and $510.00 for a 25′ pole. Following discussed:
MOTION moved by Mike MacKinnon, seconded by John Gillis and carried,
THAT we have a new 25′ flagpole installed at the firehall at an estimated cost
of $510.00.
– Silver Maples Seniors Club – Outside light – Council was advised that the Seniors Club has asked for permission to install a new outside light over their door to help brighten up the entrance way. They are willing to cover the cost. Council was further advised that there is already a large light over the doorway but it does not appear to be working properly. Council advised Judy to contact an electrician and have them repair the existing light.
g) Community Improvements – Nothing new to report.
h) Finance – Nothing new to report.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by John Gillis and carried;
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $28,874.17 is approved.
a) – We received an email from a resident who has expressed concerns
about various safety issues along our highways including speeders and a crossing sign that erected at the School road. Peter advised that he has spoken with our MLA Sonny Gallant about these issues and Sonny Gallant will be setting up a meeting for us with members of the Dept of Transportation and himself in the near future to discuss these issues.
b) Grass Cutting – Following discussion Council members agreed to obtain a quote from
(Island Lawn Care) for grass cutting for the 2014 season.
c) Miscouche Consolidated School – Annual “Best Effort Award(s)”
MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Ben Murphy and carried;
THAT we donate the sum of $200.00 to the Miscouche Consolidated
School “Best Effort Award(s)”.
d) Three Oaks – Community’s Annual Bursary – Mike advised that the School will notify us
of the name of the student and University/College that person will be attending.
e) – 106 Lady Slipper Drive – Sewer Line Blockage
Council was advised that due to a plugged sewer line, resident had hired Ron’s
Plumbing to clean out the sewer line and have the line videoed at the same time. The total of her bill was $307.80 and she is wondering whether or not the Community would be willing to help with these expenses because of the blockage and having the line videoed. Her dwelling on this property is located further from the roadway then most homes so her sewer lateral line is quite long and does not have a clean out close to the highway and there are several large trees in her front yard. John advised that he will contact Ron’s Plumbing to determine exactly what he was able to determine from the video. John also recommends that since she had her line videoed we should consider splitting the cost and recommend to her that she install a clean out on her line close to the roadway so that her line can be cleaned properly.
f) Steeple View Heights – Lot 35 – Offer
Council was advised that we have a received an offer of $25,000.00 for the purchase of
the remaining lot #35 in Steeple View Heights. This sale would be subject to HST and DOT’s Easement for the temporary turn around located at the top of this property. Following discussion;
MOTION moved by Mike MacKinnon, seconded by Ben Murphy and carried,
THAT we accept the offer of $25,000.00 plus HST for Lot 35 of Steeple View Heights.
g) Trailside Acres Green Space – Council was advised that there is a lot of dead branches
etc in the green space that needs to be cleaned up. Council will check into the matter.
h) Annual Dinner Meeting will be Friday, June 6, 2014 at Fishermen’s Wharf.
10. NEXT MEETING – Will be Wednesday, June 11, 2014 at 7:00 P.M.