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Regular Monthly Meeting
May 12, 2015
Chairperson, Peter Mallett, called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Peter Mallett – Chairperson
Ivan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson
Joan Arsenault – Councilor
John Gillis – Councilor
Pat MacLellan – Councilor
Ricky Myers – Councilor
Judy Gallant – Administrator
and: Jason Woodbury – Fire Chief, Paul Perry – Deputy Fire-Chief, Gary Myers and Adam Gallant – Firemen
– Quick Response Vehicle – Letter from Council, dated April 28, 2015, was delivered to
Jason Woodbury and Paul Perry requesting that the Fire Dept’s ‘Operational Guidelines’ for the Quick Response Vehicle be amended to include the phrase that “all other uses” needs Council’s prior approval. Jason advised that the “Operational Guidelines” was set up by him to help prevent himself and or the Deputy Chief from being held personally liable for any actions carried out by the Fire Dept. Jason felt that control of the operational guidelines should remain with the Fire Chief. Following discussion Jason advised Council that if control of the Operational Guidelines was not left in the control of the Fire Chief then he did not wish to continue in his position as Fire Chief but would remain as an active firefighter instead. Council and the Firemen discussed various other issues relating to the use of the fire department vehicles for “non emergency” purposes.
– Jr. Firefighters – Jason reported that Cooke Insurance has advised that the estimated additional cost to cover a Jr. Firefighter Brigade is approximately $75.00. Jason also reported that an information meeting will be held this week for all the kids and their parents. We will only be starting with 6 kids and they will only be using our old turn out gear and boots. They will also be given stickers stating “Jr. Firefighter” to be put on their gear.
– Emergency Plan Update – Jason reported that he is currently working on the 2015 Update of our Emergency Plan.
– Fire Truck Undercoating – This is currently being done.
Council thanked the firemen and they then left the meeting.
– Kelly Drive/Kinsmen Road Lift Station – Electric Panel “Cabinet” has been ordered.
– East Lagoon Lift Station Pump – Council was advised that one of the pumps at the East Lagoon lift station was removed and taken to Paul’s Electromechanical for repairs. And will be reinstalled when fixed.
– Maintenance Truck – Council was advised that maintenance truck is having additional problems. Following discussion Council members feel that we should look at replacing the maintenance truck.
– Insurance Claim – Peter reported that the repairs are still be carried out. He also reported that two sheets of the siding will need to be removed to see if there is any damage underneath.
– Used Bingo Machine – Council was advised that we may be able to purchase a used one at a cost of approximately $3,500.00 installed and hooked up. Council members agreed that we should go ahead with the purchase of the used one at a cost of $3,500.00.
– Community “Volunteer” Vests/T.Shirts – Ivan obtained estimates ranging from $38.00 to $45.00 for Community “Volunteer” vests. Council members felt that we should keep looking to see if we could possible get the vests or t-shirts at a lower cost.
– Key to Side Entrance – Jason asked if the Firemen could have a copy of our security key for the side door entrance. The key would kept in the Fire Chief’s office and would only be used on special occasions when the firemen need to access the upstairs other than through the fire department.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan, seconded by Ricky Myers and carried,
THAT the minutes of the April 14, 2015 regular and April 28, 2015
special meetings be approved as presented.
a) Summer Student – Grants – peter advised that we have received confirmation that our
application for a Federal Grant has been approved but we are still waiting to hear back on our Provincial application.
b) Commercial Sidewalk Snow Blower – Council was advised that we have received the
invoice from Corcoran Farm Supply for the 2000 Sidewalk Snow Blower in the amount of $15,000.00 plus $2,100.00 HST. The invoice also included a note that the purchase include a 30 day warranty after the first snow fall. Council agreed to the total purchase price of $17,100.00.
c) Grass Cutting Equipment – Council was advised that a Husquavna Brushcutter (whipper
snipper) will be purchased from M.& J. Professional Saws at a cost of $369.00 plus HST of $51.66. This is lower that the original prices received.
d) FPEIM Annual Meeting – Will be held at the Linkletter Community Centre on Monday
May 25, 2015. Peter and Joan advised that they will be attending.
a) Fire Dept
– Key to Side door Entrance – Following discussion Council agreed to give a copy of the key to the side door entrance to the Fire Chief along with a note that the Fire Chief and Deputy Chief will be held responsible for the key and to ensure that the door is locked up after being used.
– Quick Response Vehicle – “Other Uses” Following discussion Council members feel that
the Operational Guidelines relating to “other uses” for the Quick Response Vehicle should include the clause “May be used for other Fire Dept activities and these uses must first receive joint approval of the Fire Chief and Council Chairperson”.
b) Recreation – Nothing new to report.
c) Planning Board
– No new permits this period
– Application to Subdivide – Estate of Donald Gillis – Main Drive West
Council was advised that we have received an application from the Della Gillis, on behalf of the Estate of Donald Gillis to subdivide a portion of PID#559336 so that it can be sold to and become part of adjacent property owned by MCM Holdings (Corcoran Farm Supply). The remaining portion of the field (which is actually located outside our Municipal boundary) is suppose to be sold to Linkletters for farming purposes. The property actually runs from Main Drive West up to DesRoche Road, which runs between Wilfed Street and MacLean Road.
Judy advised Council that she was also advised by Della that the existing commercial lot, which has it own PID #, is also being purchased by MCM Holdings. Since this existing commercial lot is not actually part of PID 559336 it does not need to be included in the application to subdivide.
Judy also advised Council that we may need to check with the Province, possibly DOT to make sure that they have no objection to the remaining portion of the field which is located outside our Municipal boundary, can be accessed by DesRoche Road and will not need to be accessed from Main Drive West.
Following discussion:
MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried,
THAT preliminary approval be granted to the Estate of Donald Gillis to
subdivide a portion of PID #559336 consisting of approximately 2 to 3 acres
of land to be added to and become part of adjacent property #63255 owned
by MCM Holdings Ltd.
d) Sewer – Outstanding Sewer Charges
Council was advised that out of the three letters which were served on the property owners by J. C. Security, only one, still remains unpaid. Council members feel that we should proceed with disconnection of his sewer service if he does not pay by the May 13th deadline.
e) Acadian Purchase Trust – Judy advised that we are waiting for copies of the latest shipping
records so that the semi annual installment of royalties can be calculated.
f) Firehall Maintenance & Street Light – Nothing new to report.
g) Community Improvements – Rec Centre sidewalk
Ivan was able to obtain one quote to replace the main sidewalk leading from the front of the Rec Centre to the roadway as well as the sidewalk which runs from the front door to the eastern parking lot. Council members agreed that we should not look at the quote until we get at least one other quote. Ivan will look at getting a second quote before looking at any quotes provided.
h) Finance – Nothing new to report.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried,
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $53,626.60 is approved.
– Kelly Drive – Ditch Infilling & Sidewalks
Peter advised that he was able to obtain an estimate from Matthew Fortier, an Engineer with the Dept of Transportation, to fill in all the ditches, install storm water system, including catch basins, and concrete sidewalks along Kelly Drive. The estimate provided was in the amount of $713,272.00. The estimate for the sidewalk only was $184,000.00. Council members felt that we could do the project over several years, based on the amount of Gas Tax funding we would be getting. Following discussion Council members agreed that we should set up a meeting with Stephen Yeo of DOT to discuss this issue further.
10. NEXT MEETING will be held on Tuesday, June 9, 2015 at 7:00 P.M.