Monthly Council Meeting
May 10th, 2022
Mayor Albert Gallant called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Albert Gallant – Mayor
Allan Parks – Deputy Mayor
Jacqueline Lecky- Councillor
Pat MacLellan – Councillor
John Searle- Councillor (Absent)
Ivan Blanchard- Councillor
Joan Arsenault – Councillor
Michelle Perry- CAO
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest: No one declared a conflict of interest.
3. FIRE DEPARTMENT: Deputy Chief Doug Trowsdale gave the following report. Jason was looking into getting another quote for the deep water well and came across a lot of questions that he could not answer. He wanted to suggest to council that they really think about getting a consultant to look to see where the best place is to put one in the community. And also, for future growth of the community. Council discussed it and have suggested to fill out the application with the province to apply for a deep water well. Albert had a question about having 2 trucks down at the legion selling tickets and with the price of gas so high is it necessary to have the trucks running. Doug advised that it was requested from the legion that they have a fire truck down there as it helps with the sales, and since the truck is so big there was concerns about cars pulling up and hitting the truck and damaging vehicles, so that is why they opted for the fast rescue to sell the tickets in and the rescue truck with the lights on to attract buyers. The department is also looking at getting a light bar that they can attach to a sign so they will not need to take the rescue truck down.
4. MAINTENANCE REPORT: Monty MacAusland for maintenance gave the following report: All the spring cleanup has been completed and the flower beds are being taken care of. All the equipment has been cleaned and everything is ready for the new grass cutting season. Also, Monty mentioned that the sidewalk in front of the museum flags is broken up pretty bad and will need to be replaced. We will get 2 quotes and bring it back to council.
5. REC CENTER REPORT: Councillor Jacqueline Lecky gave the following report: Bingo are back to full capacity and no mask are required. They have also switched back to evening bingo starting at 7:00 pm. Ivan mentioned that he was supposed to get an efficiency audit done for the Rec Center however it was not completed as of yet but he will work on getting it done.
6. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Meeting minutes for April 12th, 2022
MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Jacqueline Lecky and carried
THAT the minutes for April 12th, 2022 be approved as presented.
a) West Lagoon ICIP Upgrades: New sign for the project will go up this week.
b) New Snow blower Trackless: The community will purchase the demo model from Saunders Equipment for $171,000.00 plus HST. This will include 8,000 worth of upgrades as well as the 3 attachments the blower, the plow and the salter. The community put 10% down to hold it and it will be delivered in the September. Once the blower is purchased Acadian Purchase Trust will write a check for the $60,000.00 towards the purchase.
c) Wilfred St Property: Michelle sent a letter to the property owner of 18 Wilfred St advising that there were some concerns about children playing on the property and might get hurt. She advised the homeowner to check with their insurance company to make sure that they are covered in case someone gets hurt.
a) Fire Dept: Already discussed.
b) Planning Board- Development Permits- 63 Kelly Dr private garage, 39 Lady Slipper Dr S New Single-Family Dwelling, 29 Laughlin St New Single-Family Dwelling.
c) Sewer: 60% of the payments have been received.
d) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights: Nothing to discuss
e) Community Improvements: Jacqueline and Pat will get the skate park equipment built hoping this weekend. Michelle also provided Pat with the Heat and Electricity bills since the community purchased the Rec Center in 2012 and the heat pumps were put in shortly after that.
f) Finances:
MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Jacqueline Lecky and carried
THAT the payment of the bills totaling $ 64,481.49 is approved.
a) Elect a Municipal Electoral Officer for the upcoming election on November 7th, 2022
MOTION moved by Jacqueline Lecky seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried
THAT the community appoint Michelle Perry as the Municipal Electoral Officer.
b) Clean Up around the community: A resident suggested that the community have a cleanup day around the community. Council discussed this and the community streets are clean, and the parks are already taken care of, and no one should be going on residents’ property to clean up garbage.
c) Bursary: Michelle received 2 qualified applicants and since there would be a conflict of interest for 2 of the council members, she got 2 people outside the community. One a retired teacher and the other a college graduate to pick this year’s recipient. This will be announced a graduation.
d) Residents Solar Panels Ground Mounted: Ivan was asking about if the community should have a bylaw that states that residents will either need to obtain a permit for ground mounted solar panels to ensure that they are mounting them on their properties. Allan and Michelle will look at the official plan and bylaws to see what the simplest way of would be adding it.
e) Mileage: The mileage for the community has not been changed for years and with the increase in gas pricing the council taught it should be following the government rate.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard seconded by Allan Parks and carried
THAT the community follow the government mileage rate.
f) Summer Dinner for Council: Council has decided that they will have a summer dinner for council and their guests, expect they will be doing it locally this year and not going to the Fisherman’s Wharf. They are going to try Friends & Families this year.
g) Tree at the Skate Park: The resident next to the skate park had concerns about the big tree next to the property as it is rotten, and kids have been hanging off of it. There were some concerns that someone was going to get hurt. The resident did get a price of $300.00 to get it cut down and since some of the branches are hanging over the bench on the skate park that the community should pay a portion of it to be taken down.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by Allan Parks and carried
THAT the community pay $200.00 to have the tree taken down.
Motion carried.
Ivan Blanchard voted no, and he suggested the community pay $150.00.
11. NEXT MEETING: June 14th, 2022
MOTION moved by Pat Maclellan THAT the meeting of May 10th, 2022, be adjourned.