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Regular Monthly Meeting
March 13, 2013
Chairperson, Peter Mallett, called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Peter Mallett – Chairperson
Ivan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson
John Gillis – Councilor
Ben Murphy – Councilor
Mike MacKinnon – Councilor
Judy Gallant – Administrator
And: Preston Silliker, Prince County Wastewater Management
And: Robert Gallant, Manager Miscouche Rec Centre
Absent: Joan Arsenault – Councilor
Preston Silliker gave the following reports:
– UV System – Because of the heavy thawing recently he checked our UV System today to
make sure that it was not be flooded and everything was running okay.
– Testing – The Dept of Environment have advised that they will now be requesting that
testing be done on lagoons, especially for chemical counts.
– Bullrushes – Some were removed at the west lagoon last fall.
– Sewer Flushing – John asked that when we do our annual sewer flushing of our main lines we should also be putting some water through the clean outs that were installed on some of the lines leading to a few homes around the Community including the one installed at the Seniors Unit on Kelly Drive.
Council thanked Preston for his reports and Preston then left the meeting.
Ivan reported that at the Firemen’s monthly meeting Fire Chief Jason Woodbury advised the firemen that John Mitchell has made another request to use the firemen’s room to put on First Aid/CPR courses for the general public. Council members felt that by allowing someone to operate a private business out of the Fire Dept this could create not only additional security issues but also additional liability to the Community. Following further discussion:
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by Ben Murphy and carried,
THAT the Fire Dept should not be used by anyone as a space to operate a private commercial business unless the space is being used to conduct First Aid/CPR and
other training courses for our own Firemen.
MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Mike MacKinnon and carried,
THAT the minutes of the February 13th regular and February 27th special
Council meetings be approved as presented.
a) Sidewalk Snow Removal – Council was advised that Hunter River pays for the snow
removal on their sidewalk at a cost of approximately $12,000.00 annually for approximately 2.2 klm of sidewalk. Ben reported that he has been speaking with an individual who is insured to do this type of work and that individual will let Ben know whether or not he would be interested in doing the work and what the estimated cost would be.
b) Sidewalk Extension on Main Dr. West – Judy reported that we still have not received the
letter from Rick Smith, the engineer at DOT, advising that our project meets with DOT’s approval. Council asked Judy to send a letter off to Rick Smith, (with copies to Stephen Yeo and Sonny Gallant), asking Rick Smith to provide us with a letter as soon as possible.
At this time Robert Gallant, Manager of the Rec Centre, came into the meeting (7:30 P.M.)
Robert Gallant gave the following reports:
– Water Run Off from School – Robert advised that there is a considerable amount of water running straight down from the School onto the roadway and parking lot of the Rec Centre. This is not only creating additional ice problems when it freezes but it could also cause breakup of the roadway and parking lot of the Rec Centre. When the latest addition was put on the School and the School’s roadway was extended, they didn’t install storm drains to address the additional water runoff issue.
Council members agreed to contact Dept of Transportation to come and look at the problem.
– Public Entertainment Functions – Robert asked Council to give some consideration to hosting regular entertainment functions, such as dances etc. at the Rec Centre. This could be held either monthly or every second month. Council advised Robert that they would be willing to consider any suggestions he might have.
– Upcoming Events – Robert advised that there are 5 functions set for this summer – 4 weddings and 1 religion retreat.
Council thanked Robert for his attendance and Robert then left the meeting.
5. BUSINESS ARISING continued…
b) Antoinette Drive – Easements for Cul de Sac and Tap Drain.
Council reviewed the draft copies of the Easements which were prepared by Dept of
Transportation for the Cul De Sac and Tap Drain. After reviewing the draft easements it was noted that they did not specifically state that any potential future restoration of the top portion of Lot 35 or relocation of any culverts installed would be done at ‘no cost to the owner of Lot 35′.
Following discussion Council advised Judy to contact Garth Taylor of DOT to advise him that they still wanted the words ‘At no cost’ included in the Easement and once that has been added then we will take the documents to our lawyer for his review.
a) Fire Dept – Already discussed.
b) Recreation – Nothing new to report.
c) Planning Board – Nothing new to report.
d) Sewer – Judy reminded Council that we had received a written request from resident on Wilfred St asking that her sewer rate be reduced back to the single family rate because he no longer rents out the basement apartment in her Wilfred Street home. At that time Council had agreed to look at her request again when she had paid up her outstanding sewer account. The resident has now paid $410.00 of her $431.43 bill leaving a balance of $21.43. Following discussion Council agreed to reduce sewer rate to the single family rate of $120.00 per year.
e) Acadian Purchase Trust – Nothing new to report.
f) Firehall Maintenance & St. Lights
Council was advised that Barry Moore Electric will be installing a sensor motion light at the back of the firehall.
g) Community Improvements
– Rec Centre Improvements – Grant Application
Ivan reported that he will set up a time to meet with Giselle Bernard to discuss possible
grants for the Rec Centre Improvements.
h) Finance – 2013 Proposed Budget
Following discussion Council members made a few amendments to the 2013 Proposed
Budget relating to the Capital Projects.
a) Route 2 Internet Tower
Peter reported that he was approached by a representative with the City of Summerside’s Route 2 Internet Service, asking again, for permission to install a tower to our Rec Centre. They have also provided another copy of the Agreement for the tower. Council was reminded that this request was originally made in the early part of 2012 and at that time the City of Summerside was not willing to give a written guarantee that the City of Summerside would be responsible for any damage that might occur to the Rec Centre building because of their tower being attached. Following discussion Council members stated that they are still not interested in entering into any agreement to allow the City of Summerside to attach a tower to our Rec Centre building.
b) Sign for Evangeline Rec Centre – Ivan reported that Community sign has now been made
and it will be taken up to the Evangeline Rec Centre for installation.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by John Gillis and carried,
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $18,215.13 is approved.
Annual Meeting – March 20, 2013 at 7:00 P.M.
Regular Monthly Meeting – April 10, 2013 at 7:00 P.M.