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Regular Monthly Meeting
March 12, 2014
Chairperson, Peter Mallett, called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Peter Mallett – Chairperson
Ivan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson
Joan Arsenault – Councilor
Ben Murphy – Councilor
Mike MacKinnon – Councilor
Judy Gallant – Administrator
Absent: John Gillis – Councilor
– Replacement Tank for Fire Dept Tanker Truck – Ivan reported that he was able to get an estimate on the cost of having a 10,000 L steel water tank manufactured for the fire truck. The estimate would be between $35,000.00 and $45,000.00. He also reported that we might be able to obtain a used tank for approximately $5,000.00. If we go with a larger tank we may need to upgrade the axles on the truck. Ivan is also checking to see if the existing tank could be fibre glassed.
– Additional Fire Dept Equip – Ivan reported that he has advised the firemen that Council would like to concentrate on obtaining a water tank for the tanker truck as a priority over their request for new inflatable air bags.
– Sewer Lift Station Kinsmen Road – Judy reported that the lift station pump has been repaired and has now been reinstalled in the lift station. Judy also reported that Preston Silliker will be ordering spare relays and capacitors for the lift station pump in case we run into the same problem again.
– Sewer Lateral Line – 98 Lady Slipper Drive N. – Judy advised Council that she was informed by Gillis Heating that while doing repairs on the homeowners section of sewer lateral it was noted that the Community’s section of the sewer lateral line running under the road way for 98 Lady Slipper Drive N was not in good shape and needed to be repaired and upgraded so they have made arrangements to have JC Drilling come and replace the line. They hope to have this work done within the next few days. We will be billed for this section.
– Grants – Peter and Ivan recently met with Giselle Bernard to discuss possible funding for upgrades and renovations to the Rec Centre and Giselle advised them that she will be checking to see if there any funds available through ACOA. It was also suggested that we have an Energy Audit done on the building.
– Municipal Firehall Building – Ivan also reported that he got a quote in the amount of $23,200.00 plus HST from Gillis Heating for installing a heat pump at the firehall and we may be able to get a grant to help with this cost.
Council members agreed to go ahead with an Energy Audit on the Rec Centre.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by Ben Murphy and carried,
THAT the minutes of the February 12, 2014 regular monthly meeting and the
February 19, 2014 special meeting be approved as presented.
a) Unsightly Property – Est. Of A. DesRoches – Main Dr. W.
Council was advised that the registered letter we had forwarded to the individual in St. John, N.B. who was paying the property taxes was returned to us “unclaimed”.
Peter reported that he was able to get the following three quotes to have the building tore down and the property cleaned up: Leo A. McNeill Const. in the amount of $4,150.00 plus HST;
AJL Contractors in the amount of $5,600.00 plus HST; and Waugh’s Construction in the amount of $3,250.00 plus HST. Our next step would be to have a “Clean Up Order” prepared with a deadline date when the cleanup must be completed and this “Clean Up Order” needs to served on the individual paying the property taxes. Council agreed to a date of May 30, 2014 as the deadline for the clean up. Peter will make arrangements to meet with our Solicitor to see if he can make arrangements to have a process server in St. John, N.B. serve the “Clean Up Order”.
b) Rec Centre Activities –
– Youth Activities – Mike reported that the current youth activities at the Rec Centre
are over and he has been advised by Allison Griffin that there are no new ones planned yet. Mike will keep Council informed if any new youth programs become available.
– Small Halls – Council was advised that an Application for participation in the Small
Halls Festival was submitted and Peter will be meeting with Debbie Atkinson, a representative from the Small Halls Festival, at the Rec Centre on Friday so she can check out the Rec Centre facilities.
– Archery – Bruce Crabb put on an information session and demonstration at the Rec Centre on Saturday, March 8th.
c) Sewer – Payment Options – We now have the debit machine and Peter will be making
arrangements to have it set up.
– Legion Sewer Account – Peter reported that he and Ivan recently met with Edwin
DesRoches, 1st Vice President of the Legion and advised him that Council was not prepared to write off the outstanding sewer charges but would consider holding off on additional interest charges or allowing the volunteers from the Legion to work one of our Rec Centre bingo night and take the profits. In response to this, Edwin has presented another letter asking if the Council would instead consider giving the Legion a grant in the amount of $8,000.00 to help with their operating expenses. Following discussion:
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by Mike MacKinnon and carried,
THAT we list the $8,000.00 proposed Grant for the Legion on our 2014 Proposed
Budget for the residents consideration.
d) Miscouche Family Day Activities – This year’s events saw a good turn out at all the
events including the breakfast, afternoon youth activities and the adult evening dance and Mike Nesbitt gave a good write up about the events in the Journal Pioneer on the following Monday which resulted in a lot of positive feedback about the events.
e) Summer Student – Mike has submitted an application for a summer student for 12 weeks.
f) Annual Community of Miscouche Bursary – Mike advised that the bursary is
set up as an annual event unless we advise the School otherwise.
a) Fire Dept – Ivan reported that we now have a new female firefighter on our Fire Dept.
b) Recreation – Nothing new to report.
c) Planning Board – No new permits this period.
– Con-El Subdivision – Laughlin Street – Council was advised that we have received a
letter from Curran & Briggs advising that they now wish to complete the remaining portion of Laughlin Street so they can sell the remaining 6 lots located at the end of the subdivision. This subdivision, including the 6 lots located at the end of Laughlin Street, was approved by the Province in 1977, however, Laughlin Street was never completed to the end of the subdivision as was shown on the subdivision plan. Since the Province owns all the roadways within the Community, Curran & Briggs will need to discuss this issue with the Dept of Transportation and possibly enter into a Road Agreement with them before they can finish the roadway. Curran & Briggs will also need to ensure that the sewer service laterals for all the remaining lots are also in place before any of the remaining lots can be sold. Judy will notify Curran & Briggs of this.
d) Sewer – Already discussed.
e) Acadian Purchase Trust – Nothing new to discuss.
f) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights – Ivan asked Council to consider having upgrades
done to the downstairs washroom as well as relocating the existing Fire Dept office so that office space, which is adjacent to the Community office could be used by the Chairperson or other Council members when needed.
g) Community Improvements – Nothing new to report.
h) Finance – 2014 Proposed Budget – to be discussed later in the meeting.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by Ben Murphy and carried,
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $20,943.79 be approved.
a) FPEIM – Judy reminded Council members that annual meeting for the Federation of PEI
Municipalities will be held on April 28th in Kensington.
10. Finance – 2014 Proposed Budget
Following review and discussions, Council members made some changes to the
2014 Proposed Budget which will be presented to the residents at our Annual Meeting to be held on Wednesday, March 26th.
11. NEXT regular monthly meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 9, 2014 at 7:00 P.M.