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Regular Monthly Meeting
March 10, 2015
Chairperson, Peter Mallett called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Peter Mallett – Chairperson
John Gillis – Councilor
Pat MacLellan – Councilor
Ricky Myers – Councilor
Judy Gallant – Administrator
And: Jason Woodbury – Fire Chief and Paul Perry – Deputy Fire Chief
Absent: Ivan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson and Joan Arsenault – Councilor
– Kinsmen Road Lift Station – John Gillis reported that he was advised by our maintenance worker Bobby DesRoches that the counter on the Kinsmen Road Lift Station electrical panel does not seem to be working properly. The counter on the #2 pump has not shown any difference in its readings in comparison to the #1 pump. Our maintenance worker Bobby DesRoches has reported this issue to our technician Preston Silliker and Preston will arrange to have it checked to make sure that the #2 pump is working properly. We may need to have an electrician check the counter itself.
3. CANADA-PEI GAS TAX – We have now received the two Gas Tax Allocation Funding
Agreements for the two Capital Investment Plan projects we had applied for, the energy retrofit of the Rec Centre in the amount $17,767.00 and upgrades to our sewer system in the amount of $23,903.00. Copies of the Funding Agreements were signed by Peter and Judy and copy will be returned to the Provincial Infrastructure Secretariat.
– Water Damage at Rec Centre – Peter reported that he had met with Cooke Insurance Claims Adjuster, Richard Arsenault to look at the water damage that appears to have been caused by snow getting in around the top of the new siding. Our insurance carrier, Cooke Insurance, had Fitzgerald and Snow look at the siding and determined that it may not have been installed properly and our insurance carrier will have Fitzgerald and Snow make the necessary repairs to the siding. The insurance adjuster had contacted First on Site to give a quote on making the necessary repairs to the interior walls, ceiling and possible floor tiles. Paul Davis Systems will also be contacting our insurance adjuster to also give a quote. The insurance adjuster also advised Peter that they will deal directly with Gerald Adams of G.I.A. Limited who had carried out the recent renovation work on the Rec Centre.
– Paralympic Shooting Club – Peter reported that he recently met with Daniel Savoie who is involved with the Paralympic Air Rifle/Pistal Shooting Club. They may be interested in renting our Rec Centre on a regular basis as a training centre for youth and disabled individuals in PEI., some of who may be involved in the Paralympic Games shooting competition. This club is governed by the International Paralympic Shooting Commiting. The Shooting Federation of Canada is the National Sport Organization and Daniel is trying to receive funding from them to put on a training centre here. This proposal would all depend on whether or not he is successful in obtaining funding. Council will discuss this matter and possible rental rate again once we here back from Daniel Savoie.
MOTION moved by Ricky Myers, seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried,
THAT the minutes of the February 10, 2015 regular and February 24, 2015 special
meetings be approved as presented.
At this time Jason Woodbury and Paul Perry came into the meeting
Fire Chief Jason Woodbury gave the following reports:
a) Fire Dept tanker replacement – The replacement tanker retrofit work is just about
completed and they expect that it should be back here in the hall within the next couple of days. There will be some equipment that will be taken off the old tanker, including the radio and lights. Dunk River Industries, who carried out the retrofit work on the newer tanker will be purchasing the older tanker.
b) Fire Dept 2015 Proposed Budget – Jason and Paul provided Council members with a copy
of a proposed budget that they had prepared for the Fire Dept for 2015 and this was reviewed by Council.
Council thanked Jason and Paul for their attendance and Jason and Paul then left the meeting.
a) Unsightly Property Act –
Judy reported that the property owner has responded to our letter of January 28, 2015 regarding the condition of his properties at 19 and 20 Wilfred Street. He advised that he has cleaned up the property at 19 Wilfred Street and it is now rented out. He also advised that his workers had started to remove a portion of the old barn at 20 Wilfred Street but due to the weather condition they were not able to finish the work. He intends to keep the majority of the building for storage purposes and hopes to be able to finish the cleanup and necessary repairs as soon as possible.
b) Miscouche Family Day – The estimated cost to hold this year’s event was $1,304.00 plus
taxes. Council members felt that with the good turn out of residents this was a successful event for our Community.
c) Community of Miscouche Annual Bursary – Peter advised Council that he had spoken to
several people, including Bruce Crabb and Sonny Gallant to see if they would be interested in sitting on a independent committee who would select a potential recipient of our annual bursary. If the Community were to appoint a committee of local residents to select a recipient we would need to know if any students from the Community are attending any other high schools, other than Three Oaks, what the criteria would be and how we would let the students and/or parents from the Community know that there is a change to the bursary. Peter will contact Evangeline School to see if they currently have any students from Miscouche. Since some students at Three Oaks may have already applied for the bursary it may be too late to make any changes to the bursary this year. Peter will speak with Mike MacKinnon again to find out what the application deadlines are and what he feels needs to be done in order to make any changes to the bursary.
d) Est. Of Donald Gillis Property
Peter advised that he has spoken with Edwin DesRoches again to advise him that Council members felt that before Council could approach the residents on this matter we would need to know how much the purchase price was and the purchase of the property would have to include both the entire property, including the farmland and the commercial lot. Peter also advised Edwin that because of its location and the fact that the majority of the property is located outside our Municipal boundary it would fall under the jurisdiction of the Province so any potential development of the land could be limited and it may only be permitted for farm land use, so the Community would not be prepared to pay a very high price for the property. Edwin advised Peter that the Gillis family had not indicated what they would put as a purchase price on the property and he also advised that they just wanted to see if the Community had any potential
plans or interest in the property before they looked at other options for the sale of the properties.
e) Summer Student Grant Application – We have not yet had a response to our application.
a) Fire Dept
– Staircase Access to Upstairs portion – Council was advised that we are still waiting for a
more detailed quote from B.G. Construction.
– Sale of Old Tanker – Council members agreed to sell the old tanker to Dunk River Industries, who are currently carrying out the retrofit of our newer tanker, at a sale price of $5,000.00 plus HST.
b) Recreation – Nothing new to report.
c) Planning – There were no permits issued this period.
d) Sewer – The 2015 sewer bills will be going out April 1, 2015.
e) Acadian Purchase Trust – Nothing new to report.
f) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights
– Street Lights – Maritime Electric has already begun converted some of our street lights
over to LED lighting.
– Heat Pumps – John advised that the heat pumps have arrived but we will need to wait until the snow that has accumulated around the building goes down before they can be installed.
g) Community Improvements – Nothing new to report.
MOTION moved by Ricky Myers, seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried,
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $34,073.10 is approved.
a) Summerside “Good Neighbor Award” – Summerside are now accepting nominations for
their annual “Good Neighbor Award” and asked if we had anyone we wanted to nominate.
b) Silver Senior’s Club – We have received an invitation from the Senior Club members
to their open house display of their work on “Swedish Weaving” on April 1, 2015.
11. FINANCE – Annual Meeting
– Proposed Budget – Council reviewed a draft copy of the 2015 Proposed Budget which showed projected revenues in the amount of $385.084.00 and projected expenses in the amount of $412,782.00 plus an additional expenditure for purchasing a new sidewalk snow blower in the amount of $20,000.00 for total expenditures of $432.782.00 for a projected deficit of $47,698.00.
The annual Meeting will be held in the Senior’s Club room at 7:00 P.M. on Wednesday, March 18th with a storm date of March 19th.
– Annual Meeting to be held on Wednesday, March 18, 2015.
– Next Regular Monthly meeting to be held on Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at 7:00 P.M.