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Regular Monthly Meeting
June 9, 2015
Chairperson, Peter Mallett called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Peter Mallett – Chairperson
Ivan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson
Joan Arsenault – Councilor
John Gillis – Councilor
Pat MacLellan – Councilor
Ricky Myers – Councilor
Judy Gallant – Administrator
And: Jason Woodbury – Fire Chief and Paul Perry – Deputy Fire Chief
– Grass Cutting – Currently being carried out by Community employee, Monty MacAusland and Council members expressed their approval of the work being done to date.
– Community Flower Beds – Improvements currently being carried out by maintenance worker Bobby DesRoches.
– Maintenance Building – Moisture Problem – Council was advised that there appears to be a moisture/humidity problem due to the lack of air circulation inside the building especially during the winter months. Council members were advised that there is a venting system that could be installed to take out the moisture and help to cut down the mold. The cost for the system would be approximately $200.00 plus installation costs. Following further discussion:
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried,
THAT we install a venting system in the community maintenance building to
cut down on the moisture/humidity problem at a cost of approximately
$200.00 plus installation costs.
(John Gillis had obtained from voting on this matter)
– Sewer Maintenance – John advised Council that he had been contacted by property at 56 Lady Slipper Drive South which is contains approximately 3.5 acres. The house is currently hooked into our sewer system and they would like to subdivide the property to create two lots, one containing the house and the second vacant lot. John advised that our sewer main stops just before the driveway to the existing house and in order to ensure the second lot would have central sewer service the sewer line would need to be extended further along Lady Slipper Drive for an additional 100 feet or so and a manhole would also need to be installed. John advised that he had informed them that this could be done but since the addition to the sewer main would only be of benefit to his property, the full cost for installation of the extension and manhole (catch basin) would have to be done at his expense.
(At this time, 7:20 P.M., Jason Woodbury – Fire Chief and Paul Perry – Deputy Fire Chief came into the meeting)
-Late Firefighter Mike Gallant – Insurance Coverages – Jason reported that he has been
working with Workers Compensation Board and RBC Insurance to complete the necessary insurance claims on behalf of the late Mike Gallant’s widow, Linda.
– Summer Party – Jason reported that due to the recent death of fellow firefighter Mike Gallant, the firemen decided to have only a small get together instead of a regular summer party this year. The firemen also returned $64.45 of unused funds from the summer party.
– Fire Trucks 131 and 121 have now been undercoated.
– Jr. Firefighters program and now up and running with 5 members. Jason also reported that there were a few changes made as to what the Jr. Firefighters can and can not participate in. They will not be permitted to be on scene of any medical or motor vehicle accident calls.
– Cleaning of turn out gear – Jason advised that the firemen are looking at purchasing a used commercial washer machine they can use to clean their turn out gear in.
– Emergency Plan Update – Jason is currently working on the update.
– Thermal Image Camera – Due to a problem with our current Thermal Image Camera which we purchased three years ago, we have been using a replacement camera that was provided to us by the company, Draiger. After discussions with the company about warranty issues, the company has agreed give us the replacement camera at no cost and only charge us for the base for charging the camera which will cost approximately $300.00 plus shipping costs.
– Wellness Program Grant – The firemen will be applying for a $5,000.00 grant under the Wellness Program to purchase gym equipment for the firemen’s use.
Council thanked Jason and Paul and they then left the meeting.
– Insurance Claim – Peter advised that we are still waiting for the insurance company to complete the claim process.
– Sidewalk Replacement – The work will being on Monday June 15th.
– Community Workers – Reflective Vests – Ivan showed Council members a reflective vest he purchased that should be used by our maintenance workers. Council members agreed that we should purchase at least 6 of the vests along with some eye goggles and all Council members agreed that our maintenance workers should be wearing the vests and goggles at all times especially when they are working on or near any highway..
MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Ricky Myers and carried,
THAT the minutes of the May 12, 2015 regular and May 21, 2015 special meetings
be approved as presented.
a) Summer Student – Peter advised that we have received confirmation that we have been
approved for the Federal grant however we have not received any official confirmation that we have been approved for the Provincial grant.
b) Wellness Grant – Council members felt that we should check into the Wellness Grant to see
if there would be any funding available through this program for new equipment at our skate park. Peter agreed to check on this issue.
c) Kelly Drive Ditch Infilling and Sidewalks – Peter advised that he was informed by our local
MLA that the Minister of Transportation had advised that the Dept of Transportation are not prepared to cover any of the cost for ditch infilling along Kelly Drive.
Council members discussed the possibility of only doing sections of Kelly Drive over several years and using whatever Gas Tax we have available to cover the costs. Council members also feel that we should try to meet with Steven Yeo of the DOT to see if any type of agreements can be reached regarding any of the estimated costs for the infilling such as engineer costs.
MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried,
THAT we allocate the gas tax funds to go towards covering the cost of
installing storm drains, ditch infilling and sidewalks along Kelly Drive
d) Gas Tax 2014-2015 Fiscal Year – Council was advised that approximately $88,000.00 of
the $100,000.00 allocated to us for the 2014-2015 year has not been used up and we will have to provide the Infrastructure Secretariat with Capital Investments Plans showing that the total funds of $500,000.00 allocated to us for the 5 year period from 2014-2015 to 2018-2019 ($100,000.00 per year) will used for specific projects each year up to the 2018-2019 fiscal year.
a) Fire Dept
– Council Fire Dept Committee – Pat MacLellan has now taken over the position as the chair for the Fire Dept committee and he recently attended the Firemen’s June monthly meeting.
– Cleaning Fire Dept Turn Out Gear – Council discussed other alternatives to cleaning the firemen’s turn out gear.
b) Recreation – Following discussion Council agreed to look at the playground equipment to
see if any of it needs to be replaced.
c) Planning
– Permits Issued
– dwelling located at 83 Lady Slipper Drive North are going to a construct covered veranda
– Est of Donald Gillis – Application to Subdivide – Judy advised Council that we have not received any objections back from DOT on the application to subdivide a portion of the property owned by the Estate of Donald Gillis located on Main Drive West. Following discussion Council agreed that they had no objection to the application on the condition that the portion to be subdivided off the property is for the sole purpose of being added to and becoming part of the adjacent property owned by MCM Holdings and not for the purpose of creating a new lot.
d) Sewer – Outstanding Sewer Accounts
Council was advised that we had Notice of Disconnection letters served on three property owners by JC Security and that two of the property owners, paid all their outstanding arrears while one, made a $300.00 payment against his outstanding sewer charges.
e) Acadian Purchase Trust – Council was advised that we have now received payment of the
commercial portion of the Provincial property tax, annual land rental and the semi annual installment for the royalties.
f) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights – Ivan reported that he has spoken with a
representative of Maritime Electric who has agreed to come out and meet with members of Council
to look at what our current street light requirements should be. Ivan also reported that he was also advised by Maritime Electric that if we installed sidewalks along the north side of Kelly Drive they would be willing to move the street lights to the north side of Kelly Drive at no cost to the Community.
g) Community Improvements – John advised that there are a couple of trees at the Church park
that are dead and need to be removed. This is going to be done by Jerry Arsenault’s Tree Service.
h) Finance – Nothing new to report.
a) Federation of PEI Municipalities – Annual Meeting
Peter reported that he and Joan recently attended the Federation of PEI Municipalities annual meeting and part of the discussions this year included Amalgamation of unincorporated areas again. Another topic was greenspaces.
– Federation of PEI Municipalities Video – Council was also advised that the FPEIM will be working with Insight Marketing on developing a video on PEI Municipalities properties they own and services they provide. Any Municipality interested in participating can contact the Federation as soon as possible.
b) ATV/Motorcycle Complaint – Council was advised that we have received an email from a
resident on Antoinette Drive complaining about ATVs and motorcycles traveling along the sidewalk between Antoinette Drive and the School Road. Following discussion Council agreed that we will have our maintenance worker put up “No ATV’s or Motorcycles” signs at the sidewalk.
c) Miscouche Consolidated School – Annual “Best Effort Awards” given again this year to
the Miscouche Consolidated School in the amount of $200.00. The closing for Miscouche Consolidated School is scheduled for June 24th at 6:30 P.M. Joan advised that she will be attending on behalf of Council.
d) Community of Miscouche Annual Bursary – Peter advised that he is checking with Mike
MacKinnon to see if any decision has been made by Three Oaks selection committee yet as to who this years recipient will be.
e) Annual “Ed Laughlin” Memorial Service Person of the Year Award. – Council members
agreed that we should start advertising for Nominations for this years award and put notices in the Church bulletin and at the post office as well. The award is presented at the annual Church Picnic to be held in early August.
f) Rec Centre – Fuel leak – John advised Council that there was a leak in the furnace oil
filter recently that resulted in some furnace oil spilling onto the floor inside the Rec Centre.
First onsite was called in to do a preliminary cleanup and to ventilate the area. We should now have spread some absorbing material over the area to finish soaking up any residue that may still be remaining. John also advised that the Dept of Environment were made aware of the oil leak and were satisfied with the cleanup procedure.
g) Michelle Perry – Council discussed the possibility of hiring Michelle Perry for 12 to 20
hours per week to assist at the Rec Centre and the Community office.
MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $63,244.99 is approved.
10. NEXT MEETING – Next regular monthly meeting will be July 14, 2015 at 7:00 P.M.