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Monthly Council Meeting
June 14th, 2022
Mayor Albert Gallant called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Albert Gallant – Mayor
Allan Parks – Deputy Mayor
Jacqueline Lecky- Councillor
Pat MacLellan – Councillor
John Searle- Councillor (Absent)
Ivan Blanchard- Councillor
Joan Arsenault – Councillor
Michelle Perry- CAO
A resident addressed council on why there is only equipment bought for the Skate Park when some of the other parks do not even have a swing set. Council advised the resident that it was requested by residents to have more equipment at the skate park, and they received funding to purchase it. And they can definitely look next year at updating some of the equipment at Kelly Dr and Steepleview parks.
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest: No one declared a conflict of interest.
3. FIRE DEPARTMENT: Chief Jason Woodbury gave the following report. The fire department was looking into a new insurance provider for the department that covers volunteer departments. They also charge an extra fee for off duty as well. Michelle will get copies of the insurance that they have now and the new insurance to all the council to review at next meeting. The water source, Jason strongly recommends that the council hire a consultant to determine the best place in the community to put a hydrant for now and future development. Michelle was filling out the paper for the Deep water well for the community, but they need to know where the well will be going before they can give us any information. Allan received permission from council to farther investigate to see if he can get some information on what they need to do. There were some officer changes in the department Travis and Kenny are now Lieutenants. Also, it is that time of the year to have the trucks detailed. The last members that needed uniforms have ordered them and will be paying for them and Jason wanted to know if council would consider helping pay for them since there has been about $16,000.00 in the equipment budget that has been covered by grants. He also wanted to make council aware that the department has been putting money away to go towards the new rescue truck when it comes time to purchase it. Memorial Weekend in Ottawa the department is sending 2 people and the chief is going and wants to know if the council will help cover the cost of the trip. The $10,000.00 from government was not spent on any equipment yet, and Jason stated that he was speaking with Minister Fox, and he stated that the money can only be used for equipment only. Council discussed the uniforms and have decided that they will not give anything on them for now and will reevaluate at the end of the budget year.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried
THAT the community pay for the detailing on the 4 trucks at $200.00 per truck.
Motion made by Allan Parks not to fund any for the Memorial Weekend in Ottawa no seconder motion died.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard seconded by Jacqueline Lecky
THAT the community fund $300.00 towards the trip to Ottawa.
Pat MacLellan amendment the motion to pay $1000.00 for the trip Joan Arsenault seconded it. 3 councilor opposed the motion. Motion died, Motion reverted back to Ivan and Jacqueline motion of $300.00 towards the trip and that motion was carried.
4. MAINTENANCE REPORT: Monty MacAusland for maintenance gave the following report:
Museum Sidewalk is not part of the community is belonging to the museum and they are aware that it needs to be replaced and they are waiting for a contractor to give them a price. Also, there are about 30 sidewalk stones that need to be done around the community and out of the 30, 2 need to be replaced this year. So, he will get a price per stone on replacement and bring it back to council. Also, some kids in the bike park are taking the equipment and putting it on the grass and dragging branches and leaving garbage everywhere at the skate park which is making his job more difficult for cleaning. Michelle will add something to the newsletter advising parent to have their kids respect the equipment.
5. REC CENTER REPORT: Councillor Jacqueline Lecky gave the following report: All is well
6. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Meeting minutes for May 10th, 2022
MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Jacqueline Lecky and carried
THAT the minutes for May 10th, 2022 be approved as presented.
a) West Lagoon Upgrades: No update. Council asked if Michelle could reach out to WSP to make sure that the work that needed to be done this summer was getting done.
b) New Snow blower Trackless: The trackless has arrived and the payment is due. Acadian Purchase Trust donated $65,000.00 towards the purchase price.
c) Wilfred St Property: The rental property that was sold has had a lot of garbage left behind and the residents were complaining about the mess. Michelle was in contact with the new owner, and he will return to the island in June or July and the property will be cleaned up.
d) Summer Party: Council will have their summer party on July 17 at Family & Friends in Kensington at 6:00 pm.
e) Resident Solar Panels Ground Mounts: Allan & Michelle looked through the bylaw and the community does not need to amend the bylaw as the ground mounts are covered under structures. There will be a $50.00 fee for the permit.
f) Office hours for the Municipalities: Allan and Michelle met with representatives from St Nicholas and Linkletter on June 6. And Allan recommendation to council is to continue not charging the other communities at this time for office hours as this is not disrupting Michelle day to day activities. If council agrees they will draw up a MOU for all 3 communities and this will be looked at yearly in December, so if they require funding for it down the road the communities will have time to added it to the budget.
MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried
THAT the Community does not charge office hours for Linkletter or St Nicholas and for it to be revisited yearly.
g) Efficiency Audit: Michelle has filled out all the necessary paperwork and has all the information to finish the application. It will be submitted in the next day or two.
a) Fire Dept: Already discussed.
b) Planning Board- Development Permits- 27 Laughlin St New Single-Family Dwelling. 10 Lady Slipper Dr N Storage Shed.
c) Sewer: nothing to report
d) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights: Nothing to discuss
e) Community Improvements:
f) Finances: The auditor will have the Financial Statements ready for the August 9th meeting
MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Jacqueline Lecky and carried
THAT the payment of the bills totaling $ 253,700.24 are approved.
a) Painting the lines at the Firehall and Rec Center: council was submitted a quote of $950.00 for both parking lots parking spaces and disable parking painted.
MOTION moved by Jacqueline Lecky seconded by Allan Parks and carried
THAT the community have the parking lines and disable signs painted for both the Firehall and the Rec Center parking lots for $950.00.
Motion Carried
Pat MacLellan voted No.
b) Welcome Signs in the Community: Ivan stated that the signs are in pretty rough shape and should be replaced. Council gave him the go ahead to contact the Museum to see if they will have them replaced as they purchased them.
c) Eddie Laughlin Award: The information will be posted, and the due date will be August 1 as the award will be given out at the Parish Picnic which will be August 14th, 2022.
d) Grad 9 Graduation Miscouche Consolidated: council received a request to help out with prizes for the graduation.
MOTION moved by Jacqueline Lecky seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried
THAT the community donate $200.00 towards prizes for the Grade 9 Graduation.
e) Speeding on Laughlin: There has been some complainants about speeding on Laughlin st. and the residents were wondering if there would be a possibility of speed bumps put on the street. Council will have to reach out to Government to see if this is possible as they own the roads.
f) Summer Student Program: The community has received funding to hire 2 students for the program for kids aged 5-12. This program will start on July 11, 2022
11. NEXT MEETING: July 12th, 2022
MOTION moved by Allan Parks THAT the meeting of June 14th, 2022 be adjourned.