Monthly Council Meeting
June 13th, 2017
Chairperson Ivan Blanchard called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M
Ivan Blanchard – Chairperson
John Gillis – Councilor
Robin Gillis- Councilor
Pat MacLellan – Councilor
Joan Arsenault – Councilor
Ricky Myers- Councilor
Michelle Perry- Administrator
Morley Foye from Waste Water Provincial made the following presentation: Planning for the Future
Morley went over the Provincial and Federal regulations for Municipalities.
He also went over the sampling results from both lagoons in the last 2 years. And for the most part both lagoons testing very good. there is some concerns about the west lagoon which eventually with the new Federal rules this will need to be upgraded. It was suggested to make a plan and see what needs to be done and pick away at it so that it doesn’t have to be all done at once. He also stated that there needs to be some upgrades done to the West Lagoon on the banks and the sludge should be removed, but he said that Preston could do an analyst on the sludge to see how much is in there. Morley also said that in the near future a remote alarming system should be put in East Lagoon and a UV Light or Disinfection system needs to be put in the West Lagoon. The Cement pipes will need to be replaced as it is coming on 70 years since they have been installed and he stress that having them videoed is a good idea so you know where the problems are and can replace them a little at a time. Morley wanted to have the Municipality start planning now for the future so they know what it cost to do the upgrades and when there is funding available to take advantage of this and with a plan they will know what it is going to cost.
Council thanked Morley and he left.
Jacqueline & Ken Lecky and their 2 kids came in to discuss the new changes to the Skate Park. They are spearheading the committee for these upgrades.
They discussed the changes to be made for only paving half of the pad and covering it with Portland Cement, and the 2 new pieces of equipment. Ivan told them that the changes have been approved and the ok was given. They also requested advertising the new upgrades and maybe having a BBQ and the Grand Reopening of the Park and if council is will to invest money in Hotdogs and Hamburgers and maybe a few prizes to give away.
Council advised that they will take a look at this and they will get back to them on this. They thanked Jacqueline, Ken and the 2 kids and they left.
John Searle concerns about the donation to the Church:
John explained that he had a petition going around about the donation to the church and there was a lot of people who did not even know that this was going on. Yes it was put in the paper but realistically no one reads the paper anymore. And for a major decision like this there should have been flyers or another way to reach all the public to make them aware of what was taking place so everyone could have their opinion.
He also read a information sheet from the Municipal Affairs and Provincial planning website on Conflict of Interest. And suggested that John Gillis and Ivan Blanchard were in a conflict of interest and should not been part of the donation to the church as they were both on the board for the parish before. Ivan explained that he was talking to John Dewey from the Federation and Minister Robert Mitchell, about this and they did not see that there was a conflict of interest and that council did follow the proper procedure for notifying the public. John Searle asked for John Gillis and Ivan Blanchard to do the honorable thing and resign from their positions. He also advised that he had letters from Samantha Murphy advising not to give the donation to the church unless there was a By Law in place for other organizations to access funds as well. John Searle stated that the amount that was given was the big question and that it should not have ben $15000.00.
Council thanked John Searle and he left the meeting.
2. FIRE DEPT REPORT: Chief Jason Woodbury was not available to give a report.
3. MAINTENANCE REPORT: Monty wanted to know if he could call and get the sewer lines booked in to be flushed in September and if there was going to be Videoing this year. John Gillis advised to have the sewer lines booked in but to get a price on the videoing the Main Dr and Lady Slipper Dr N.
Also the 2 reports were faxed out to Curran Briggs and Government Garage on all the repairs that needed to be fixed from winter & spring. Nothing has been done yet but they said that it may take some time to get it all fixed.
4.REC CENTER REPORTS: At this time Robert Gallant gave the following report, Bingo was down this week only about 76 people. Robert also got a price of $466.51 for vinyl siding for the garbage shed and he would do the work to put it on. The casing around the oil tank needs some work before it gets done a new roof and the plywood needs to be replaced. Robert will contact Chris Gallant and Urban Maclellan for 2 prices in replacing the whole incasing.
Air rifles and Archery are done for the Summer Months, and Robert was unable to get a hold of the guy who’s selling the scrubber. Ivan suggested that we try it first before it is bought to make sure it works cause it is a used item. Michelle will contact the cleaning ladies to see about a price to strip and wax the floors at the rec center and to see if this could possible be done by July 1st, There will be no Bingo July 2nd, as the Book launch will happen that day and he is not sure what time they will be finished.
Council thanked Robert and he left the meeting
5. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: May 9th , 2017.
MOTION moved by Ricky Myers, seconded by John Gillis and carried,
THAT the minutes of the May 9th, 2017 be approved as presented.
a) Carbon Tax: Michelle and Robin drew up a letter for Council advising Premier Wade MacLauchlan the council was not in favor of the Carbon Tax. Michelle read the letter a few changes were made and then the letter will be sent to the Premier and MLA Sonny Gallant and see if a reply gets sent.
b) Chicken Coop on Antoinette Dr. A resident had complaints about a chicken coop in the sub division. A letter was sent to the residents and the chicken coop is still there and no one replied. New By law will be in place before the Fall to prevent this from happening again.
c) Dinner for the Ladies doing the Funeral Luncheon. The letter was sent to Claire DesRoches advising that council will pay for a meal for the 6 of them but no word from them as to when they are going. Joan said that she will check with Claire.
d) German Shepard’s on Kelly Dr: Pat was not able to be in contact with the homeowners he said that he will try again.
e) Bursary: we had 1 applicant for the bursary however they did not qualify as they just lived outside of the Community Boundaries.
At this time John Gillis left the meeting.
a) Fire Dept: A letter was read asking for a donation for a monument in front of the Fire Hall that will honor the men and women who have served the community as a volunteer firefighter since the department first started in 1956.The cost is approximately $22,000.00. This was table for a future meeting so council can think about this.
Fire Department would like to know that since they will not be ordering 3 out of the 6 bunker gear they want to know if they can order the uniforms for the ones that will be going to Ottawa this year as none of them have uniforms, and since it is a very distinguished event they don’t want to look out of place. Council agreed to let them order the new uniforms as these will be cheaper than the bunker gear.
b) Planning Board- Building Permits-Villa 3rd floor renovations.
c) Sewer: Past due accounts: There are 11 past due accounts from $289.00 to $464.06.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by Ricky Myers and carried,
THAT the certified letters be delivered to the past due sewer accounts to make payment.
d) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights: New Street light was put in at pole 65988
e) Community Improvements: Renovations have been completed except for the Cove Base up stairs waiting for City Flooring to come back to install.
f) Finance: With the new Sidewalks on Kelly Dr we need to borrow the money to complete the last phase.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by Ricky Myers and carried,
THAT the Community refinance the Sidewalk Loan to cover this year cost and take it out over 5 years. With the payments coming out in August and January.
MOTION moved by Joan Arsenault seconded by Robin Gillis and carried
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $85,386.52 is approved.
a) By Laws creating new ones. Next month the council will get the By Laws and they will have a month to review them and then add any new ones that they want to put in.
b) Prince County Bed & Breakfast: They are requesting permission for a liquor license to open a small restaurant and lounge in their newly renovated basement.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan, seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried,
THAT the Prince County Bed & Breakfast be given permission to have a Liquor License at their establishment.
c) 32 Main Dr E which backs onto Kelly Dr, received a tractor trailer load of wood and broke 3 lengths of the sidewalk. A letter was sent to the homeowner advising that the damage will need to fixed at their expense.
d) Donation to Miscouche Consolidated for the awards for the grade 9 graduating class.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan, seconded by Ricky Myers and carried,
THAT the Miscouche Consolidated School be given a donation of $200.00 to go towards the awards for the Grade 9 Graduating class.
e) PCH: A letter was sent from the PCH looking for a donation towards their equipment fund.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan, seconded by Ricky Myers and carried,
THAT the PCH be given a donation of $1000.00 towards the equipment fund.
f) 2 thank cards were read from Ivan & Jean Blanchard for the late Wayne Blanchard and Ronnie Blanchard & family for the Late Leslie Blanchard, also a thank you letter was read from St John the Baptist on the recent grant that was given.
g) It was suggested that going forward when there needs to be a special meeting called for residents that flyers be sent out so that everyone will know what is going on and then everyone can give their opinion.
h) Student Employment: We have received word that we can hire 2 students. So council has agreed to hire Noah Corkum and Madelyn Reilly to run the summer program for 8 weeks.
11. NEXT MEETING: July 11th, 2017