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Monthly Council Meeting
June 12th, 2018.
Chairperson Ivan Blanchard called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
Ivan Blanchard – Chairperson
John Gillis – Councillor
Robin Gillis- Councillor
Pat MacLellan – Councillor
Ricky Myers- Councillor
Joan Arsenault – Councillor
Michelle Perry- AdministratorChief Jason Woodbury
Robert Gallant Manager Rec Center
Alex Deziel Infrastructure Secretariat
Jessie MacDougall Infrastructure Secretariat
Alex and Jessie gave a presentation on the new Asset Management tool that was being offered to all the Communities which is a website that all the community assets. The New Asset Management 5 year plan will be in-place by March 2019 for all the communities, and Infrastructure is trying to get all the municipalities on board with the project, and to make it easier from them. Infrastructure went to all the communities last year and got all their plans for water and sewer and got all the coordinates for each one and put it on a web site to make it easier to view and have the information at your finger tips rather that searching through maps. The program also gives you a cost of replacement value and when things need to be replaced. The program cost $165.00 a year for Level 1 service which is you have access to the information however it is inputted by Infrastructure every year. Level 2 is $800-900 for a year and you get the same as Level 1 however you can update the information and have more access to change information.
Council thanked Jessie and Alex for coming and they will review the information and make a decision. Alex and Jessie left the meeting.
Council thanked Jason for the report. There were 5 calls in the month and the Fire department will be having their summer party on August 18th and are hoping that the community will pay for the food as they did last year. EMO plan with the new MGA in affect there is a little more information that needs to be done with the EMO plan. Their should be a committee that overseas it, and there also needs to be a By Law in place for the Emergency Measure Plan. Jason gave Ricky the file and asked council to review it and that there will need some things to be changed as st Nicholas are dissolving as a community as they are unable to sustain themselves so they will need to be removed from the plan.
Council thanked Jason for the report.
3. MAINTENANCE REPORT: The trees were planted on the property on Antoinette Dr, and Monty has gotten confirmation from the residents that he can maintain the grass between the properties and the Rec Center.
4. REC CENTER REPORT: Robert Gallant gave the following report: There has only been 1 loss so far this year with the Bingo’s. He still is short a few volunteers but they are making it work. Robert will be going in for surgery tomorrow morning for his wrist, and he will be laid up for a few weeks and he wanted to know if he can hire someone to help with the cleaning and setting up the tables the rest of the paperwork he should be able to do. Ivan advised to check with Bobby ad Monty to see if they have time to help. And he also wanted to know that when it comes time to replace the oil tank cover if council wanted him to do it or hire someone to do it, if they want him to do it then he wants to make sure that he gets paid over and above the time that he has allotted for the Rec Center he figures an extra 12-15 hours to put the siding on and to replace the roof. Ivan advised that council will discuss this before the end of the night.
5. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Meeting minutes for May 8th, 2018.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by Robin Gillis and carried
THAT the minutes for May 8th, 2018 be approved as presented.
a) Rock at Steeple View: Bobby cleaned the stone and he noticed that it is cracked and pieces are breaking off of it. Robin thought that it would be a good idea to place the memorial stone for Donnie Gillis at the bottom like they do at the Children’s Memorial Park. Ivan will contact Dave Blanchard to get some information on the plaques that they use. It was also suggested that Michelle call East Prince to see about a granite sign engraved and the cost of it.
b) By-Laws: Michelle was in contact with Municipal affairs to see what By Law Miscouche had created and there was very few, so council has decided to meet on June 26th, 2018 at 7:00 pm to just do By Laws cause there is a lot that needed to be created.
c) Fall at the Rec Center: Robin Gillis and John Gillis left the meeting as this was a conflict of interest to them. Public was asked to leave the meeting so council could discuss the personal information. After the discussion was done the public was asked to join the meeting,
MOTION moved by Ricky Myers seconded by Joan Arsenualt and carried
THAT the Ambulance bill of over $700.00 be paid as a result of a fall that happened at the Rec Center in 2015.
d) Corcoran Farm’s: Council received a verbal complaint from a resident on Main Dr about the condition of the property. The resident was asked to send a letter, and they have not received it as of yet. Robin suggested that Ivan contact the resident and have a conversation.
MOTION moved by Robin Gillis seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried
THAT the resident on Main Dr be contacted and about the condition of the property adjacent to them
to see what council can do to get the ball rolling in having the property cleaned up.
e) Cook’s Corner: Michelle visited the owner and they stated that they are just making the parking lot bigger, and they assured that they were on their property. Ivan stated that the owners are waiting for the property sale so they can purchase the land. However the Community has a lean on the property as the community paid for the house to be demolished years ago.
f) Grant for the Congress 2019: The community was looking into applying for a grant to build a new Gazebo and purchase 3 new flag poles. Ivan was looking into to see if the cost share can be done with Skills PEI, as the Gazebo and the Flag Poles are for the CMA 2019 as Miscouche is one of the host communities.
MOTION moved by John Gillis seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried
THAT the Community Revitalization Program Grant for up to $100,000.00 be applied for under the condition that there is no cost to the Community.
g) Cleaning Tender: There were 4 sealed bids that came in for the cleaning tender, however there was a question as to who’s insurance it is that covers if an independent contractor gets hurt on the job. So farther information will need to found out before this can be determined.
MOTION moved by John Gillis seconded by Ricky Myers and carried
THAT the Cleaning tender now be changed to once a month instead of bi-weekly.
h) Summer Student: We have be approved for 2 students, however the 2 that were suppose to start have changed their minds and have gotten work somewhere else. Michelle has received 2 more applications, so she will set up an appointment with the student to see if they feel comfortable in running a kids program for the summer.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by John Gillis and carried
THAT if the 2 students are comfortable in running the children’s program for kids age 5-12 that they be hired for the summer.
j) Walking Trail Parking Lot: Bobby got a price of $1000.00 from Curran Briggs for 25 tonnes of 3/4 minus to be put in the parking lot to make a parking pad.
MOTION moved by John Gillis seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried
THAT the gravel be purchased and delivered to the walking trail and Monty will spread it out for the parking pad.
k) Gym Equipment at the Park: Michelle called the company that provided the equipment however they are out of business. So she sent an email to an affiliated company to see about buying replacement parts and no one answered and they do not have a 1-800 # and they are located in the USA. Robin suggested to contact Summerside to see if they have a company that they deal with or see if a welder can make the replacement foot pedal.
l) Grates for the Fire Hall: Iron Eagle Welding was out to measure the grates and look at the slide at Steeple View and just waiting for the quote.
j) Newsletter: The letter is ready to go for end of June just need to confirm the summer students so we can have the summer program advertised.
k) Bursary: We had 6 applicants that applied however there was only 1 that qualified Madelyn Reilly. Letter was dropped of at the school for the winner.
a) Fire Dept: Council received a letter from St Nicholas advising that they voted against the fire due increase. Michelle will look into this farther to see what the rules are for a requested increase. b) Planning Board- Building Permits- 1 permit build on 27 Gillis St, and a shed on21 Lady Slipper and a veranda on 58 Lady Slipper Dr
c) Sewer: Bills: 21 letters were hand delivered and 10 are yet to make contact or payment. Council decided to go ahead disconnect if no payment by June 30th, 2018.
d) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights: Light in the fire hall by the back bathroom needs to be changed as it is really dark and someone going to get hurt.
MOTION moved by John Gillis seconded by Ricky Myers and carried
THAT the Electrician be contacted to install a new light in the Fire Department Bay.
e) Community Improvements: There was a new no right turn on a red light at the corner of Main St and Lady Slipper Dr N that was not initiated by the community. Pat had received several complaints since the sign was put up. Michelle asked him to forwarded them to her so she can forwarded them off to Highways.
f) Finance: Nothing to report
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by John Gillis and carried
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $38,947.45 is approved.
a) 25 years of service for council: Ivan suggested giving a watch to anybody who served on council for 25 years. There is 2 possible Wayne Poirier and Albert Gallant. Michelle will check the reords to see how long they were on council.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by Robin Gillis and carried
THAT any council member who has served 25 year will receive a gold watch from the Community.
b) Water Samples: It was suggested to have water samples taken around the community.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by Ricky Myers and carried
THAT there be 4 water samples taken from North, South, East and West of Miscouche and it be the full test $160.00 plus tax for each one.
c) Rec Center Oil Tank hut: Council discussed and decided that Robert Gallant be paid above his hours to redo the Oil Tank hut siding and shingles.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by Robin Gillis and carried
THAT Robert Gallant be paid the extra hours above his regular hours to shingle the roof and replace the siding on the Oil Tank Hut at the Rec Center.
d) Damage on the Property by Country Oven: Last week there was a young fellow that was on a dirt bike and tore up the grass down by the Country Oven. The police were called and we are waiting for the report as to what happened. The grass needs to be fixed and the holes filled and Monty and Bobby said it would be a good days work as the dirt needs to hauled from the Rec Center, Council decided to wait till they get the Police Report to see what they will do.
e) Sign for CMA 2019: CMA will be erecting a sign to promote the 2019 Congress and they will pay for 1 sign. This sign will stay up for 1 year, and will be unveiled on August 10th, 2018.
MOTION moved by John Gillis seconded by Robin Gillis and carried
THAT the 10′ X 10′ Sign be placed down on the property by the Country Oven next to the Welcome to Miscouche Sign.
f) AA Room Door: The door needs to be replaced going into the AA room from the Fire Hall as it is a hollow door and there is a lot of noise from the Fire Hall side when the fire trucks are backing in. There is a solid wood door in the utility room, and Michelle will check with Monty and Bobby to see if they can change the door and then repaint it.
g) Eddie Laughlin Award: Michelle will put and ad in the Journal for the award and put the poster up and send it to the bulletin as well.
h) Property Down by Scooters: The developer was in touch with the office and he will set up a meeting at the end of month to meet with council on the developments.
i) Ball Field: Pat asked if the Ball Field could be scraped before they start using it. Pat said there was on for sale at Princess Auto for couple hundred. Ivan suggested that he get Monty over with a couple of pallets with bricks on it to scrape.
j) Excessive Dog Barking: There was 2 complaints that came in the other day about a resident that has 4 dogs that bark constantly on Augustine St. Michelle talked to one of the complainant and they did not want to make bad neighbors by reporting it as the residents with the dogs they were just a new couple that moved into the community. Michelle suggested that they talk to the neighbor to voice their concern to see if something can be done as the complainant said that they talked to the resident a few times and they said if there was any issues with the dogs barking to please let them know. Michelle advised that if talking doesn’t work to call her and she will send a letter to the resident.
11. NEXT MEETING: July 10th, 2018