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Regular Monthly Meeting
June 12, 2013
Chairperson, Peter Mallett, called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Peter Mallett – Chairperson
Ivan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson
Joan Arsenault – Councilor
John Gillis – Councilor
Ben Murphy – Councilor
Mike MacKinnon – Councilor
Judy Gallant – Administrator
And: Preston Silliker – Prince County Wastewater Management
Preston Silliker gave the following reports
– Lagoon and UV System Maintenance – The grass cutting around the lagoons has begun as
pulling out some of the bullrushes. Preston has ordered new UV lights and sleeves.
– Lagoon Testing – The province wants more testing done at lagoons and the current test
results are consistent.
– Annual Cleaning of Sewer Mains – Preston advised that we should start picking some
areas of our sewer mains which should be cleaned this year. Preston recommended that we should
wait until sometime in September to carry out this work because there is less traffic at that time of year. He is willing to work with our maintenance worker, Bobby DesRoches, to help select the areas that should be done this year.
– Catch Basin on Main Drive West – Preston asked if the catch basin on Main Drive West
was repaired yet and if not. John advised that he will make arrangements to get this done.
Council thanked Preston for his reports and Preston left the meeting.
3. FIRE DEPT REPORTS – No one from Fire Dept was available to give a report.
4. RECREATION CENTRE REPORT – Ivan reported that they are still trying to set up
a meeting with the board and volunteers.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by Ben Murphy and carried
THAT the minutes of the May 8, 2013 regular, May 15, 2013 special Council
and May 21, 2013 special public meetings be approved as presented.
a) Sidewalk Project – Ivan reported that he is still waiting for B.G. Construction to put in
the markers for the new sidewalk on Main Drive West so that we can have it inspected and
receive final approval from the Dept of Transportation. He will try to have this done ASAP.
b) Maintenance Equipment – There were no other quotes presented other than the one
provided by Corcoran Farm Supply for $28,728.00. Following discussion
MOTION moved by Mike MacKinnon, seconded by John Gillis and carried,
THAT we purchase the tractor from Corcoran Farm Supply at the price quoted
by them.
Following further discussion:
MOTION moved by John Gillis and Ivan Blanchard and carried,
THAT we also purchase the salt/sand spreader attachment for the tractor.
c) Recreation Centre Questionnaire – The questionnaire will be going out to all the residents
of the Community with the notice of the public meeting for June 19th at 7:00 P.M. at the
Rec Centre
d) Trailside Acres – Ditchfilling – A. Murphy
Council was advised that the Dept of Transportation advised that they do not want to do this work because they feel that this is the homeowners responsibility. Council members feel that we should try to get Dept of Transportation to either do the catch basin or waive the need to one.
Peter also advised that the Community is not prepared to do the work since we do not own the ditches.
e) Donation to Church Cemetery Plaque- Council was advised that this project has been put
on hold by the Church and we have therefore cancelled our donation cheque.
f) Three Oaks – Community Bursary – Mike advised that he will let us know the name of student and the university so we can do up a cheque. Council was also advised that the graduation is set for Three Oaks on June 20th and a member of Council can attend to present the cheque on behalf of the Community. Joan Arsenault volunteered to go and if she can not make it then Peter will attend.
a) Fire Dept –
– Summer Family Picnic – Ivan reported that the firemen will be holding their summer family picnic here at the firehall on August 17th. Council members feel that the Community should only pay for the food for the picnic and they should pay for the supplies themselves then submit their bill to Council for the cost of the food so they can be reimbursed. Ivan will advise the fire chief, Jason, of Council’s decision.
– Jaws of Life – The firemen have applied for a grant to purchase this equipment.
– Canada Day – The firemen have decided that they will not be getting involved in.
– Cost of tearing down building at fire scene – Council was advised that PEI Mutual
has stated that they will not cover this cost.
b) Recreation
– Kids Summer Program – Mike reported that the program organizers have set up this program to be held at the Rec Centre every Wednesday afternoons during the summer and the
organizations will also look at getting funding to buy equipment for older kids aged 13 – 19.
– Small Halls Festival – Mike reported that we were too late for this year but we are
now on the list for next year.
c) Planning Board
– 4 New Permits issued:
– 3 Iris Court for new two storey single family dwelling.
– 67 Lady Slipper South for new private detached garage.
– 4 Iris Court for new two storey single family dwelling.
– 10 Heritage Drive – to place prebuilt storage building.
– Rezoning Application –
Council was advised that we have received an Application to rezone PID #843086 which is located between Scooters Dairy Bar and Mike DeVeau on Main Drive East from residential to Commercial so that he can construct a gas and commercial store operation. Judy advised that this property does not have any highway access other than the entrance already approved from Kelly Drive and the Province is the only one who can approve an entranceway from the Main Highway. The resident advised Judy that he hopes to be able to install a car wash on this site some time in the future. Judy advised that the Community does not have central water system and every property is on their own well. Council members reviewed our current Zoning and Subdivision Bylaws and our Official Plan which show the current land use as residential and future land use
as also being residential. Following discussion:
MOTION moved by Mike MacKinnon, seconded by Ben Murphy and carried,
THAT the application to rezone PID# 843086 located on Main
Drive East from Residential to Commercial for the purchase of establishing
gas and commercial store operation is denied because it does not fall within our
current Zoning and Subdivision Bylaws and Official Plan which show the
current land use and future land use are both residential.
d) Sewer – Nothing new to report.
Ivan asked Council to consider whether or not we should start paying any Council
member who may be called out to deal with a maintenance problem a fee of $25.00.
e) Acadian Purchase Trust – Judy reported that we have now received a cheque from
Miscouche Peat for the outstanding royalties, annual land rental and commercial portion of
the Provincial property tax.
f) Firehall Maintenance and Street Lights
– Repairs to sidewalk behind firehall – Council agreed that we will have to wait
until we know for sure where the new storage building will be put at the back of the firehall
to house the maintenance equipment/tractor. Then we should advertise for a call for quotes for the construction of the storage building.
– Seniors Wheelchair Access – Council members will need to wait until we know exactly where the new storage building will be placed before we can make the necessary improvements for the wheelchair access.
g) Community Improvements
– Tree Planting – Mike reported that he has sent in the application for the tree planting
– Unsightly Property on Wilfred St.
Council was advised that a letter had been sent to clean up his property and since then there has been some improvements made.
h) Finance – Nothing new to report.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by Ben Murphy and carried,
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling 20,408.73 is approved.
a) “Eddie Laughlin” memorial Service Person of the Year Award. For 2013 will be
presented at the Church picnic on Sunday, August 11, 2013. Advertise for nominations in the
Journal Pioneer 3 times in July with a deadline of July 25th for nominations.
b) Miscouche Consolidated School Grade Closing Invitations – Peter advised that he will
attend the June 24th closing.
c) Survey of Firehall/Municipal Building property – Following discussion Council members
agreed that if we find it necessary to ascertain the exact boundary lines around the firehall/Municipal Building property then we should have the property surveyed.
At this time Joan Arsenault was asked to leave the meeting.
d) Sidewalk Project Main Drive West – Following discussion Council Members agreed that
because of the constant problems and delays in getting this project started and completed this portion of the sidewalk project should be cancelled.
MOTION moved by John Gillis, Seconded by Mike MacKinnon and carried,
THAT we cancel the Main Drive West sidewalk project.
Ivan agreed to speak to the contractor B.G. Construction to advise him of Council’s decision.
At this time Joan Arsenault was called back into the meeting.
10. NEXT MEETING – The next regular monthly meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 10th at 7:00 P.M.