Monthly Council Meeting
July 9th, 2024
Mayor Albert Gallant called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Albert Gallant – Mayor
Allan Parks – Deputy Mayor
Ivan Blanchard- Councillor
Charles MacAusland Councillor
Corey Gillis Councillor
Patrick MacLellan Councillor
Jonathan Gallant Councillor
Michelle Perry- CAO
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest: No One declared a Conflict of Interest
3. MAINTENANCE REPORT: Monty MacAusland gave the following report: The new tractor was ordered and should be here by next week. And the new front tires will be installed on the bobcat tomorrow. Council discussed selling the old tractor but tabled it till next meeting so they can check into see what tractor are selling for. There was a bunch of garbage cans knocked over last night from Wilfred St all through Lot 16. Monty spent a couple of hours this morning cleaning up garbage on the sidewalks. Councillor Gillis also advised that sewer pipes for the seniors housing on Kelly Apartment A goes out to Lady Slipper Dr S. And B & C goes to Kelly Dr.
MOTION moved by Charles MacAusland seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried
THAT the council get the bobcat detailed before they sell it.
4. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Monthly Meeting June 11th, and Special Meeting June 20th, 2024
MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried
THAT the minutes for the Monthly Meeting June 11th, and Special Meeting June 20th, 2024 be approved as presented.
a) West Lagoon Upgrades: The fence poles are in, and the landscaping and generator still needs to be completed.
b) Hydrant: AJL has not started yet, and the government will fix the culvert so that the water will run through it better.
c) Generator for the Rec Center: CAO Perry sent an email to ACOA to see if the community paid the invoice in full and just took a picture when the generator was installed if that will affect the funding. She was also speaking with the contractor and informed council that he is able to contact another supplier to see if they can get a generator quicker. Council stated that we should also be checking with Bobby Morrissey office to see if he can guarantee the funding from ACOA.
d) Unsightly Property 100 Lady Slipper Dr S: Council received information from the resident that they are removing the siding off the building and they are still checking to see what it would cost to demo the building. Council had another discussion about updating or creating a new unsightly bylaw. CAO Perry stated that she will send every council the bylaw from Tignish and they can review and let her know what they want added to the bylaw.
e) Sewer line Kinsmen Rd: This project was started on Monday. Council still has not heard if the Minister has found any funding for it yet. CAO Perry will check with Minister Arsenault Office.
f) Summer Program: There are 3 students from Miscouche hired for the program and 1student volunteer. There are 22-25 kids registered for the program.
MOTION moved by Corey Gillis seconded by Charles MacAusland and carried
THAT the community give the summer student that is volunteering $300.00 for helping out for the program.
a) Fire Dept: Councilor MacAusland gave the following report: The department had 3 call last month. And they are looking at doing a fundraiser for the department and want to know if the community will let them use the Rec Center for Free and how will the bar sales be divided.
MOTION moved by Charles MacAusland seconded by Jonathan Gallant and carried
THAT the community allow the Fire Department to use the Rec Center free of charge for a fundraiser.
Allan Parks voted NO Motion Carried.
MOTION moved by Charles MacAusland seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried
THAT the profits for the bar for the fundraiser will go towards the new fire truck.
b) Recreation, Park, Playgrounds and Green Spaces: Councilor J Gallant gave the following report: Bingo are going good the numbers are going down a little due to time of year. New Playground equipment will be installed in August
c) Water & Sewer: Councilor Gillis gave the following report: The asphalt in front of 4 Main Dr E has not been done yet where the repairs were done. Councillor Gillis asked if the contractor could be contacted to see about finishing it.
d) Repairs, Maintenance and Village Properties: Councilor Blanchard gave the following report: The heat pump at the Rec Center was fixed. The windows on the front of the Fire Hall have not bee painted yet. 2 ceiling tiles in the main floor at the rec center were replaced.
e) PEI Federation of Municipalities: Councillor MacLellan gave the following report: He did not attend the last meeting so there is nothing to report.
f) Finances: Councillor Parks gave the following report: Everything is going good with the funds for the community.
MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried
THAT the payment of the bills totaling $42,764.74 be approved.
a) Thank you card from the Bursary winner: A thank you card was read to council from the 2024 Bursary winner Connor Arsenault. Connor will be attending Holland College in the Fall for Carpentry Course.
b) ATV Club signage on the Fence at the West Lagoon; The ATV club is asking if they can put signage on the fence at the West Lagoon.
MOTION moved by Charles MacAusland seconded by Corey Gillis and carried
THAT the community allow the ATV Club to put a limited amount of signs on the fence at the West Lagoon.
c) Rate increase from Prince County Waste Water: Council received a rate increase of $250.00 plus HST from Prince County Waster Water now that the new cell is working at the West Lagoon.
MOTION moved by Charles MacAusland seconded by Jonathan Gallant and carried
THAT the community accept the rate increase of $250.00 plus HST effective July 1 2024.
d) Sidewalks: There were 8 sidewalk stones that were replaced in the community as they were tripping hazards. The day before the stone was replaced at the Kelly Park entrance someone fell and broke their arm and glasses. This was never reported to the community therefore none of the council members knew anything about it. CAO Perry went to visit the person today however they were not home.
9. NEXT MEETING: Monthly Meeting August 13th, 2024
MOTION moved by Charles MacAusland that the meeting of July 9th, 2024 be adjourned.