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Regular Monthly Meeting
July 9, 2014
Chairperson, Peter Mallett, called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Peter Mallett – Chairperson
Ivan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson
Joan Arsenault – Councilor
Ben Murphy – Councilor
Mike MacKinnon – Councilor
Judy Gallant – Administrator
And: Jason Woodbury – Fire Chief and Paul Perry – Dep. Fire Chief
Absent: John Gillis – Councilor
Jason Woodbury and Paul Perry gave the following reports:
a) Tanker Replacement – The firemen looked at the used tanker that might be for sale in Port
Hill and after looking over the truck, fireman, Mike Gallant felt that the price that they were asking, $35,000.00 was too high considering the condition of the truck body etc.
Jason also reported that Irving Oil may have a used tanker coming up for sale in the price range of $10,000.00 to $15,000.00. Irving Oil is currently taking some of their gear off the truck and Jason is to give them a call back in a month or so to get further information on the potential sale.
Paul reported that he was able to obtain a quote from Kevin Simmons of Dunk River Industries
to retrofit a used tanker over for fire department use. The quote provided was in the amount of $21,558.00 plus HST.
b) Filling Private Pools – Jason reported that as a result of a recent incident concerning the
use of fire trucks to fill a private pool he has given notice to all the firemen no longer be permitted. Jason also asked that Councilors direct any questions they have directly to him or Paul and any requests made in the future to use fire department equipment should go directly to himself or Paul.
c) Church Request for Road Toll Fund Raiser – The Church has asked for permission to
set up a road toll during the Church picnic in August as a fund raiser for the church and if the fire department was willing to oversee it the Church would split the proceeds from the toll 50/50 with the fire department. Jason advised that the firemen have discussed this issue and they are willing to over see this fund raiser. (At this time Ben Murphy came into the meeting)
Paul advised that the Dept of Highways will need a request from the Community for a
permit for traffic authority in order to take over the roadway for this fundraiser. The application would be for a Special Event. Following discussion:
MOTION moved by Mike MacKinnon, seconded by Ben Murphy and carried,
THAT a request will be made to the Dept of Highway for a Special Event Permit
to allow the Community’s Fire Dept to set up a road toll during the Church picnic
conditional upon the firemen taking responsibility for operating and overseeing
this special event.Council thanked Jason and Paul for their attendance and Jason and Paul left the meeting.
Council was advised that our maintenance worker Bobby DesRoches has been working on cleaning up all the debris and branches which were damaged on and around the Community properties during the recent wind and rain storm. He is also repainting the floor of the gazebo at the church park.
a) Grant Application – Council was advised that we have received a letter from Brian
Schmeisser, Direct of Rural Development acknowledging receipt of our recent application for a grant under the Island Community Fund. The letter also contained a notice that if we begin any work on this project before receiving a decision from them they could disqualify our project for any funding under the Grant program, so we CAN NOT proceed until we receive their approval.
Council was also advised that we have published a Notice in the Journal Pioneer asking for tenders for the renovations and upgrades. The deadline for submission of the tenders is July 24th.
b) Energy Audit – Firehall and Rec Centre – Bill Drost has finished his final report and is
willing to meet with Council to discuss any questions Council may have on his report.
c) Festival of Small Halls – Council was advised that we have received a cheque in the
amount of $131.40 from Small Halls Inc. which represents 10% of the net ticket sales. The total amount of revenue for this event was $274.69 (this included ticket sales – $131.40, 50/50 draw – $56.00 and canteen sales – $87.29) Our expenses were $212.56 (this included lunch supplies for festival workers – $116.44 and advertisement in Journal – $96.12 plus hst).
MOTION moved by Ben Murphy, seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried,
THAT the minutes of the June 10, 2014 regular meeting be approved as presented.
a) Unsightly Property – 8 Main Drive W.
We are currently waiting for Waugh’s Construction to carry out the work.
b) Rec Centre – Mike reported that all the equipment that we had gotten for the Kid’s
activities appears to be missing.
c) Summer Students – We currently have two students hired for the summer. Jessica
Campbell under the Federal Program and Nicole Murphy under the Provincial program. In addition to other projects, they will also be setting up programs at the Rec Centre for kids.
d) Highway Issues:
– Kelly Drive Ditches – Peter reported that he has not received any new information on whether or not the DOT will fill in the ditches along Kelly Drive.
– Main Intersection – Island at store – The barrier island at the intersection of Main Dr
and Lady Slipper Dr. N. has been removed and concerns have been raised by some residents. Council will discuss this issue at next month’s regular meeting.
e) Sale of Lot 35 – Steeple View Subdivision – Council was advised that we have received
a deposit and an Agreement of Purchase and Sale has been signed with Gillis Heating to purchase Lot 35 at a price of $25,000.00 plus HST. The closing date is for the end of July.
f) Permanent Gas Tax Program – Judy advised Council that she had attended the
information meeting on Tuesday, July 8th . A presentation was given by Darlene Rhodenizer, Provincial Manager and Alex Dalziel, Asset Manager of the Canada- PEI Infrastructure Secretariat about the new program. The final details about the program are still being worked out and it will probably be September before the application forms “Capital Investment Plan forms”
are sent out to us. Council should start considering now what proposed projects we should be applying for.
g) Highway Issues (continued)
– Sidewalk Obstruction Complaint – 75 Lady Slipper Dr. N.
Judy advised Council that we have received a response from the homeowners at 75 Lady
Slipper Drive N. about their vehicles being parked on the sidewalk. They advised Judy that because of the location of their house on their small property they have limited driveway space. They also advised that one of their vehicles is currently not working but they are trying to have it fixed so it can either be moved or sold soon. In the meantime they will try to find some way of keeping their vehicles off the sidewalk.
– Kelly Drive – Pedestrian Safety –
Council was advised that we have received a copy of a letter that has sent to Sonny Gallant, our MLA about concerns he has about pedestrian safety. The resident had been struck by a vehicle on May 16th while walking along Kelly Drive and he feels that because there are no sidewalks along Kelly Drive the DOT should reduce the speed limit on Kelly Drive to 40 km per hour. Following discussion Council agreed that we should also send a letter to DOT endorsing the request for a speed reduction to 40 km per hour on Kelly Drive.
h) Annual “Ed Laughlin Memorial Service Person of Year” award.
Judy advised that notices have been posted at the Post Office and Store, as well as
in the Journal Pioneer calling for nominations for this year’s “Ed Laughlin Memorial Service
Person of Year” award. The deadline for nominations is July 30th.
i) “Community of Miscouche Bursary” – Council was advised that this year’s recipient of
the Community of Miscouche Bursary was Three Oaks student Jenna DesRoches of 112 Lady Slipper Drive N. She will be attending UPEI next year.
j) Maintenance Truck Replacement – Council was advised that a rebuilt 2005 Chev
Colorado extended cab truck was purchased at a cost of $4,500.00 plus HST. The truck requires some work to be done on it and the mechanic has started some of the repairs. Following discussion about the current condition of the truck Mike agreed to speak with the mechanic about what work needs to be done, if he can do the work and what the estimated cost for the mechanical repairs will be.
a) Fire Dept – Already discussed.
b) Recreation – BMX/Skate Board Park
– Additional ramps – As a result of requests made by the local youth Ivan asked Blaine Gallant if he could build a new wooden ramp for under $500.00. Council discussed whether or not there would be a liability issue with having a wooden ramps instead of a medal one. Following discussion Mike agrees to check with Generation X to see what type of ramps they are currently using and whether or not they are having any issues with them.
c) Planning Board
Building Permits
duplex with attached garages at 22/24 Gillis Street.
detached storage building at 3 Gillis Street.
– Council was also advised that we have received an additional building application for another duplex with attached garages at 26/28 Gillis Street.
d) Sewer –
– Lateral Replacement – 61 Kelly Drive –
Due to ongoing drainage problems a new sewer lateral line had to be installed at 61 Kelly
Drive. Since our sewer main was located on the opposite side of the road J.C. Drilling had to be hired to bore under the roadway in order to install the new line.
Request to Hook In to Community Sewer System
Council was advised that we have received a request from 57 Kinsmen Road asking for permission to connect into our central sewer system main line which is located on the opposite side of the road. This dwelling is located outside our Community boundary. Any installation would require boring under the roadway and the residents are aware of this.
They have agreed to cover all costs related to the installation of the sewer lateral line.
Following discussion:
MOTION moved by Mike MacKinnon, seconded by Ben Murphy and carried,
THAT permission be granted to connect their dwelling located at 57 Kinsmen Road, which is outside our
Municipal boundary, into our central sewer system main by way of a sewer
lateral line which would be placed under the Kinsmen Road and conditional upon
the resident being responsible for all costs associated with the
installation and any and all future maintenance or repairs and also conditional upon
the installation and connection being done by a qualified installer.
Judy will forward a letter to the residents advising them of Council’s approval on this matter and the conditions attached to the permission granted by Council.
e) Firehall Maintenance & St. Lights – nothing new to report.
f) Finance – Nothing new to report.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried,
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $28,948.81 is approved.
– 2014 Municipal Elections – Judy reminded Council that the Municipal Elections will be held in November of this year.
10. NEXT MEETING will be held on Wednesday, August 13, 2014 at 7:00 P.M.