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Regular Monthly Meetnig
July 14, 2015
Chairperson, Peter Mallett, called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Peter Mallett – Chairperson
Ivan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson
Joan Arsenault – Councilor
John Gllis – Councilor
Pat MacLellan – Councilor
Ricky Myers – Councilor
Judy Gallant – Administrator Michelle Perry – Adm. Assistant
2. MAINTENANCE REPORTS – Nothing New to Report.
3. FIRE DEPT REPORTS – In the absence of fire chief Jason Woodbury, Councilor Pat MacLellan gave the following report for the Fire Dept.
a) Washing Machine – The firemen having someone looking to see if a “used” commercial
washing machine can be purchased instead of a new one.
b) New Fan – The firemen recently purchased a new fan at an estimated cost of $4,000.00 plus
taxes. The fan is a larger type that the firemen use to get smoke out of building. Council members discussed the purchase of the fan being made without receiving Council’s prior approval of purchases over $1,500.00 as was previously discussed with Fire Chief Jason Woodbury and feel that the matter needs to be discussed with the Fire Chief.
a) Sidewalk Replacement – This work has now been completed.
b) Gutters & Downspouts – Council was advised that the gutters and downspouts on the Rec
Centre are in bad shape and should be repaired. Following discussion John agreed to check with Chris Gallant of Gutter Master to get an estimate for repairing the gutters and downspouts.
c) Insurance Claim – Snow Damage
Peter reported that Paul Davis group have repaired some of the damaged gyrock, however they did find mold behind the gyrock that was replaced. They did not check the stage area for mold behind that gyrock but Paul Davis Group will check with the Insurance adjuster to see if they should check out the stage area. Following discussion Council members feel that our Insurance company, not the Community, should be contacting the contractor, GIA Limited (Gerald Adams) about covering the cost for the repairs that needed to be done after they had installed the siding. Peter agreed to send off an email to our insurance adjuster advising him of Council position on this matter.
d) Insurance Claim – Oil Leak
Council was advised that since the cost of repairs was relatively low in this matter we will
not be going through our insurance company, but will pay the costs ourselves.
e) Insurance Cap
John feels that we should be contacting our insurance company to se if they will increase the cap limit for pollution cleanup. Peter advised that he has already spoken with them on this issue and they, the insurance company is currently looking into the matter. Once we receive a response from them Council members feel that we should set up a meeting with our insurance company agent.
f) Summer Students – Youth Programs
Peter advised that the summer students have begun working and are setting up programs for
the youth in the area. Peter and Michelle will be meeting with the summer students tomorrow to discuss some of the programs they are working on.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by John Gillis and carried,
THAT the minutes of the June 9, 2015 regular monthly meeting be
approved as presented.
a) Kelly Drive – Ditch Infilling and Sidewalk Project
Peter advised that DOT has agreed to cover the engineer costs for the project. Ivan suggested that instead of filling in the ditches we should ask the DOT to narrow the ditches instead and then install the sidewalk along the edge of the ditch area. We will need to speak to Stephen Yeo of the DOT to discuss this issue further.
b) Gas Tax – Capital Investment Plan for Remaining Portion
John suggested that we only list $400,000.00 as the total cost of the sidewalk to be spread over the remaining four years of the program with the remaining funds listed under the sewer upgrades.
c) Community of Miscouche Annual Bursary – This years recipient was Melissa MacKay who
will be attending St. Mary’s University. Joan attended the Three Oaks graduation as well as the Miscouche Consolidated School graduation on behalf of Council. Council members suggested that check with the School to see if they have a picture of Melissa accepting the award. Joan will check to see if they have one.
d) “Ed Laughlin” Memorial Service Person of the Year Award – The notices have been placed
in the paper and around the Community calling for nominations. The deadline has been set for July 23rd.
e) Additional Community Employee – Michelle Perry has now been hired to work for the
Community helping out at the Rec Centre and Community Office.
f) Provincial Wellness Grant – This grant does not cover the cost of purchasing any new
equipment for the BMX Park or playground. We will need to set up a meeting with Giselle Bernard and our MLA Sonny Gallant to see if there are any other grants available for Community and/or recreation improvements.
a) Fire Dept – Already discussed
b) Recreation – Rec Centre Bingo
Council was advised that there had been a few complaints recently about the bingos, which included, the time the doors open and the type of games being called etc. Council will need to discuss these issues with Robert Gallant, our Rec Centre manager.
Splitting Bingo Weeks with Firemen – Council also discussed the possibility of sharing the weekly bingos with the Firemen so they can also use it as a fundraiser for the Fire Dept. Pat will
ask the firemen at their next monthly meeting if they would be interested.
c) Planning
– Building permits issued this period were:
construction of a 32′ x 26′ detached garage at 31 Lady Slipper Dr. North
construction of a 60′ x 48′ duplex at 34/36 Antoinette Drive
– Trailside Acrea Subdivision – Phase Two – Lots 25 to 43
Council was advised that Peter and Ivan recently met with Orooba Mohammed, P.Eng with the DOT to discuss the Developers proposed completion of Phase Two of the Trailside Acres Subdivision. Since the majority of the agreements had been signed by the Developers during Phase One for lots 1 to 24 the remaining portion of the subdivision would now have to meet the requirements of the Dept of Transportation for the Road Agreement. One issue no longer required by the DOT is for a 66′ ROW to the Confederation Trail. Since the residents of the subdivision may still wish to access the Confederation Trail the DOT will ask that the developers provide a 24′ wide access from the subdivision to the Trail. The Developers will also need to complete the official application to subdivide the remaining the portions of the subdivision. Orooba Mohammed will keep us informed of any other changes that may be required by DOT.
d) Sewer
– Current Sewer Charge Rate Structure – Council was advised that we have received a letter from Heather Walker, an Analyst with IRAC, suggesting that we will need to look at increasing our sewer rates to ensure that we will have the revenues needed to cover our operating costs. Following discussion Council recommended that we send a copy of the letter off to our accountants for their review and meet with them soon to discuss this issue.
– Federal Dept of Environment – Federal Wastewater Systems Effluent Regulations and reporting. Council was advised that we have been informed by Stephanie Rheault, enforcement officer with the Environment Canada that we will need to begin filing regular reports on our sewer system as set out in their Wastewater Systems Effluent Regulations. Judy also advised that our Technician Preston Silliker advised that he also had to meet with them to discuss our sewer system and lagoons. Preston also advised that he does not have any experience with their reporting requirements and recommended that we contact our engineers who worked on our lagoons system to get more information and assistance from them on this issue. Following discussion Council agreed that we contact Luc Van Hul, P.Eng. of WSA Canada for his input into this matter.
– Annual Rotational Sewer Main Flushing – To be discussed at our September meeting.
e) Acadian Purchase Trust – Nothing new to report
f) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights
– Exterior Exhaust Vent from Fire Dept Bay Area – Council was advised that the exterior vent and siding on the west side of the firehall has recently been damaged. Following discussion Council members agreed to get Blaine Gallant of BG Construction to look at the damage to see if it can be repaired.
– Fire Dept Air Compressor – John advised Council that this should be moved from its current location. Following discussion Council agreed to have Blaine Gallant, BG Construction move the air compressor to a more appropriate location in the Fire Dept.
g) Community Improvements
– Complaint 29 Wilfred Street – Council was advised that we received complaints from residents on Wilfred Street concerning the current condition of the detached storage building located on property at 29 Wilfred Street. The building has
begun to partially collapse. Following discussion Council agreed to have a letter sent to resident, advising him to have the property cleaned up.
– Tree at Kelly Drive Playground – John advised that one of the old trees at the Kelly Drive
playground should be removed.
– Tree Planting Grant 2015 – Council was advised that our Summer Students have again applied for a grant for trees to plant again this year and we have been advised that there will be trees available for us. The summer students will be planting the trees at the Steeple View Subdivision playground, Kelly Drive playground and at the Church park.
h) Finance
– Gas Tax Unused Funds from 2014/2015 Fiscal Year – Council was advised that our accountants advised that we could put the $88,769.00 unused funds, which are referred to as restricted cash from the Gas Tax fiscal year 2014/2015 into a Term Deposit, as required under our agreement for Gas Tax funding.
MOTION moved by Ricky Myers, seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried,
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $39,131.68 is approved.
a) Replacement maintenance truck – Ivan reported that Frankie Goodwin’s Used Tire has
a 2007 truck for sale. The truck’s transmission is being replaced and he will be asking approximately $5,000.00 with a trade in of our old maintenance truck. Following discussion, Ricky agreed to look at the truck.
b) St. John the Baptist Church – Road Toll Fundraiser – The church would like to hold a road
toll again this year during their annual picnic. The firemen have agreed to run the road toll and they will be getting half the funds collected but the Church requires permission from the Dept of
Transportation to have a road toll. This permission would have to be requested by the Community. Following discussion, Council members agreed to contact Dept of Transportation to ask for permission to hold a road toll again this year during the Church annual picnic.
MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Joan Arsenualt and carried
THAT the regular monthly meeting normally held in August be cancelled.
The next regular monthly meeting will be held on September 8, 2015 at 7:00 P.M.