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Monthly Council Meeting
July 13th, 2021

Mayor Albert Gallant called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

Albert Gallant – Mayor
Allan Parks – Deputy Mayor
Jacqueline Lecky- Councillor
Pat MacLellan – Councillor
John Searle- Councillor
Ivan Blanchard- Councillor
Joan Arsenault – Councillor
Michelle Perry- CAO

2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest: No one declared a conflict of interest.

3. FIRE DEPARTMENT: Chief Jason Woodbury gave the following report. The Deputy Chief put in his official resignation letter to the department after 32 years of service. The fire department passed at the meeting to provide him with a retirement gift and wanted to know if council wanted to go in on it with them. The department is back to meeting in house and mask are optional. Jason met with the consultant and gave him all the required information on the department. Summer party is a go along and protocols do not change and the department wanted to know if council will donate for the food again this year. Christmas party is set for December 4th at the Legion. 5 members will be fitted for the bunker gear before it gets ordered. Truck cap on the fast rescue will need to be replaced and the department will cover the cost. The memorial is scheduled for September 18 and the agenda was given to the council members. John Searle added the following comments: the hose testing was completed and the hoses were ordered. Lights in the bay have been fixed. Fire Smart is being worked on and they will apply for funding in the spring of 2022. There were 4 calls last month and the department wanted to know what council wanted to do with the old BA tanks. Council has agreed that the department can sell them for scrape metal.

MOTION moved by John Searle seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried
THAT the Community go half on the retirement gift for the Deputy Chief which will be presented at the Christmas Party.

MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard seconded by John Searle and carried
THAT the Community donate the same as what they did in the previous years for the Fire Department Summer Party.

Albert thanked Jason for the report.

4. MAINTENANCE REPORT: Michelle Perry gave the following report for maintenance: Sewer flushing is going on this week, and there is 2 quotes for the slip tank with the pump.

MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by John Searle and carried
THAT the Slip tank be purchased for filling up the diesel for the new generators and the it be purchased through Corcoran’s Farm for the total of $1,995.25 taxes in unless one can be purchased at a cheaper price.

5. REC CENTER REPORT: Councillor Jacqueline Lecky gave the following report: Bingo are doing good we are averaging 95-100 people a week. There is an issue with trying to find another bartender for the weekend, and pricing maybe the issue on what the community pays. As this event the bar is opened from 4:30-11:30 and we are paying below minimum wage.

MOTION moved by Jacqueline Lecky seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried
THAT the Community pay $100.00 a person for the event on July 17th, 2021

Michelle got a quote for having the floors stripped and waxed at the Rec Center. Council wanted to another quote before they make a decision.

6. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Meeting minutes for June 8th, 2021

MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard seconded by Jacqueline Lecky and carried
THAT the minutes for June 8th, 2021 be approved as presented.

a) Greenspace in Heritage: Still a lot of kids playing ball hockey on the road in the subdivision and the residence want to know about clearing out a space in the greenspace to get them off the road. Michelle checked the deed and the community owns the land and it just says that it is greenspace. Council wanted to know the how much land it was and if they should get a quote for clearing it out. This could be something to research and put in next years budget to see if it is feasible.
b) West Lagoon ICIP Funding: Michelle sent an email and they are still deliberating and there has not been a decision made as of yet.
c) Skate Park Equipment Funding: The grant was applied for ACOA and the funding has been changed to 50% ACOA 30% Rural Development and 20% Municipality.
d) Fishermen’s Wharf: There will be 3 council and the CAO going and there guests on Friday July 16 for 6:30.
e) Covid Warrior Coin: The Fire Department will be nominated and a nurse and police officer in the community.
f) Disable Washroom: A contractor was in to look at the washrooms and the only washroom that will work for a disable washroom is the one off the seniors kitchen. This will be a project for next year.
g) Sidewalks on Wilfred St: Albert was still not able to get in touch with the engineer to see if they will put some money into the in-filling. So Albert and Allan will make some calls to see if they can get someone to come out to talk to council again to come up with an agreement.
h) Summer Program: This has started and it will run for 8 weeks. There are 2 students hired to run the program and they can have up to 10 kids.


a) Fire Dept: Already discussed.
b) Planning Board- Development Permits- No Permits
c) Sewer: New Generators and Panels have been put in and the new pumps arrived today. Also Monty needs to have his phone upgraded to a smart phone so he can have access to monitoring the system.

MOTION moved by John Searle seconded by Jacqueline Lecky and carried
THAT the Community upgrade the maintenance phone to a smart phone so that monitoring can be done on the lift stations.

d) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights: Pat MacLellan will check on Laughlin to get the pole number so the street light can be ordered.
e) Community Improvements:
f) Finances: Michelle is waiting for the invoice from AGL on the 5% holdback for Laughlin St which was to be paid on July 6th, 2021. Also Ivan was requesting more of a break down for the monthly totals on the revenue.

9. APPROVAL OF BILLS TOTALING $ 174,956.76. $127,364.50 of it was funded through Gas Tax for the generators and the panel for the Kinsmen Rd.

MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Jacqueline Lecky and carried
THAT the payment of the bills totaling $ 174,956.76 is approved.

a) Dog Park: Ivan received a request from a resident about putting a dog park in the community. The concerns council had with it as were there would be land for it and who would clean up in the park. Council decided that if someone wants to come forward to donate some land then they will revisit the request.
b) Solar Panels: Ivan was interested in getting more information is council wanted to seriously thinks about the potential of putting solar panels in the community to help with the cost of electricity, and since there is grants available to help with the cost.
c) Crime Stoppers Donation: annual request for the donation.

MOTION moved by Jacqueline Lecky seconded by John Searle and carried
THAT the Community donate $50.00 to the Crime Stoppers.

d) Utility Bylaw: Michelle received a sample Utility Bylaw that the community needs to amend their utility Bylaw to meet the MGA. She will review it to see what has changed from the old Bylaw. Also Allan suggested that we invite WSP and a representative from environment to come to the meeting for the public in September for the sewer rate increase, so they can answer questions that council will not be able to answer.
e)Evangeline Rec Center: Annual donation for the Arena sign.

MOTION moved by Jacqueline Lecky seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried
THAT the Community donate $150.00 for the arena sign to be placed back in the rink.

11. NEXT MEETING: August 10th, 2021


MOTION moved by John Searle THAT the meeting of July 13th, 2021 be adjourned.