Regular Monthly Meeting
July 12th , 20161. OPENING OF MEETING
Chairperson, Peter Mallett called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Present:Peter Mallett – ChairpersonIvan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson
John Gillis – Councilor (Absent)Ricky Myers – Councilor
Pat MacLellan – Councilor (Absent)Joan Arsenault- Councilor
Michelle Perry- Administrator
a) Monty was hurt last week but he is back on track he had taken a branch in the eye on Kelly which left him with 3-4 scratches on his eye and he was off work for a few days. Workers Compensation Report was filled out and they were notified.
b) Bobby had informed that the signs at the park on Kelly were in need of replacing. Ricky stated that he will have a look and see about getting prices to have them replaced if needed.
c) Bobby was in touch with Preston to set up a time in September to have the Sewer flushing done again and he wanted to know about flaggers. Peter stated that KM Liquid Waste should provide flaggers
At this time Generation XX came in with a few of their members and made a presentation to Council for letting them use their skate board equipment for a recent tournament held in Summerside. They presented a framed picture and a nice card signed by the kids.
The youth of Miscouche also gave a presentation on some things that they would like to have done to their skate park here in Miscouche. They are asking that the it be paved again as it is rough and uneven. They would also like a Bermuda Fun Box or a half pike so they can better perfect their tricks.
Angie Arsenault from Generation XX advised that she can help Council set up some fund-raising efforts and help in trying for some grants as this will better help the youth in the community stay active.
Council thank them for coming and that they will certainly look into this for next year, and maybe look for sponsors to support them as they did not realize that there was even a Scooter Team from Miscouche that go and compete in different places.
a) Fitzgerald & Snow are doing the gutter replacements and they are discovering what a poor job Adam’s did on the siding. The bolts are not long enough that were used to hold the siding on, and there was no caulking used around the siding. Fitzgerald & Snow are going to check the work and let Peter know what needs to be done while they are waiting for steel that they ordered. They talked about suing Adam’s and peter was trying to get a hold of Jeff at Fitzgerald & Snow but was unable to reach him.
b) Jessica and Madelyn started their summer program and they had 12 kids today and turned 3 away for tomorrow.
c) Ivan and Peter will set up a meeting with Robert to see if something can change at the bingo’s. and also to see about having inventory done before an event and then again at the end of the night.
d) Safe needs to be replaced at the Rec Center Ricky will check with the Fire Department to see if they have one that they do not use.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by Ricky Myers and carried,
THAT the minutes of the May 10th 2016 meeting be approved as presented.
a) Meal Cap for Ottawa: Since what the council set and what Jason asked for is not the same it was suggested to see what the Government Web Site says. It goes from $51-$74 a day depending on the travel this was tabled this till we get some more information.
b) Surface rust on Fire Truck. There was not that much rust on it and it was suggested to have fender Flares put on then you don’t have to worry about it again. Ivan will get a price, and Ricky will get a price from Andy Tire.7. COMMITTEE REPORTS:
Fire Dept: PO’s are in place and letter was sent to every business advising that anything over $200.00 needed a PO.
MOTION moved by Ricky Myers, seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried,
THAT all PO’s going forward for the Fire Department will be only signed by Peter Mallett or Ivan Blanchard.
b) Building Permits- None
c) Sewer: There are some past due sewer accounts so we will make a list and go over them to see which ones will be sent a letter. Also John Gillis asked Bobby to fix the ditches at the 3 places that had Sewer issues Ronnie MacLeod’s, Joan DesRoches and Sonny Dugay’s
d) Fire Hall Maintenance & Street lights: Ivan will set up a meeting with Giselle for when Peter gets back from Vacation to go over what funding is available for the renovations for upstairs all the quotes are in for the job.
e) Community Improvements: Nothing to report
f) Finance: Peter went to the Credit Union about getting a loan for the sidewalks on Kelly, and there was no issues they would just do a line of credit and pay it off when the Gas Tax comes in. So it will just be the interest that will have to paid each month. Also there is still some discussion about whether the Mortgage should be paid off for the Rec Center Peter will ask Giselle when he has the meeting with her to see if when applying for grants do they need to show that they owe money.8.APPROVAL OF BILLS
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard 2nd by Ricky Myers and carried
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $43,930.20 is approved.
a)Sidewalks on Kelly Dr the tenders were in the paper and it is set to close on July 21st
b) Paving at the Fire hall on the Museum side not sure if this will happen this year MLA Sonny Gallant was going to meet with the minister to see if this was possible.
c) The property on Wilfred Street has been cleaned up. MacIsaac Back Hoeing was in there last week and there was some concerns from the neighbors that there was stuff buried in the hole at the back. Environment was called and they were going to contact MacIsaac Back Hoeing to see what was done. Have not heard back from them yet.
d)St John the Baptist: the painting of the church has been put off till next year. Peter found some information on the by laws of the Municipality and it states that Municipalities should not support religious organizations, and because you are dealing with tax payers money you have to make sure that the Community is on board for supporting this decision. Ivan Blanchard will have no part of the discussion as he is on the board of St John the Baptist Property and Finance. This has been tabled till later on as there is not enough council to vote. Council will write a letter to the parish they will decide on what they want to say at their next meeting.
e) Amalgamation; There was a letter in the paper about a decision that was tabled but not passed on the Government forcing communities to Amalgamate, it was suppose to be revisited at the sitting in the fall. MLA Sonny Gallant was going to talk to the Minister to see what this was all about
f) By Laws: look at sending a copy of the By Laws out to residents especially about pool installation and having fences around their pools.
h) Ivan brought a tender in the paper from Alberton as they were looking for tenders for Audit he is going to find some more information as to why they were looking for tenders. Maybe something to look into
i) Subdivision: no word from AJL on if they are going ahead with the 2nd phase they will need to have a public meeting before they start.
j) Generation XX Ivan will ask Giselle to see if there is an equipment grant that they can get to help the kids get the new Skate Board equipment, and see about getting sponsors and funding for the kids10. NEXT REGULAR MEETING
Will be held on Tuesday, August 9th ,7:00 P.M.